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Third person POV

Lily was holding Ji hyo's hair tightly while pointing the gun to her head . She can feel the shaking from Ji hyo . Ji hyo can't help but hope the worst . Maybe this is the time she need to go to her mom and they would reunion again including her baby , she placed her palm on her stomach . Her poor baby ...he / she didn't even have the chance to see the world . Her eyes meet his , whose eyes held so much emotion , fear , anger , murderous , and sorrow ...she wants to laugh herself for thinking he would be fear for losing her , for losing their child . He clearly states that he didn't want to do anything with their baby you all would ask her how did she know ? She was watching their entire meeting ...her so called step father and so called husband trying to ditch her like she was a fucking ball . How can he say about not wanting their child !!! Their child !!! She first so glad that he came to here ...she thought he gonna save her but turned out he came here to dump her . Her eyes held so much hatred for him , for all the pain he caused , for all the false hope he gave ...she hate him so much .

On the other hand , Jong kook can't breath at the horrible sight infront of him . He knows there is a traitor in his gang but he never thought Lily would do something like that . She is always there for him  whenever he feels lonely and needs help . Honestly ,she is more like a sister to him ...he looks at the woman who is now carrying his baby in her tummy . Her eyes held so much hate and disgust like she was seeing some sort of cruel man . He wanted to exclaim that he is not the man , not the man who hurt her , it is not real him . He wanted to explain her how much she meant to him much she meant to him and he will love entirely them , her and their baby . They could be a perfect little family , why the fate was teasing then so hard.  He is scared , he knows Lily looking at her ,he realized she will do anything to hurt Ji hyo . He eyed her flat tummy, saw her palm on her stomach where their child is resting . He smiled ,a sad smiled ...he wanted to touch ,and say him or her that everything will be ok ... that he will look after his or her mom ...that he will never make her upset anymore .

"Lily ...what are you doing?" His voice shakes , he honestly can't perform a perfect speech now looking the woman he loved was pressed by the gun .

"What I am doing !? You are so funny oppa " lily let out a humourless laugh .

"I am pointing a gun at your wife head , oppa . Can't you see that Oppa " she spoke like a complete villain . He took a step toward but Lily didn't say anything just watching him with bitterness .

"We can discuss,Lily . We can go and talk about that ...just ...just put the gun down ,"jong kook pleased her his life after his sister's death , he swore to God that he will never and ever gonna beg to someone but here he is begging to his girlfriend for his wife and child's life . He could beg her hundred times if it gonna make her put down the gun she was holding .

"You know what oppa ?  I HATE YOU !! I do everything for you ...I ...I love you ...I sacrificed everything to be with you ...I disobey my dad , I betrayed my family ...I DID everything for you ...but even in this situation beg  !! YOU BEG FIR HER LIFE . NOT FOR ME  !! " Lily yelled at the top of her lungs . She love him ...she love him very much ... however she was so blinded by love so she didn't realize her love turned out into possession not love anymore .

"I hate you .. I hate you !!" Lily murmured like a mad woman . Jong kook took a few steps but when he almost reached the end of the stairs ,Lily start speaking again .

"You know oppa never love me . But I didn't say anything to you . I said ' I love you' for hundred times but you never reciprocate it ...I didn't say anything . Although you f**k me , your heart beat is still the same never beats for me . But I didn't say anything ...then she came around.  This woman came and you became a completely different person . You are cold to me before she came but when she came you are colder than before. You didn't care about me anymore . You knows what !!! You even murmured her name while sleeping beside me. You don't love me !!!" Ji hyo didn't react all of her words instead she start thinking how smcan she escape . Slowly , Lily pulled her with her ...they are going down from the stairs , the middle of the stairs Lily stops  her movements .

"You even put your seed in her , a reminder , a sign of can you do to me !!!" Jong kook glued...lily 's eyes become more serious and cruel . He knows that look ... actually Lily is also the daughter of their rivals gang . She betrayed her father and joined his gang . He can see the murderous look she is giving but not to him to the woman he loved .

"Lily ....looks ...we can discuss the things ... don't worry ...what about we left Korea and moved to the other country just the two of us ...hum? We will leave everything behind , I didn't need anything I could leave all the things for You baby. " He have to do this .. Ji hyo can't bear it felt like he rejected her and their child . Yes .. he rejected them , he doesn't need them . Just like he said he could get any woman pregnant...she is noone to him she and her baby .

"Will you really do this for me ?" Lily spoke this time with so much hope in her . She can hear that ...yes he will do something for her but not for his child . Kim Jong kook you are a cruel man , you didn't even deserve the title of father. 
Jong kook can feel the change in Lily 's voice . Yes This is his chance .

"Yes !! Baby leave her . We will move from here and let start our won family " he said and carefully took steps toward the staircase .

"Ok ...I will " Lily said and dropped the gun.  Ji hyo let out a deep breath . She can't believe she agreed and she feel like Lily have a mental problem. Jong kook also relieved least he can persuade her . He need to send her to the doctor ... He noticed the strange acts of Lily past years but he burshed it off .

"But ...I don't want your reminder in her " before anyone can react ...Lily pushed Ji hyo from The middle of the staircase... Ji hyo can't react at the sudden attack ...she fall down like a ball fall from the hill . Jong kook immediately went to catch her but before he can Ji hyo was already on the floor .

"Shit. Ji hyo yah looks at me . Everything will be ok " although he said everything will be ok is not cause the blood between Ji hyo's legs proved that. 

At the middle of the staircase ,Lily watched the scene without blinking .

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