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Kim Jong kook POV

She is sweet though sweet isn't his things , he love her taste . Like sugar coating dough , so sweet ,and so tasty . He licked her earlobe , he smiled at the sound of her moan ... His hands roamed around her curves , her skin was so smooth like silk ... He caresses her arm and looked into her eyes , which are closed from the pleasure he gave to her . He lift her dress and let his hands roam inside her dress . He leaned down and kissed her plump lips , he bite her lower lip asking for an entrance , she parted her lips and at that moment , his and hers tongue began a battle ... She moaned when his tongue won the battle ... He lift her bridle style , she circled her hands around his neck ... Then he brought her in their bedroom ... He laid her on the matress and start kissing her passionately ... night is long and their passion for each other is strong

He feel warm ... his eyes flutter open and there is ray of light penetrating through his thick curtains . Someone , more like his wife snuggle on his chest .He remembered telling her stay after their activities ...she hesitated at first but then , she nodded her head and laid beside her. He doesn't know how they end up like this but he love this position . Her legs are tangled between his legs . Her face was presses to his bare chest , she mouth apart when she snored but a cute snore . He didn't know why he ask for her something like lying beside him last night . It was supposed to make her suffer , but the more he make her suffer , the more she take control over him . She looks so innocent like this , so innocent . He wanted to admire her beauty all day but he can't . He has to attend a meeting at 8 so he better get up rather than late. This is an important meeting for him after all . He slowly move her aside , she stirred in her sleep but fall asleep again . He smiled at the sight , she looks like a little girl who what to get her full sleep . He went to the bathroom and turning on the shower . He thought about their fate again , if he met her in other circumstances , he would definitely love her and cherish her . Give her full of his attention but they are ... they are different for that situation . They born to hate each other , especially for him . He can't love someone's daughter  who stole all of his happiness . He closed his eyes , remembering all of the events . When he opened his eyes again , he saw a monster instead of a man who was tempted by his enemy's daughter .

He was doing his paper work , although his is the CEO of this company , he still has lot of works to do . His door opened and there is a man in his late fifties standing there giving him a heart warming smile . He smiled at his uncle , Kim Nam Hyo . He is not his blood related uncle but ...he is the only one who take care of him when he has to face those ugly fates .

"What are you doing here ,uncle ?" He asked his uncle . His uncle was adopted by his grandparents who were by her mother side when he was 6 . He didn't know it at first but after his grandparents death , there was a complication about inheritance. His grandparents want his uncle Nam Hyo get the share too but the others sibling except his mom objected the will ... Well it is when he knew about his uncle but nothing can change their bond cause he is his favorite uncle since he was a kid . After those fights over inheritance , his uncle moved to another country rejecting all of his share although his mother didn't like this idea but she can't make his uncle change his mind . After that , they hadn't heard from him that much but when those events happend to him , he came back and took a wings over him. He is here because of his uncle ...

"What !! Can't I come here !!" His uncle said with his famous glare . He laughed ..

"Ohh , you have something to tell me right ? I know you uncle " he said while smiling . His uncle scowled and murmured himself something.

"Yeah , you are really my nephew him ? Kiddo" his uncle teased him and it is his turn to scowl . He hate when he was called by kiddo .

"Whatever " he said with uninterested tone . His uncle smriked at his unpleasant expression . Then , he sighed and sat infront of him

"Jong kook yah , how was your married life ?" He asked and he raised his eyebrows . Why his uncle ask about his marriage ? His uncle didn't know about his plans ,not even a single thing .

" is ...good , I guess " he didn't know how to answer.

"Jong kook yah , your mother wants you to be a good husband to her daughter in law . And forget about the past ,Jong koo-" he cut his uncle off .

"Uncle , if you want to talk about that , you better left the room . You know , I know that How much I suffer from that ,humm . He deserves to get punishment . "

He said gritting his teeth . He heard his uncle 's long sigh .

"Don't ...don't make her suffer ,Jong kook yah . Although you don't tell me , I know you well and your intentions . I care for you Jong Kook yah and you are just like my son , I love you so I can't just sit and look when you do the things you will regret later. "

His uncle said but he didn't say anything . He can't actually , he knew he will hurt but how much ? He was already hurt so a little more hurt can't much make damage ,right ?

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