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Song Ji hyo POV
She can't move , ishe look forward and saw darkness . Not even a ray of light can see , she tried to take a step forward but feel a pain went through to her bare feel .she look down at her feel and saw a lot of cuts , what happend ? And where is this place? She tried to call for someone to help her but seems like there is no one except her .
She turned her head back and to her horror , she saw a wolf with dangerous and blood thirsty eyes . Her eyes  widened at the sight of cruel killer creature, she took a step back and the wolf does the same took a step towards her and walked toward her creepily . She start running after realizing that wolf target was to ripped her apart from head to feet . She run like there is no tomorrow , yes may be there is no tomorrow for her , she run and run but when she titled her head back , still saw the wolf running after her . Suddenly , she tripped herself and fall forward , she and her clumsy mind will kill definitely kill her , she saw the wolf took a jump to consume her and take her pathetic life . She tightly shut her eyes and waited for her cruel death but suddenly the sound of the firing bullet took her suprised .

She opened her eyes and saw the wolf who is lying helplessly and blood flowing from its head .To her suprised , it didn't make her afriad . She turned her head to her rescue and saw a man ,she can't figure who he was but there is a little Halo showing his presence . He wore a dark suit , his attire are all dark , he was pointed his gun toward the wolf . However , in a blink , he changed his target and pointed the gun toward her , her eyes widened at sudden change and he pulled the trigger slowly , she saw a bullet flying toward her ...

She jerked from her sleep with heavy sewat . She observed  her surrounding and immediately recognize the room . She noticed the bandage and rushed to her memories with certain one . 'why she was on his bed ? He clearly said he didn't want her on his bed ' she thought ...

May be because he feel guilty about making her picking up the pieces . But who I am kidding , he placed me here cause he didn't want to make his reputation bad infront of his maids .
Then , someone knocked the door , she told that someone to enter the room . The maid entered the room and start taking.

"Mrs.Kim , here is your medicine and breakfast. Mr.Kim has a business trip to the Japan for three days . And he ordered us to take care of you , Mrs.Kim" she start bubbling . One thing in his house was that the maids didn't see friendly. She want a friend to talk about and kill her time while discussing random things but whenever she approached them , they start running away from her . She just want someone to talk with . She nodded her head and left the room . She pick up her phone and start scrolling her Instagram . It is not easy though , beacsue of her bandage . Then , one certain photo caught her attention . It is a photo of a girl who wore a hospital attire and smiling at the camera . The caption is written by her mother like...

"Today is my loveable daughter 's surgery . She told me to take her photo before she went to the operation room . I love you honey , you are the best thing happped in my life . I promised you honey , I will love you more and take care more when you get out from your operation room. Keep strong for me , honey "

she looked at the girl and suddenly she feel like she knows the girl who may be her husband 's sister for a long time . Like ,she have seen her in somewhere with like this attire . And like there is something she couldn't connet the dot since she saw her photo .
Without a second thought , she contacted the one she believed the most . There is a ring on the other side and then the person from the other side start taking .

"Hello , noona it has been a while you called me. What's wrong ?" She sighed .

"Sorry about that kwang Soo yah . I have been caught up with my work so I can't contact you " she said and she heard a laugh from the the other side .

"Busy with your arrogant husband ?" She rolled her eyes although he couldn't see her. 

"It is not funny , you fool " she replied him and cursed him . He is her one and only true friend so cursing each other was so normal for them .

"Ok , what is that ? Why do you call me ?" He asked ... She doesn't know why she was doing all of this but she feel like there is something that she need to know from her husband but she need to spy it , she can't simply ask him .

"I need you to investigate my husband's past . "

"Sorry for my late update , here is next chapter and hope you enjoy it . Thank you for your support "

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