Chapter -9

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Kim Jong kook POV

After their little stunt from that abandoned house , he rushed to the hospital with an unconscious girl . He didn't know what to do while looking at the girl who is lying now in hospital bed.  She looks so pale and weak , she looks so fragile . He feel bad somehow , he didn't know why though , he knew she will encounter with this kind of fear one day but ... when he witness her situation now , he feel hurt and bad for his intentions . He caresses her cheek and hair.  Her hair didn't look like healthy at all , it would be difficult for her to live still survive at his games . He sigh , a loud sigh ...

"Hyung " he set his eyes on his best friend , haha.

"We didn't know who they are . The last person we caught at the place suicide himself " haha said and he exhale noisily . Look like there is an unknown enemy for them . It scares him more , the enemy knows about them whereas they were kept in the dark about them .

"No clue ?" He asked the only question he can think . Haha shook his head indicating there is no clue about their opponent. 
"What about Ji hyo ? Is she ok?" Haha asked. He nodded his head and look at the angl- girl on the hospital bed.

"She is dehydrated and doctor has an assume that she may have hemophobia . So she fainted at the sight of blood.  " He explained to the man who wore think glasses and pay attention to his words .

"Let strat with the traitor " he said . There may be a traitor at his gang . And that traitor may have a close contact with him so he knows about Ji hyo . Haha nodded his head and left the room .

Song Ji hyo POV
"Mama why daddy can't pick up me " seven years old me asked my mom . Who is a little taken back because of her question .

"Your papa have to babysit your brother , remember ?" Her mom said and she nodded her head . But lately , her father becmoes distance from her . It is not that much obvious but she knew although she is just seven years old . He didn't play with her anymore , he always play with her brother and when she join he said 'you are too noisy for your brother' . He didn't pick her up from her school anymore , it is their driver or her mom .

"Mama why papa didn't love me anymore ? " She questioned her mom because she is still a child so she can't understand that her question make her mom hurt .
Her mom look at her way ignoring the fact that she is driving . She can see something flash in her eyes .

"He love you darling , you are so special for us , you are the  symbol of our love. No matter what happened don't hate him , both of them love you " she can't understand what her mom said especially the latter part . 'both of them ' but before she can question further , they saw a bright light . She feel someone hug her so tightly and then the loud sound appear .

She feel hurt , her body hurt , her head hurt.  She tried to open her eyes , she take the sight of her surrounding , she saw the color red. Not a simple red but the red color of blood . She saw her mom 's face which is covered by blood. She crawled toward her mom and wobbled her. 

"Mama , mama " she called out her mom but her mom didn't move a slight . She wiped the blood from her mom's face but the blood couldn't stop from leaking from her mom's head. She cried loudly , while calling out her mom

"Mama !! Mama!! " She can't forget the sight of her mom's lifeless figure . Then she fainted but then when she woke up she was welcomed by her mom's fureal . From that day , she was greeted by her dad's disgusted expression all the time . She hate blood , she hate red color from that time ..

She tried to open her eyes again , the first thing she saw was the white ceiling . She twisted her head and she saw noone.  Yeah !! Who would stay by her side !! She looks around the room and soon she realized she was in the hospital . She remembered the event of her kidnapped and her awful past . She tried to sit but she feel little bit dizzy . Lying at the hospital bed is bad and waking up on the hospital bed and there is no one who is waiting your awake is worse . She feel like there is noone who love her ,well who is she kidding !! There is noone who really love her. 
She heard the sound of the door open and entered a young man wearing his duty coat . She didn't want to sound pervert but he is so handsome and young .

"Oh , you awake !! " He said and she gives him a shy smile. 

"Oh hi are you a doctor?" She asked cause he looks so young to be a doctor . He chucked and said .

"Well ...more like intern " he said and she smiled a bit . He is cute .

"Oh I am Chae Jong Hyeop by the way" he introduced himself .

"I am song Ji hyo . Nice to meet you Jong Hyeop ssi" she said while looking at the handsome man infront of her.

"Oh drop the formalities , you can call me Jong Hyeop " he said and she nooded her head.  He looked fun . Then another person entered the room.

"Oh song Ji hyo ssi . Well... Your report said you are all good are a little dehydrated but you are ok now . And if you want to discharge , you are free to go now " the doctor informed while looking at the file . She nooded but where is her ride . There is noone ... that bastard he dumped her at the hospital . Stupid Moron Kim Jong kook .

"Are you cursing at someone ?" Jong Hyeop asked

"Am I obvious ?" Did she said out loud . He let out a chuckle and shook his head .

"Just guessing" he replied and she smiled at his cuteness . Then the door opened and revealed a man who is wearing all black. 

"Mr.Kim infromed me to send you to mansion" the man said and she nodded her head .

"See you soon , Jong Hyeop " she said goodbye to the young man

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