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Song Ji hyo POV

"So ,honey do you still believe that your so called husband isn't bad unlike me ? Do you still believe that he is your knight in the shinning armour ? " He said with his famous smrik and ironic tone ...she quickly wipe her tears with the back of her hand ...

"What do you want ? " She asked the question that might he wanted to hear ...he didn't call her just to show this to her and telling her real existent ...there must be something but she wished that something didn't relate with her baby ...

"Oh you ask honey... Actually , I don't want anything from you ...*he pours himself a whiskey * but I want it from your ... Husband " he said .while tasting a burning sensation in his throat ...she quickly get up from the sofa and looks down at him ...

"Don't you see the video you fucking take hum ?? Don't you see he didn't fucking care for me ?? Whatever you need ...he will never allow you cause ...I ...I am nothing to him " she said those words bitterly ...It hurt fucking so much ,she didn't realize she was fall for him hard whereas he just did those awful things to her hurt her ...she is just the victim ...a victim between their game ...nothing more nothing less . He put down his glass and looks at her and then let out a chuckle ...

"Yes ...maybe you are nothing to him ...but you knows that your husband is a leader of a gang ..he is a Mafia and for him ...a heir is so much important .. and I wondered he would let anything happen to his first heir " he said eyeing her tummy ...her hands quickly wrapped around her tummy ...

"You knows honey !! This is happening just like I want ...I let you marry him because he trick me and make me fall into his trap ...but he is wrong for playing a game with me ...I knows from the start that he will definitely intimate with you carelessly cause he believes those fake reports ...I pay for his family doctor but that baka keep denying me and threaten me that he will inform this to Jong kook so before he can move I have to wrap my hands around his neck so ...I kidnapped his only son and threaten him ...he finally agreed and for the first whole month you keep swallowing the pill to protect you from getting pregnant so your so called husband believe in those report ...after that ...boom ... everything become as I planned " she remembered those pills they gave her ...she thought it was vitamins well they said they were vitamins ...

"Oh ...and you want to know what ??? It is me who kidnapped you at the party two months ago .. and I think you wanna meet someone who so working for me all the time , right?" She looked at him with her emotionless eyes ... actually she didn't feel anything hearing he is the one who kidnapped her and torture her ... But she was curious who he is talking about...if he means like ...there is a traitor in Jong kook's gang ...then she heard the sound of the heel walking toward them ...she turned her head and saw her ...her husband's girl ...

"Lily ?" She whispered ...she stood there and smrik at her and then went to her father and sat beside him ...kissing his lips ...oh gross ..

Her mind stops functioning for a while like she tried to think what is happening infront of her eyes . She thought she loved him she is the one who betrayed him ...oh ...wait a minute ...the accident at the pool...

"You are right . I am the one who pushed your to the water " she said while crossing her hands on her chest ,the smirk on her face didn't disappear for all the time . She let out a humor laugh and smrik at her making her suprised ...cause she is done with her sweet

"Oh bitch I can understand why Jong kook oppa marry me instead of you may be pretty but you are so gross like a trash in the bin ...who wants to sleep with a trash like you right !! Oh I forget fake father want to sleep with you cause you both are trash . " She smirk at her angry reaction after she compare her pretty face with trash ...

"You bitch ..." She strolled toward her and raise her hands but she quickly grabbed her hands before she can slap her and pushed her making her fall down on her butt ...

"Careful bitch , I don't want to smell like a trash"she smiled but an evil smile her pissed reaction ...

"STOP ..YOU TWO!!" That psycho yelled at them. She rolled her eyes ...

"Whatever , I already make up my plan And I can ruin it because of you LiLy " he said and Lily scowled ...

"I already informed Kim Jong kook your pregnancy ...I definitely sure he will come and save you cause no matter what happened .. a heir is so important in Mafia . Lock her in the room and give me my damn phone ...we need a quick call " she scowled at his words ...she need to show him what she is but she was dragged by two muscled man ....they gripped her hands so tightly ...oh she wished Jong kook cut their hands before he killed them....

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