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Kim Jong kook POV

I see red , I can't believe that bastard placed his smelly hands on her . That fucker , he hold his cocktail glass tightly that could even shatter the poor thing . He smiled to his investor but in his mind there was a tornado messing with his thoughts . He didn't like the feeling of jealousy toward her cause it was forbidden in his mind but he can't help this . Why would he so angry that he even can kill him if they weren't in this crowded place . He feel something ,more like someone tough his hands , he looked beside him and saw his girlfriend . He didn't lie that his girlfriend is so pretty with those genes from her mom and dad but deep down he knows ,he didn't want her .

"You looks so tense , what happened ?" She asked with her usual sweet voice . He sighed and withdraw his hands from her hold .

"Nothing " I said the only thing I can think at the moment .

"You know , the boy who danced with your so called wife is my brother " she said casually like she can't see the rage in his eyes .

"So say him to stay away from her " he said without thinking , lately his mouth works faster than his brain .

"Why !!! Are you serious ? " She raised her voice. He jerk his head toward her ,

"Don't !! Don't say anything , I am not read for your useless fight " he whisper yelled at her ,there are many eyes here.

"So what !! I am your girlfriend for goodness sake !!" She raised her voice , he can feel some eyes on them .

"Yeah and she is my wife for goodness sake " he yelled at her without caring about people . He left her side once he tell her that . He has to go away from his annoying girlfriend , she has been acting like this since he married Ji hyo . Of course ,he told her about his intentions marrying her but lately she was more and more getting annoying .

He was in deep conversation with those business man , suddenly a woman came to the party with her horrible face . We are near her so we are the first who noticed her expression.  A man from the group approached her and asked those basics questions like 'you ok?' but the woman looked at him with her fearful eyes and said ...

"Woman... *Take long breath* ...water ..." What she wanted to tell ,and she already grab some attention .

"Sorry miss , We don't understand what you are talking ..." Before the man continue ,she yelled .

"THERE IS A WOMAN IN THE WATER ,SHE IS DROWNING "  all of the people in the party stop their actions and take a second try to sink in what the woman is taking about . But for me ,I don't know what come to me but I run to the pool. My conscience mind is saying like 'you have to go faster ' I heard the foodsteps behind me indicating there are also people following behind me .
When I reached the pool , my heart stop ,a girl with familiar attire was in the water floating . My world stop revolving , my lung can't find my breath . I was looking at the girl who was in the water with my eyes wide open . I just stood there watching a person saved her , my foot was rooted at its place.  I was snapped back when a familiar he was cruising a minute ago begging his wife to wake up .
He quickly pushed him and hold her body in his hands .

"Baby , wake up ,please ... baby ,I ... I am sorry ,please don't do this ,please " I begged her, I placed her back gently on the floor and start doing CPR . I placed my hands on her chest , I pressed down at least 2 inches , I checked her breathing but I find non ...

"No..nono ,baby are not leaving me please wake up ,I ...I promise I would do better" I start murmured those words . My eyes was hot from my tears ,but I can't care ... I titled her head to open her airway . I covered her mouth with her to give her air ...I repeat my action but she didn't even move an inches .

"Noo , baby look at me ,baby .I'm sorry , " I cried while holding her , I can feel people's pity eyes on me but I couldn't care ...
" I am sorry ..." The host of the party approaching me but I gave him a murderous look ...

" will pay for it if something happened to my wife .." I said ...

I  restart doing the CPR , praying for her life ... He will pay for his sins but not her. He will sacrifice everything he had ,if he could save her...

"We are sorry but she isn't breath anymore " the men around him said but he didn't care what that fucker was saying . He can't lose her ,no he can't lose ... But she isn't breathing ...

His hands became weak , he cried while holding and caressing her pale body , it is him who killed her ...but after a minute she threw up yeh water she swallow ...

"Ji hyo yah , it is me ...honey " she opened her eyes for a bit before closing and fainting in his hands

"Hi everyone, here is the next chapter , sorry about my late update , ...thank you for your support and for reading my book . Hope you all are doing well ... Love you all ♥️♥️"

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