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Song Ji hyo POV

She was looking around at different people on their best grown and suit . They wore the best grown and suit and jewelry . Yes , she is in a party she didn't even know what was the party for . Her so called husband called her , send the stylists and dragged her to this party and left her alone . That asshole!! Why did he even bring her to this party if he gonna leave her alone . She wore a black shoulder off dress which reached till her knee and black high heels and there is a yellow ribbon around her waist . Her hair is long and lucious . She was standing alone for most like 2 hours long , her feet hurt because of those stupid high heel . Her eyes roamed for her one and only husband and ...there he is dancing with his one and only girlfriend . She turned her heels and prepared to left the place but before she can , a boy , a handsome boy came to her , 

"Hi , what a beautiful lady like you standing here alone ?" He asked showing his cute dimple . She smiled at his warm treatment .

"Nothing " she answered , he continued.

"Shall we dance " he extend his hands and she laugh lightly ,accepting his request . He took her hands and then he placed his hands around her waist and her hands around her neck start swaying with the rhythm. 

"I 'm Rio" the boy said and she raise her eyebrows . Isn't he Korean .

"My mother is Korean and my dad is American, I think I take my mom's gene rather than my dad so I am more like a Korean , if you are wondering " he explained like he can read her mind . She smiled at his brightness .

"I am Ji hyo , Song Ji hyo " she introduced herself too .

"What a beautiful name !! " He make a compliment . She blushed at his words .

"So where did your husband go leaving a beautiful lady like you alone ?" He asked . How did he know that she is a married one .

"A silver band on your ring finger told me " he make another statement like he can read her mind .

"Just say he is busy " she replied . Actually she can't see her husband now cause she is on her back to them .

"Oh...I like you ,you know . You are way more than different than my sister . " He said .

"You have a sister? " She asked while swaying but she feel like someone's else eyes was on hers .

"Yes , unlucky to me cause she is a bitch one " she laugh lightly at his pout while talking about his sister .

"You shouldn't talk about your sister like that " he looks at her and grinned like a little child .

"Well , you will understand my feeling when see her . And is it me or is it him ? The man who is dancing with my sister send a thousand of draggers to me " he said while looking behind my back . She turned her head and saw her so called husband send draggers toward them . 'what is his problem !! ' she ignored him and moved closer to the boy who acted like he can't understand why this man 's eyes hold fire for him . Wait !! Sister !! So his sister is Lily , like my husband's girlfriend.  She raised her head and studied his face , yes they look like ,althoght it is not that much obvious but they have yeh same facial shape and lips . After a while , they stopped dancing and he took her to the bar again . 

"It is so nice dancing with you , too bad you are a married one ,or else I will ask you a date " he wink at me . He is fun , he told me a lot of jokes ,he is just like her little brother ,since he is just 20 years old while she turned 29 this year .

"Yes , she is a married one ,so you better stay away from her " out of nowhere , Jong kook came forward and placed his hands around her waist pulling her toward him . She is very embarrassed now , after all Rio is Lilly 's little brother . Rio looked at her with full of suprised but then a knowing smile attached to his mouth and took a step closer toward Jong kook who is glaring like this boy infront of him stole all of his money ..

"Well then , you need to keep her properly,not messing around with someone who isn't worth"
he said with challenge , her mouth agape seem like there is something big between his sister and him which hurt him a lot . Jong kook's hands around her waist tightened . Rio smriked at him and turned his attention toward me before giving me heart warming smile and nodded his head indicating 'it is ok' then he left ,leaving us alone .

"Why do you dance with him , ? " Jong kook asked with a hint of anger in his voice .

"Why !! Can't I dance when you are dancing with your lover leaving me alone in an unfamiliar place " she said with an equal anger.  He let out a scowl ...

"Don't dance with a stranger , don't !!" He said and left ,leaving her with so much anger .

She quickly left the indoor and went to the pool . She is shaking from her anger . How dare he !! She thought their relationship becomes smooth after yesterday's event , he want her to stay in his bed but now what !! Things will never change between them . He will keep hurting her , while she received all of these hurts with welcoming smile . Tears freely flowing from her eyes but ... suddenly someone pushed her and she feel herself falling , falling into the pool at that time , there is one thing in her mind ... She can't swim . She fall into the pool ,she tried to swim but she can't ...she feel the oxygen lucking in her system soon , water freely enter into her mouth. She fall deeper and deeper into the water.  That it is is her last breath .

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