Chapter -6

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Song Ji hyo POV

It has been one month since my awful wedding and living at this hell . You may think that like

'oh you live in a mansion with thousand of maids and everything at the mansion was so luxury and oh ... don't forget you got a billionaire as your husband , your life must be so comfy ... blah...blah...blah'

Well , the sad part is , all of these are fairy tales. Yeah , I live in a mansion and so that ... I have to clean this house alone , YEP YOU HEARD ME RIGHT  , I clean this house alone and you may wonder where are these all thousand maids , ... well they were fired by my so called husband after our wedding . And I got a billionaire as my husband and all I get was HUMILIATION. Sometime , I feel like I am Cinderella but the difference is Cinderella was treated as a slave by her stepmother but in my part ... I was treated like trash by my own husband , let me take you back to my wedding night after he get what he wanted ...


I lay at this expensive bed after my husband take my innocence . I can feel his heavy pant and mine . I feel very tired and wanted to sleep so bad so I closed my eyes but before I can fall in my Dreamland where all of these nightmare turned out into light ... He roar at me .

"Why are you still here ?" He bellowed at me , I flutter my eyes and saw his raging eyes . 'what is his problem ,is he in his period ' but of course, I can't say that to him so ...

"Ummmm... Sleep ?" I said unsure . He shook his head and made me frown .

"Who said you can sleep with me in the same bed ? " He asked but more like a demand . 'a bipolar jerk , just before a minute he was f***ing me like his life depend on it and now he was talking like I am the one who r**e him .

"So where can I sleep ?" I didn't want to argue with him , I have no energy for it . I saw his smrik

"Of course on the floor , I didn't want my bedsheets dirty because of you and you HAVE TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR " he yelled at me again . And is he insane , how can I sleep on the floor !!! I looked at him like he had grown two head .

"Are you serious ..." I tried to protest but he cut me in

"Sleep on the floor or you don't like the consequences !!!" He said with a warning tone . I sat up and hold the duvet tightly around my chest .

"So what !!! What would be worse than sleeping on the floor with this freezing weather " I challenge him , he raised his eyebrows and come closer to me pulling the duvet that covered my naked body. 

"Well, If you keep arguing with me you may not have  sleep all night " he said while coming closer to me ,I quicky get out from the bed and I feel sore .. well since from that night I have been sleeping on the floor after he satisfied his needs .

Flashback ends :

Well ,I am literally his slave , just like he mentioned before our wedding , I am not only his s*x slave but also his maid and his girlfriend's . She didn't know that I am his wife though ,he covered it very nicely . His girlfriend is half American and half Korea so ...I admit that she is so pretty well maybe beyond pretty cause she get this beautiful figures from both Asian and American.  But she is a bitch , sorry about my language , but ... hey you will understand when you have to know her . I can see why they become boyfriend and girlfriend cause they both are arrogant , selfish and both are bitch and bastard . I can see they were written in the stars . (Note my irony) . I have to cook for them , but not simply , she have to cook their favorite , There was a time that she made crispy pan fried fish and guess what !! my cook end up on the floor because his girlfriend,Lily can't stand with fish and as my punishment I had to starve myself for the whole day cause his girlfriend didn't went back to her Damm home and watch me all the day because I cook for her a fish . What a psychopath!!!

Now I am currently doing the chores of his Damm big house.  My feet hurt and my hands can't even move properly . Actually during this one month , I tried to contact my dad for bizillion time but all I get was 'I am busy ' , 'I have a meeting in a minute ' , 'I have to go ' or sometime , he even yelled at me for calling him. I feel sad , really sad is just like he discard me after I marry Kim Jong kook for his company.  I know that I may make a mistake for thinking him that way but sometime I wondered I am even his daughter.

Oh the next thing is I met those people who are not jerk although they are friends with my so called husband , Kim Jong kook. I become a good friend of haha oppa and Jae suk oppa . Jae suk oppa didn't attend our wedding so I didn't know him at first but after meeting him , he a good and kind person , he is like a brother to me . On the other hand, haha oppa was fanny and kind , although he tease me a lot , he is still the guy who is fun to hung out and then this girl So min , she is a cousin of my husband . Although, I feel like my husband and her parents didn't share a good relation but he still love cousin , I can feel that . And she is also a good girl and an over dramatic girl . Then , his uncle who attended our wedding , he is so warm and kind , especially toward me . He said he feel like he had known me for a long time ago although we both know we haven't met before . And I feel the same , and they all didn't have any notice about my situation in this marriage . However, they all are good to me .

I feel the vibration of my phone and saw a text from Kim Jong kook.

'you need to attend a party with me . I will send stylist at 4:00 p.m. and I will pick you at 6:00" she read and she wondered what kind of party it is . He never bring her any ceremony . He brings his girlfriend cause she saw them on news Everytime they attend the ceremony.

Soon , she feel herself treated like a princess who gonna meet her princess. They made her hair , her make up , her dress , everything .

"Ohhhh... You are really an angel . Look lat yourself darling" the woman who put her make up told me and I opened my eyes slowly.  I feel like I am meeting a different girl . She have this wavy hair with volume , her oval face has those long lash and there is a red gloss on her lips.  She wore a long dress which have to tie around her neck , and shoulder off . The gown had  light purple color and there are tear drop diamond earrings and with diamond flower bracelet . All of these things add her grace and elegant . She smiled at her reflection.

She walked down to the red carpet with her husband whose hands are around her waist . She feel nervous , she looks at the man beside her and her cheek warm at the sight . He wore those black tuxedo with white shirt underneath and black pants.  He is so handsome and she can feel those dangerous glare on her from the women . The party was so elegant and splendid. She never leave his side for a bit cause he warned her that she have to stick with him no matter what happened. However , after sometime , she wanted to go to bathroom and she excuse herself from him . After she solved her problem , she walked the hall that has noone at the same time . But then she feel like there is someone behind her and she turned her head but saw noone so she discard this thought and turned to walk to the party again but as soon as she turned her head there is a man with a mask and she opened her mouth to scream but covered up by some material and next thing she knew was she was welcomed by darkness .

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