Chapter -2

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Kim Jong kook POV
He was now signing all of the contract he need to complete . His door bursted open and reveled his secretary with tight pencil skirt and shirt with her fake yet seduced smile . If she isn't good at her work , he would already fire her but ...well she is so neat at her work so he keep her job .
"Mr.Kim , Miss.Song is here now.  " She said while blinking her eyelash showing sexiness . He raised his eyebrows . 'finally , time to paly a game ' he thought . He nodded his head acknowledging her . Soon , his secretary exit his office while swaying her hips . He let out a chuckle . 'woman ... woman ' Then , his mahogany door cracked and showed a woman , not a normal woman ... elegant and splendid woman enetred his office . There 's no wonders men are head over heel for this woman . If someone is on his place right now , he was sure , they will definitely go crazy for her and want to be her boyfriend . But he is Kim Jong kook , who is supposed to be her nightmare , her pain and her misfortune . He smile ... not a simple smile , but an evil smile but look like she didn't notice it cause she returned the smile but more formal and politeness .
"So , what can I do for you Miss . S.O.NG " he emphasize her name's adding with husky sound.  She looks nervous cause she fiddles with her fingers .
"I am here for my father 's case. I know that you are more powerful and richer than us but trap...ped u..s " she was shutters . He smrik ... Look like breaking her was so easy .
"Well , we are doing business . In business , you have to take a step forward than your partner or else ... they can stabb behind your back " he said while looking straight into her eyes . Her eyes widened , may be because of from shock .
"But , my father is innocent . How could you do this !!!" She raised her voice . Look like kitten can also be a tiger.  He got up from his seat and went to near her and then bent to her ear and whispered into her ears .
"You wrong , kitten ... No one is innocent " he said and he feel her tense . He composed himself and went back to his seat . She is looking at him like she want to kill him in a minute .
"So ...your father has two days to pay his debt if he can't pay ... then well wish him he can live happily in jail but how can he love happily in jail when it smell like rat and food are like trash ...I wondered could he survive for thr...." He was interrupted by her .
"What do you want !!!" She yelled and he smriked .
"What do I want ?? Ohhhh ... And why do you ask this question ??" He asked her back acting like innocent.  He saw her scoffed ... ohhhh she has this side ...
"I know the way you talk ... you are threatening me , infront of a daughter talking about her father and put the ideas in her head how it would be like if her father ends up on jail ... Tell me what you want ?" She asked calmly . He raised his eyebrows and smrik .
"Oh dear , you know what ? If you can't pay what someone wanted then never ask them what they wanted " he warned but not really warning more like tried to make her more scare . She looked a little bit taken back ... that is it !! He wanted that reaction .
"I tried my best ... if it is about money then I -" he cut her in ...
"Do you think I want money from you !! What am I !!! A beggar !!! No near , I am the most successful business man in Korea  . One of the most wanted bacgelors in the world " he compliment himself . And he heard her murmured like 'yeah , one of the most stupid person in the word and feel sorry for his future bride' he hold into himself not to burst in . That girl and her mouth , one day she could had possibly killed because of her smart mouth .
"Oh yeah ... I also feel sorry for my future bride but ... you know !! I need to complete my image from most wanted bachelors to a caring and loving husband " he said and she looked at him with confusion .
"You want me to search a bride for you ?" She asked with no clue. He smriked and leaned back to his seat .
"Well , you can say that you don't need to search cause ... I. Kim. Jong . Kook want you as my bride " he said and she tried to process everything he said to her for a moments when she realized what he just said ... Her face truned red not because of blush but because of anger . She abruptly get up form her seat and pointed her index finger to him
"Have you gone crazy !!! Your saying is nonsense and when your mental state is stable , I will come back and talk to you again but for now I am leaving " she run to the room but before she get out , he yelled .
"Two days , just two days will decide your father's future . Would you like to be a good daughter or a bad daughter? You have choice " he said and she stood like a status for a minute before she left the room .
"You can't escape from me Song . Until you pay all of your father sins to me " he murmured himself and staring at now closed door .

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