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Kim Jong kook POV

He sat there , listening to their explanation, he sat there paralyzed ...he can feel  the ache in his heart...all the things he did to her resurface ,all this time he hurt her ...taking all his anger out to her whereas she is the victim his and her fath- that bastard game...

"I thought if I gave up all the things, he would become normal ...I knows he allway feel jealous toward me cause our parents always care about me but ... it's not true ...I have heart disease since I was born but it got worse when I turned 6 ...but our parents didn't want him to know and feel depressed so they didn't let him know ...but he got wrong thinking that our parents and I didn't care about him ... And he became like so a spoiled brat he pushed the boy at his class from the stairs so my father did what he think the best ...he homeschool him and kept him in the house parents can't deal with both of us cause my heart become worse and worse till I need to transplant ... I didn't know when he became close with No Young , Ji hyo's mom and I found out she had wrong assumption that my brother is me ...they never have a knowledge that I have a twin brother ...I don't know when he became a monster but he definitely became one ...and I ...I run away ...I didn't give my friend any knowledge about him ...I thought she would be the one for him and make him happy but ...I didn't realize she fall in love with Nam Hyo ,your uncle ...I am sorry " then he start sobbing heavily ... Mrs.Song beside him comforted him while wrapping her hands around his shoulder ...

"I love him ,no matter what happened ,he was my brother but I never thought about him like this , like a monster ...I didn't give any protest even after my father gave him all of his property... Cause he is my half twin brother and I want him to be happy ...but I made a mistake ...if I told her about his real identity ,she would never face this awful fate ...I am sorry , "  he looked to the man whose eyes shows how broken he was ...

"I don't think I am the one who you need to say sorry ..." He said ...yes , he need to apologise to Ji hyo not him ...then , a question hit him ...

"Is my uncle know "  he asked ...if he knows then why didn't he tell him ...

"I don't think so ...cause when I make an investigation , I found out he left the country before she knows about pregnancy ..."he nodded his head and then take a big amount of air ... however , his office door slammed open before he can say a word ... revealing a panting se chan ...

"Sir ...we need to discuss with you an emergency ." He got up from his seat and signals him to continue... He turned his attention to behind him and he saw a woman entered the room ...she seems so familiar ...

"Mr.Kim , I am Mrs.Cho , your family's doctor wife ..." She seems so nervous and scared ...he can see both Mr.Song and Mrs.Song 's full attention...he also wondered why she is here ...suddenly she sobbed hard , well her eyes are already red and puffy so he can assume she had cried already ...

"I sorry ...Mr.Kim ...we ...we were threaten by that man ....that man kidnapped my son and threaten my husband to do the things ... We...we have no choice he also kidnapped my husband..." Then she break down completely ...but what she means by do the things ...

"What did YOUR husband do !!" It is not a question ,it is a command ... She looked at him with her red and puffy eyes ...

"He said to report all the things about Mrs.Kim condition ...all...all these times we have to report her Heath condition but ...he told us to hide something from you and Mrs.Kim ...or else he would kill our son.." she said nervously ...

"Who is he !!!and what did your husband hide from me ????" He yelled while looking at the woman who is shaking ....

"He is ...he is your father -in-law and ...he told my husband ...keep your wife's ..... Pre .....pre....pregnancy from you and your wife ..." He can't breath ....what the
heck is she talking about ?? But se chan spoke before he can react...

"Mrs.Kim left the mansion and ...she ..went to...her father 's house

"Hello to all of my readers ...I don't know my writing is good or not but I hope you all like the storyline ...well ,I am thinking about the sequel ... thanks your for your comments,vote and to all of those silent readers you all 🧡🧡"

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