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Song Ji hyo POV

Where is she ? She looked around the unfamiliar hallway , she walked further ,she didn't know where she was. She was assuming this place as a hospital but she didn't know why she was here . After a while , she heard somene's wail . She walked closer to the voice ,and saw a boy with his school uniform crying . He seems like he didn't notice her presence... She looked straight and saw a girl who was looking at the boy with the same sad eyes . She looked at the girl carefully and to her suprised,it is not a normal girl , it is she . Why did she see a young version of hers ? She questioned herself?

She saw the girl approached the boys , the boy seems like he was a middle school student . She sat beside him and took out a chocolate bar which she love the most when she was young . She extended the bar toward the boy , the boy who cried his eyes out looked at the bar and the girl . She smiled at the boy and said ...

"My mama always said when you are down , chocolate is the best option to cure your sadness " she said and the boy looked at the girl and the bar in her hands .

"I will give you although it is my last one , my parents forget to buy me one ...but it's ok .you can have it " she smile warmly at the boy . After a while ,the boy took the bar in her hands .

"Thank you " he said slowly and she nodded her head. 
"It is ok , stop crying ,my mama always said when I cry she feel sad so don't cry you could make your mother sad " she said and the boy looked at her with  widened eyes ...
She looked at the scene infront of her , the boy he looked familiar . But why did she see those moments ,she never have a dream like this before . She heard her name was called behind her , she saw her younger version said goodbye to the boy and left the place ...the boy looked where she went and then turned his head slowly toward her ...when his face was on fully show ,her eyes windened ,a familiar face staring at her with his cold eyes ,there was no vulnerable boy anymore but instead a man who held those cruel vibe in his eyes .She took a step back while eyeing the man infront of her ...

She tripped and fall on her butt ,she saw the man take a slow steps toward her . She closed her eyes , waiting for something like a slap or punch but she didn't know why she thought about him like that... He never hit her during their time together but instead she feel something warm on her cheek ...she tried to open her eyes again but not available ...what happend? She tired to open again but still not available ...

She opened her eyes ,the first thing she saw was a white ceiling . She turned her head to the sides and realized that she was in hospital . Yeh events at the party refloating in her mind , there is no one in her room . She sigh...

"Noona , you are awake !!" She head kwang soo's high annoying voice . She turned her head and there he is ,on the door way ready to enter the room .

"What are you doing here ,kwang Soo yah ?" She asked surprising.

"Oh it is your greeting to your great great brother and friend " he said rolling his eyes ...she returned it with deadly glare .

"Well, I am here to fetch you and I have met your so called husband and he is so scary can you stay with him in the same house ,he looks like a tiger and the people he is passing are like his prey.  It is so chill ..." He said while making a scary face and it makes her laugh ...

"But who called you ?" She asked while wiping her non-existent tear.

"Who would it be !! It is your husband !! I don't know why though. " He replied and she nodded her head ,don't want to continue about her husband ... Minutes later ,doctor came to the room and discharge her...

Kwang Soo drove to the nearest Cafe and she looks at him with a questioning look . He shrugged and said ...

"There is something I wanted to tell you ... " He said . What he wanted to say ...

"It is about  your husband's sister ... I found something about her " he said and she quietly listen to his words

Soon kwang Soo pulled the car infront of a cafe and we came out from the car and entered the cafe ... Kwang Soo pulled something out from his briefcase . She checked the file he gave ...

"His sister has a heart disease since she was born ... And there is saying that she need to transplant ...although the report shows she didn't get the surgery because her heart can't make it in time but ...I think there is more than that although the report shows like that , the girl was about to get transplant but... I don't know what happened .. " he finished. 

She thought about it,she checked the name of the hospital and saw it was the same hospital as her brother was in at that time . Yes , her brother has also heart disease ...she feel like there is something connected between her brother 's case and his  sister's.

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