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Song Ji hyo POV
'waht the heck is going on !!' she tried to think why his family's doctor is here being dragged by her fath- that man's people ... Her eyes averted to the man who is responsible for all of this mess ...his eyes held amusement like he is enjoying himself while the other people are suffering ...he is definitely a psychopath ... He took a slow steps toward her and stood behind her and bend down then he whispered to her ears ...

"You wanna know a secret honey ...?" His question snet shiver to her spine like he is holding a knife and ready to chop her ...then he slowly placed his hands on her tummy, her body become cold with a feeling she didn't know she can't describe ...

"There is something in your tummy ,honey a b.a.b.y " he emphasize the words baby...her eyes windened ...she jerk her head ,and looks at the man with her double sized eyes can't be right !!!! How can she have a baby !!! She can't have a baby !!! Is he kidding her !!! Then something hits her , these sickness ,the mood swings... the suspcious looks from the maids and the strange questions from other people like 'are you pregnant' ,'how far along are you ' , 'you must be soon to be mother ' ...her hands becomes shake can't be...but ?

"You know honey , you remind me of me ...the become I have become ...the pain I suffered for my whole life ...* He said while walking slowly * I created this  *she raised her eyebrows*. I created this fake report ...that you can't have a baby ...but now you are pregnant and you need to say goodbye to your pathetic baby ..." Her hands immediately wrapped around her tummy, actually she didn't even sure if she was pregnant or not but her mind is telling her to protect her tummy where her baby rests ...she will not let anything happen to her her baby...her eyes went to the doctor whose eyes was full of guilty ...

Kim Jong kook POV

"He wanted her to feel the same way he felt when he was young !" Jong kook looks Mr.Song with a look like 'what do you say ' ...

"He wants her to suffer like he left years ago...he abandoned her in the big mansion all her alone cause he want to feel her yeh same way he suffered ...abandoned and all alone ...he must create a fake report about her infantile ...cause he want her to feel the same way as he felt when he learned about his health ..." He said while looking down ...Jong kook quicky grabbed the vase and throws ...the vase shattered on the floor ...his eyes start moisture ...he was crying.

"We will go to that bastard mansion !!! NOW!!" He command to se chan ...then suddenly yeh door flew open and reveals his uncle ...his eyes were blood shoot like he was crying all the way to here ...his hands held am envelope ...

"Where is Ji hyo ? "He asked while his eyes settled on Mr.Song ...he slowly walk toward him and suddenly he grabbed his collar and yelled...

"Where IS MY DAUGHTER !!" He quicky break his grip on him and said ...

"Uncle ,clam down ..." He tired to say but his uncle shook his head ...

"No...Jong kook yah ...he brings everything form me ... EVERYTHING he brings my love out of my life ... I suffered a lot form that ...then ...then ...he ...he took away my family ...Jong kook yah I feel so sorry ...if I didn't have him as my friend ,they will still alive ...*Jong Koo looks at him with his windened eyes , slowly letting himself sink with his words * ...your parents ,Jong kook yah ..they will still alive ...he killed them ..." He said pointing at Mr.Song with so much hatred in his eyes...his grip on his uncle dropped ...he stood there like a status ...he always thought it was an accident just a normal accident ...his breath becomes rapid ...

"Now ...My daughter ...he hide from me ...MY DAUGHTER " he charged toward Mr.Song ...but Mrs.Song stood infront of Mr.Song and Said...

"You are taking WRONG...he is not the monster you knew ...he is your CARING friend " she yelled then his uncle stood in his place and looks at Mr.Song whose eyes are wet from tears ...

"Later ...later ...we will continue this drama after we brings Ji hyo and my CHILD!!";he said and his uncle looks at him with his double sized eyes ...he lied to him too it was a fucking accident ...his uncle lied to him too ...and that fucker ... He took everything away from him ...he didn't let him anymore ,his mom his dad ,his sister ...they are all gone because of him and he will not let the history repeats itself .. he will not let his wife and his child being taken away from him ...not this time ....

'however ,the fate have other plans '

"Hello to my beautiful readers ...I sincerely apologise about my late update ...and hope you enjoy this chapter you all and stay safe"

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