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Song Ji hyo POV

It has been one week since my visit to hospital and since that time I haven't seen my so called husband . Is he dead !! I don't know , the house is secured by many bodyguards and to my surprise he called many maids too . Is he feel bad for what he did to me ? No way ,right ? After all he is a ruthless beast . During this one week , all I did was sitting in my- his bedroom and watched Netflix on my phone . I can't do anything including chores cause all of the maids did the chores before I even have a chance and I can't go out cause his bodyguards said 'you need permission from sir ,' . What am I ? A five year old !!! So I called him and all I get was 'sorry , the person you are calling right now can't pick up the phone' . What is he doing ? I don't want to admit it so loudly but I kinda miss him . I don't know why so don't question me !! . He is ruthless , I know but ... under his mask I saw a delicate man . I feel like I know him before he came to my life with his contract . His eyes soft Everytime he looks at his phone .

At first ,I thought it was his girlfriend but when I have a rare chance to check his phone I didn't waste my time and took a look at his phone . I saw a family , a man who look really like him , that man was holding a girl who has bright smile and beside him was a woman who hold a boy , he has also this genius smile . The man kiss the woman's cheek and they all look like a happy family well not look like , they are definitely happy family. I know from that moment that the boy who has his bright smile is my so called ruthless husband . But another question is that I never know about his parents and the girl who look like his sister . I don't know what happened to them. Why I didn't see them around !! There is no family pictures at his house but there is a room I can't enter . He forbid me , not only me but all of the people who live in this house . And the thoughts are killing me , I really wanted to enter the room and start my adventure but I don't want to get killed by him so it would be better for me to enter the room when he's not around ... Wait !!! So it is the perfect time to enter the room and see what is inside the room . Yep !!! So here I am trying to sneak out to the room I was forbidden .

You know what !! Doing something that didn't get permission was the most exciting thing in the world . Look at me now , I tiptoe along the hall performing like I am in the action movie as a thief who trying to steal the biggest diamond in the world.  I passed all of the bodyguards who need to check around the house . Soon I was standing infront of a room , its mahogany door is so big and elegant.  I checked the door , to my surprise the door isn't lock ... Did he really think noone would enter this room ? I open the door slowly and I feel myself amaze by its size . It is so big and I entered the room quietly, I observed the room and saw a queen sized bed in the middle of the room . The bedsheets are pink along with pillows , there are many puffy dolls on the bed.  The room looks like a child's room , and absolutely a girl's room . My eyes fell to the big framed picture that hung up on the wall , the same family picture I saw on his phone . I opened a drawer from nightstand and saw a lot of pictures of the same girl from his phone . In the fist photo , she was smiling widely at the photo while hugging a barbie doll. In the second , she and young version of my husband eating cake with their hands . In the third one , I saw her with hospital clothes ...

"What are you doing here !!!" I dropped all the photos from the fearful loud roar . His eyes followed my movements and set on the photos which are lying on the floor . I saw red in his eyes , like he is preparing for the event that I will remember all my life. 

"I can expl-" he quicky run to me with his big steps and pushed me on the bed . I am scared , really scared .

"What do you think you are doing !! You didn't want to breath  anymore right !!! Oh , I will fulfill your wishes " with that he yank me and throw me to the wall , my head bang with the hard wall and I feel something wet start flowing on my head.  Then , he didn't stop , there are blood but he didn't step. He is like he didn't notice  my blood but his rage . If look could kill me , I would be six feet under the ground.

  His bulge arm extend toward me and soon I feel myself choking , he throttle me . I feel my air supplies cut from me , I will never forget the look from him whose eyes have those rage and hatred . I tried myself free from him by hitting his bulge hand with my tiny hands.  I can't feel myself anymore , My conscious slipped away from me. Is he going to kill me ? Then , I saw black . I am dying .

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