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Kim Jong kook POV

"Where is she !!!" He yelled at all of the men infront of him. He said to them not to take their eyes off from her ,but what now ? They even let her leave the house !!! Are they deaf or something like that !!!

"Sir of our men is with her ..." He glared hard at that person . Who let him talk ??

"So what ?? What if they attack her with groups, can he protect her bad bring her back to me with no burise ...him??? You fickers !! I am asking you all a question!!!" He threw a vase toward them . He can't control his anger . When he came back at home ,he expected her to be in her room since he can't find the attcker but ...she left this damn house . It is already 8:00 p.m now but he can't contact her nor her bodyguard. If these guards servered someone in World-War , he will definitely feel sorry for him . Are they even try guards and professional ones ?? He heard the sound of killing engine , he quickly went to the entrance ready to scold both of them ...

"What the hec-" he can't continue ,the sight is killing him . Ji hyo eyes are red and puffy , her cheekare soaked with tears . He quicky hold her shoulder and check if there anywhere she got hurt but he found none . He saw she was trying to wipe to stop her tears but it keep flowing . Ina swift motion , he carried her bridle style and went to their room but before that ,he looked at guard's eyes and gave him a look saying ' I need an explanation ,or else you're dead' . The guard nodded his head rapidly .

He carried her to their room, he can't hear anything from her expect her sobbing . He placed her on the matress and climbed . He pulled her closer to him ,saying those sweet words .

."hey shhhh ...I'm here ... It's ok now" he said while caressing her soft hair . She put her head on his chest and hold his waist tightly . His heart hurt while listening her weeping . He can't stand the pang of seeing her in pain . He didn't know what to do so he start singing the song ...which he expects to less her pain .

  Forget me not (지우고아플사랑은)

지우고 아플 사랑은 차라리 가슴에 묻은 채로
I would rather be buried the pain love that 'll be erased in my chest .

사랑한 그말으로 가끔은 그때를 그리며그기억으로 살죠
Sometimes I paint that moment with my loving heart and live with that memeory .

보고도 본영화 처럼소중 함에남겨둔사진처럼 잊으려 안할 게요
Like a movie I've seen and seen ,like a picture left in preciousness . I won't forget it all .

아픈 사랑 얘길지라도 간직한 게요.
I'll keep it even if it was painful love story .

이대로 이맘남겨두고 살겨요 언제라도 함께인 것 같아서
I'll leave my heart like this so you 'll feel like we are always together .

아닌 줄 알면서도 그댈그리네요. 이젠옷어요 사랑 받고 살아요.
I'll miss you even though I know you're not . So ,smile and live with that love now .

*Song by Kim Jong kook 김종국 *

He sings for her till he heard her steady breath . He put her strand behind her ear and kiss her forehead . Her face is in mess , he didn't want to ask her why ? Cause you know ? Someone is crying and when you ask why during that time , that someone will cry even more . But he need to know why she cry her eyes out . He gently climbed off the bed and went to his study room calling the first witness , the guard . 5 minutes later ,they guard entered his room , he motion him to sit infront of him and stary asking the questions.

"Tell me what happened ? Why is she crying like that ?"he asked but more like demanding an immediate answer .

"Mrs.Kim said she wanted to go to her father 's house first we stopped her but she said she really need to go there so , I insisted her to bring me with her , she agreed . So when we reached her father's house , I satyed in the car but ...she didn't came out for four hours.  So when I try to enter the room , Mrs.Kim came out with tears ... I tried to talk her but she keep crying..." The guard finish his speech with unsure voice . So she left the house to go-to her dad ...but why she was in tears ... In big tears ... Did that fucker do something to her ?? He command the guard to leave the room ...

He start getting head ache ,he feel like they were played by a person. He didn't know who was that person but he feel like he was fighting with someone he didn't know . He poured himself a Scott . There is something missing in this game ... His phone vibrates ,he unlock the phone and there is a message for him

'Don't hurt her , you will regret '

"Hi everyone, I hope you all like this story . Thank you for reading ♥️♥️  And you all can openly criticize to this story , I am warmly welcome about that ... Hope you all get a nice day or a nice dream "

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