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Kim Jong kook POV

He see red , he can't control his rage , he always has a problem in controlling his rage after his family's death . And he had a problem at his work and gang and when he returned home, the scene didn't help his frustrating , it is like her stupidness for entering his precious sister's old room add fuel in fire . He can't control , when he saw the photos of his little bear shattering on the floor , all of the memories resurface . How much he miss them , when he sleeps his memories back to their happy moment , his dad,mom and his sister . And the demon who destroyed all of his precious things stand infront of him . He want him to feel pain just like he suffered years ago. He wanted to tear down his only daughter , the pain he wants him to get for losing his only family . He will never be able to control himself for hurting this woman .

However , after he made her pick up those pieces , for all the first time , he feel bad . He watched these pieces cut her delicate hands but he can't feel happiness and it make him angrier . The more she get all of these cut , the angrier he get . It felt like watching her bleeding make his heart bleeding too .

After a while , she just stood like she was in deep thoughts . He start having these uneasy feeling for ordering her to pick these pieces and realization hit him , 'shit she has hemophobia' before he can think further , he saw her weak body stumbled  , he quickly run toward her ignoring the sharp pain on his foot because of this tiny pieces . Before she hit her head on the floor he caught her in his strong arm . Her hands full with those naughty cuts and her hands is in red color.  He quicky lift like bridle style and went to their room and demand a maid to call for a doctor and clean the mess .
He placed her on his soft matress and put her strand of hair behind her ear . Her face pale and look like as white as a ghost . He caresses her face ,her soft skin perfectly fit in his rough one. He can't deny his attraction toward her , she is pretty and her beauty is rare .

'please don't do this ,please . I will do everything ,please don't hurt her ' .

He took a sharp breath, recalling this moments , the moment which make him for who he is right now . An arrogant, a ruthless and a monster . But behind all of this masks , he also has a heart.  A heart to feel , a heart which want to feel love . However , he can't not before he got his revenge . He heard knock and told the person to enter.  His family doctor entered the room with his suitcase . He nodded his head and make a room for him to check the girl who is lying on the bed helplessly. He watched everything movements his doctor made to examine her . When he finished his work , he turned to him and start explains .

"She is ok now , she may have those panic attacks and she fainted . Her wounds wil be recovered  in two or three days . " He said and he nodded his head . One of his rules for his employees is that they will never make a question toward him about his business and problem . They didn't have right go ask him about the situation . Then ,the doctor got up and left the room . His eyes rerun to the woman again . This time his memories surface again

'your sister 's life is so pathetic and worthless . Listen boy , take this money cause I have a little bit mercy on you . Don't beg me again if you want to got out from this place with your legs and arms perfectly fine' he will never forget this moments ,never and ever in his life . The man's cruel eyes and his gross words .

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