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Third person POV

There are two men sitting in the living room , they wore those expensive suits and shoes . The first one pick up his scott glass and took a sip . His image screams rich , from his head to toe ,his body was covered those expensive stuffs .

"So , did everything go well ?" The first man asked to the man infront of him . The second man examined the first man and then , he took out something from his briefcase.

"Yep , all you need to do is to show this video to the girl " the second man said while turned on the video and showed the first man . The gist man smile evilly while watching the video . 'you have to pay for what you have done ,young man'. The first man thought .

Kim Jong kook POV
His hands tremble , he was sweating like he just take a shower . His breath rapid just like he just run a marathon . He tried to get rid ofe vision he was seeing ...her cried , her smile , his little cupcake , she cried from her pain , she can't even breath properly . She had to take those awful medicine and Everytime , he had to convince her ... He remembered her last smile ,her last words toward him ...

'I'm gonna meet mama and papa,so don't worry oppa ' he jerked from his sleep . He tried to make his breathing normal ... He looks around the room ...there is no traits of her ,that means she already left the room . He quickly get up form his sleep and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower.  The water running down from his head to his toe , relaxing every parts of his tense muscles . He can't forget about it , every nights he slept , those images hunting him to his sleep . He feels like he was at false , it should be him saying goodbye to the world but here he is standing under the shower realxing whereas his family left the world and six feet under the ground probably suffering from coldness . And the feeling of loving her company didn't help the feeling . He can't deny it , he love the company of hers , the daughter of his enemy . His mind drifted to the last night's events .

Flashback :

He was poking the mushroom , absolutely didn't have the idea of how to cut this weird veggies ,wait is it even veggies ? Just leave it ... But for now , I didn't have the idea of how to chop it , should I cut the head first or should I just microscopic it ,just like the carrots . Ji hyo was so annoying his unfinished complain so she just gave him mushrooms and told him to chop... He heard the loud sigh from her ... Finally ,she took the knife from his hands

"Watch ... You should remove this part cause it may cause food poisoning and stomach bug ..."  She start lecturing him how to cut the mushroom properly but he was so absorb in admiring her beauty . Her eyes are so rounded and big , it makes her adorable.  She has those edible pump lips and her cheeks are so kissable. And her neckline , he should make her more often ...

"Understand ?" She asked but he is too concentrate in her beauty so he didn't hear it ...but soon he feel pain on his head ... Like someone kock his head . When he looks at the culprit , he saw Ji hyo holding a  saucepan looking him like she wanted to kill him with this stuff in her hand. 

"Pay attention !!!" She said and lecturing him again . And an idea popped out ,he stood behind her and placed his hands around hers which were holding the knife . He feel her tense in his hands.  They start cutting the mushroom together . Her sent was mixed lavender and strawberry , and suddenly he feel like the room temperature was rising though he didn't sure it is him or the room .

When they were done cutting the mushrooms , they stay like this for forever ...soon ,he turned her body toward her.  She seems like she was  nervous , she looked everywhere beside his eyes . He lift her chin and made her look at him in the eyes , he leaned in there faces were inches apart . He can feel her hot breath on his lips , he closed his eyes and leaned further . When their lips met ,he feel like there were fireworks exploding. It didn't a passionate kiss he always share with her before their s*x but more like a real kiss, a heart warming kiss ,a pure kiss . Their lips first moved slowly and in sync . Then ,he start devoured her , he cupped her hips and pulled her toward him ,no leaving the room between them . She locked her hands around his neck , when he squeeze her butt ,her mouth opened from shock ,he took it as his chance and thrust his tongue into her mouth.  The kiss become passionate and he lift her from her hips and placed her on the counter . Her legs quickly wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer toward her ... however their section was cut by the smell of the food which burned and turned into black ... he knows and she knows ,this kiss so different from the others they shared ...and it is eating his ego ... He wanted to stop his rapid heartbeats around her but he fall miserably

Flashback ends :

He finished his showering and step out from the barthroom . He quickly changed his suit ,ready to go to the office .

'DING DONG'  He furrowed . Who will it be at this early hour ? There is noone he called to come and meet him ...

"Ahhhhhhhh" a familiar voice yelled . He quicky run to the downstairs ,portraying the worst scenario . He big steps near the living room , took out the gun he brought from his room . But the sight make his eyes widened ... There she is standing infront of the opened door , he quickly went to her ...

"You ok ??? Did you hurt anywhere ? " He checked her body , he can't stand the pain of seeing her suffering from pain . But her eyes are widened fro shock , he turmed his head toward the doorstep and saw ...

The dead body of a pet but  not a normal dead body , but the dog has several cuts like he was killed ...there are blood ,lot of blood flowing , he can see his stomach  ripped open ...he quicky pulled her head into his chest not wanting her to see the awful sights ... There is a note beside the dead body , saying... 'next time ,it will be you ' ...

Love you all ♥️♥️

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