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Song Ji hyo POV

Today is the day , she have to deal the vows with the demon . She is wearing a white gown , with the lace around her chest , a bunch of white roses in her hands , sadly the white color shows pureness but here she is , she can't be pure after this ceremony , her wedding . She look at her pathetic form in the mirror , life is so cruel !! She thought . She thought about her marriage with a man who adore her and love her with all his heart , who can understand her condition , but for now , it is all fairy tale she has been dreaming . From now on , she is Mrs.Kim and she sold herself to the demon . In a blink of second , she walked to the aisle with her father , at the end of the aisle , he stood with his hands tightly folded at the front . She looked around , the funny thing is , there are only four people as the audience , his uncle and his friend named haha and her childhood friend but more like a brother , kwangsoo who is looking at her with his sorrowful eyes and her father . What a lovely wedding , right ? Then , she stood infront of him , ready to make vows . The priest keep doing his jobs , ignoring the tension in the air . I don't even aware of the fact that I already says 'I do' part , when the priest announced

"I pronounced you two as husband and wife , you may now kiss the bride "

He lift the veil and kiss her ,not a kiss really it is just a peck on the corner of her mouth. From now on , I have to play as his puppet . Then , his uncle came to me , unlike to him , his uncle seems sweet , he smiled at me and said .

"Thank you for marrying him , dear.  I can see that you are a sweet girl and I believe you can change him , dear . " He said nicely . I have this feeling like I know him , like we have a bond but I don't know what it is .

"Yes ,Mr. Kim " he nodded his head and look at me with an emotion that I can't describe .

"You are really look like your mom " he said and I have my suprised face .

"You know my mom ?"I asked with a hint of suprised.  He nodded but before he can say further , my father interrupted him .

"Honey , you are pretty " my dad compliment me , definitely ignoring the presence of Mr.Kim. I can feel a tension between them

"Thank you Dad , you don't look bad yourself " I returned and he smiled but I feel like that smile didn't reach his heart .

Soon , kawng Soo came to her and hug her . Of course, she hug him back . They are just like brother and sister , she met him at 1st grade and from that time they became friend , but everyone think that they two are something because they two treated each other with over friendly manner but no no no . They are like sibling although they didn't share the same blood . When she talked about him her wedding, he wanted to punch that man , Kim Jong Kook.  He keep telling her that he will go to his company and punch him hard but of course she calmed him well, he can't beat a guy who is ten way muscular than him .

"Call me whenever you want , noona . I will come to you whenever you want me " he said and she smiled at his warmth.

"Thank you kwang Soo yah.  Your words mean so much to me " she said truthfully. Then , they get on the expensive his Rover and the driver start the engine . Soon they arrived to the penthouse , she looked at penthouse with awe.

They entered the house and the interior was so astonishing . All of the things are screaming 'it is expensive' , she find herself drooling at this unique things . Suddenly , she feel herself dragged by her so called husband.  He thrown her into the room , a very big room and locked the door.  Before she can register what happened , he tossed her onto the bed and start kissing her neck . She tried to stop him with , she punch his chest but he didn't stop.

"Stop struggling , honey . You already signed up the papers and you don't want to disappoint your father , right?" He said and she let him have his ways . She feel hot liquid running down form her eyes.

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