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Kim Jong kook POV

He was pacing back and forth , he can't believe he failed to protect her . He promised himself that he will protect her no matter what happened what situation .. but now she is in the emergency room while he is standing outsideof the room perfectly fine . He pray for God that he will do anything , he will hurt himself ,he can even kill himself but ... please don't take her away from him . He can die if she isn't with him ... please and their baby ...oh God please don't hurt them . His hands were sweating , his heart is beating like it gonna jump out in any minute.   He heard the loud foodsteps ...he turned his head and saw Mr.Song , Mrs.Song and his uncle . His uncle is shaking like he was walking in the rope without protection. He can vividly see the worry in his eyes after all it is his daughter ,his unknown daughter . He is a father now ,he may not understand his feeling but he really can understand him . He didn't have a knowledge about his own daughter,he missed all of her childhood .. how would he feel if he was in his uncle shoes ? Of course he would have definitely gone insane . Like ,his blood he didn't know was living away from him , probably ,calling someone as her dad . He would have definitely gone insane if he meet the same script . Well , he will not let that happen , he will definitely will Ji hyo back and they will be a perfect family with their cupcakes .

"Jong kook yah ,Ji hyo ? " His uncle asked , his eyes were red from his crying .

"I don't know uncle , she is still in the emergency room " he can't lie to him when he is also shaking from his own fear. There are a lot of 'what if ' question in his mind . Then , they all heard the sound of the door opened , he jerk his head and run to the doctor whose face was oddly familiar .

"Doctor wife ? " He asked , he can't form the words properly ...the doctor was eyeing him and he can see a lot of emotion in his eyes and his eyes seem like he was in a battle.  Finally ,the doctor opened his mouth ...

"She is fine now ..." Why is his answer short ? For God sake ,he is a doctor ,he could give us more details .

"You can continue doctor , I feel like you wanted to tell us something " Mrs.Song said while eyeing the doctor like she can sense fishy things that radiating from the doctor .

"Umm ...about her ... pregnancy " then his mind went blank ...he tried to catch up the doctor's words but the only words he can catch up was ...

"She had miscarriage ...I am sorry for your lost" with that he left the place without sparring a glance toward us . He can feel his uncle's falling and Mr.Song caught him in time. And for him ,he can't breath like there is something that block all of his oxygen .. he is staring at the double door , hot warm tears running down from his eyes . He covered his mouth and start crying like a child ,the last time he cried like this is when he lost his sister .

They...they lost their cupcakes is his false. If he didn't tried to take revenge on her step dad ...if he didn't marry her in order to get revenge ...then may be she didn't have to meet this awful fate . It is all because of him , the god punish him by taking away his baby ...his innocent baby . He fall down on his knee ,hitting his chest and pulling his hair is him ...he is the one who need to get punishment but why his baby ? Why ? He wanted to hold his baby , he wanna know who he or she looks like ...if she looks like her mother or him . No ...he didn't want his baby to look like him ...he is a devil ...his baby is an angel . His baby !!! Why ? Why the god so cruel ? Why he need to take his baby?

"You have to be strong Jong kook yah . You need to be strong for Ji hyo ." Mrs.Song said while holding his shoulder .

Yes .. he need to stay strong for Ji hyo . He can't repeat the same mistake . He can't lose her too ...if he lose her also ,he would die . He slowly get up and nodded his Mrs.Song smiled sadly at him...he decided he will become a good person for her , a warm husband . He will live for her , from now on , if she is his heart beats ...


A woman with her usual office attire entered the office . She wore a pencil skirt and a blouse , she has those pointed shoe . Her long hair was in tight bun ,she has light make up and a gloss. She greeted the man who is apparently her boss .

"Good morning,Sir " she greeted to the elder man who seems like in his late fifties .

"Morning , Miss .Song.  Take a seat ...I would like to discuss things with you" the boss said so the woman take a seat infront of his desk

"So ...we opened our new bunch in Korea ,you know about that right ?" The boss asked while eyeing . The woman flinch at the word of 'korea' .

"Yes , Mr. Lorenzo" she answered , the boss nodded his head .

"And I think ...we need a new manager since the one we sent to Korea has some problems ...and I decided to send you as our new manager to there since you are a Korean and you can easily communicate with them " the boss finished his speech ...the woman didn't say anything instead she is staring at her books blankly.  There is only one question in her mind that

'Is she really ready to face all of her problems again ?'

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