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Song Ji hyo POV

"I told you not to do anything , you need rest ,Ji hyo yah " for the past three days she always heard this words Jong kook . He didn't even let her lift a thing , although these days she didn't vomit that much . The doctor told her that it was just a flu but she feel like it was more than flu. Currently , she made chocolate pancake for herself cause she badly carved for that . And that Kim Jong kook scolded her once he saw her standing in the kitchen ... 'what is she  ,five?'

"Didn't I told you not to left the room !! " He said while pacing toward her ...she rolled her eyes , she didn't know when she feel so much comfortable being around him ...

"I am just making pancakes ,oppa . Don't worry I am ok now " she replied ...during these three days , she tried to make an answer about her mom and dad . There is a faint memory in her when her mom try to run away from the house she used to call as a child but her dad found out and bring them again to his house .

After she let herself absorbed in her memories , she noticed to the few things that her mom never smile at her dad , she didn't aware of it because she was just a kid but now she can figure it out. They didn't fight but her mom didn't want to go near to her dad. And one thing she need to tell is that she made a DNA test with Jong kook 's uncle although she didn't get the answer yet , she told kwang Soo to pass her those results as soon as it came out . At first,he insisted telling him everything but she promised she will tell him when the time comes ...

"Earth to Ji hyo yah !! Why are so staring at the pan?" Jong kook asked while standing beside her . She flashed him a sarcastic smile ...

"You need to test again ,Ji hyo yah ... I made an appointment with a doctor that is not our family's doctor " she raised her eyebrows , so he didn't trust his family's doctor anymore ...Jong kook shrugged , like he can read her mind ...

"He is acting strange lately ." He said but why is he so worry about her ?? They gonna get divorce in a few weeks !!! And that thought make her heart broken , she really feel safe beside her ,hell she didn't even feel safe at her dad's house . It is like althoght she stays at that house for almost her life , she knows nothing about that house...

"Why do you care ? We gonna get divorce anyway " she whispered herself but she feel him tense beside her like he heard what she said ...

"Because we are not divorce yet ." He said and left the kitchen leaving her alone . She watched his retracting back with her longing eyes . Her phone rings indicating there is a message from her .

'I sent the report ,noona . Hope you are fine ,noona . Don't forget I am here for you ' it is from kwang Soo . Finally ,the results came out ...

Thirty minutes later ....

She found herself shaking while holding the envelope ... She opened it very slowly ...she can't open her eyes when she finally unwrapped it ... She opened her eyes and scan the document ...resting her eyes on the results . The documents fall out from her hands ...her phone rings again , she checked the ID ...

"A...Appa " she answers the call ,the person she thought as her dad isn't her dad . The person who she ask for love and attention isn't her dad. The person who sent her into this loveless marriage isn't her dad ...

"Come to the house ,Ji hyo yah . I have a suprised for you and I believe you already knows that you ain't my daughter I think you want an explanation ,right ? My daughter..." His voice sent shiver to her spine she is talking to a beast not to a human ...

"Oh...and I believe you wanna know what happened to your mom actually " she can feel the smirk on him . Wait !!! What does he taking about !!! What actually happened to my mom !!! She can't breath ,oh no no no can't be ...she covered her mouth with her hands trying to stop the sob . It can't be Ji hyo yah!! She grabbed yeh keys and run to the car to her relief ,there is noone at the gate . She drove toward her childhood house...with her million thoughts.

Third Person POV

"I think it is time for us to go there " a man said to the woman ...the woman nodded her head .

"We have to go , I have the feeling that something is gonna happen , something bad " the woman said while looking at the man's eyes.

"I am sorry , if I didn't run awa-" the woman cut the man in ...

"We make mistake , honey . I am upset at you for not telling me the truth but ...If I was in your shoes I will do the same thing as you did " the woman comforted to the man ... She pray to the god that nothing will happen to the poor girl ...they can't go back to the time and fix that but they tried their best to stop her from hurting from this cruel man ...

"Hello to all of the beautiful readers . Thank you for your suggestions and support ... I have a plot in my mind already and I make this story just like that but I need to ask something ... Do you all want a sequel ??? I am thinking about it but I want to ask you guys you all and thank you for all of your support ....😘😘"

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