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Song Ji hyo POV

She took slow steps toward the living room, she grew up here , she spent all of her birthday here, she created unforgettable memories with her mom and brother here , but ... Now , this house feel like a hell for her ,for unknown reason like she could end up her life being here ,she feel like that ...she saw the man ,she used to called as her dad sipping his whiskey.

"Ohhh ,You are here honey ,come ...come " he said with his sweet yet so threatening voice ,his eyes shown so much emotion but more like rage and evil ... She slowly walk toward him and stood like a status...

"Honey , why are you standing there , here come here " he patted the place beside him ... She definitely didn't know him . He is not the man she used to know .

"Oh , you are scare ,honey? Don't worry !! Daddy didn't do you anything ...until the time comes " he said and walked toward her while holding hiler shoulder and made her sit on the place he showed.  

"Soooo... For the starter , listen daddy's words carefully " he said like an evil stepfather.  It is her first time of feeling disguise of his words.

"Daddy have this twin brother , how should I say !!! Oh ...well he is good ,very good that ...daddy was treated like a shadow by them ...they didn't care about daddy  honey ,for them their first son was everything...hahahahahahaha" he laughed like a mad man ...did she make a mistake for coming here ? The answer is definitely yes !!!

"So see honey , your daddy didn't care at all day he brought his friends to our house ...I can't see them because my stupid father didn't let me out from my room ...but it is the first time ...the first time of seeing the most beautiful angle in my life ...your mom " at his last words she raise her head and looked at the man ...he had those dreamy eyes like he was talking about someone who came down from the heaven ...

"She was so kind and so sweet ...I fall in love with her intensely but ...she thought I was him, my stupid brother.... It broke my heart but I didn't correct her ...cause it is the only reason she talked to me and played with me time went by and we became close but she didn't even realize I am his brother ... But somehow I made her as my wife ..." She listen carefully what he said ...but she have this feeling that something big is going to happen ...

"One day I overheard my mom talk about my  brother and her wedding...I saw red at her words so I ... PUSHED her from the stairs ...the sight was so relaxing ,you know ?? That woman deserve it ,I watched her laying lifelessly with pool of blood ... hahahahah..."  She stared at the man infront of with the most disbelieving eyes... He is totally a psycho. 

"Don't you dare give me that look are just like her ...just like your mom... You want my love ,right but see me like some sort of psychopath when I told about my past women are all they same so called mom ,she abandoned me , she never care about me . All she care was about her son ,her first son ...I didn't regret for killing her ...SHE DESERVE IT ..." He yelled at her and then take heavy breath ...

"I thought your mom will be different ...I thought she could give me the love I am longing for ...but *he chuckled* she fall in love with her stupid bestfriend ...She chose him over me ...OVER ME... Why !!! Why the god so cruel toward me !!! Why!!! ....when I found out I am going to be a father , I am overjoy finally * created myself a family ... someone to love me but ...but that fucker ,that stupid useless doctor told me ...I am incapable ...hahahahahaha ...can you believe that !!!! That fucker said I can't have a kid... I treated you like my own ...I really did even after knowing about the truth but ...your mom ...she wanted a divorce from me ...she said that I trapped her into this marriage. That she told me she marry me because she thought I was my brother that time ...I realized she knows eeverything about me ...I am so afraid that she would leave like the others so ...I planned to kill you..." He said with his cold and emotionless eyes , she covered her mouth , tear freely flowing from her eyes...then he starts laughing again ...

"Your mom , she is so beautiful and caring , I can see it in you ...she didn't even say a thing when I bring your brother toward her saying I cheated on her and have a baby ..." She tried to sink the words he said to her ...

"In reality , I stole my brother's baby , I succeed kicking him out of my life , taking his place and pretending I was him but... He still have those happiness I can't have ...he has his own job , a wife and sons ...but I am still fall miserably ..."

"Stop ...STOP said those words toward me you sure have a plan for calling me here right ...and you are right ,the people around you are right are a psychopath . You said you love my mom but it is not love ...It is called OBSESSION. You were so blinded to see what love is !!! And what about now !!! Are you gonna kill me ???"she yelled at him could he !!! She regret every single moment she addressed him as her dad ...she will willing die if he wanted to kill her now .. there is nothing holding back on her ...he let out a dry laugh

"You knows honey !! Although you resemble your mom a lot , you still possess those trait of your dad ...he was so presumptuous at that time like you he wanna give his life for your mom ...You knows !!what I did to him !!! *He slowly put his glass down * I killed his family ...and threaten him " the words which came out from her mouth was so evilly ...wait a minute !!! What he means by he killed Jong Kook's family !!! It can't be !!!

"So , now ,I assume You can figure out a bit but It is not the only secret I want to reveal to you ...honey !! Do you know this person???" He said and pointed to the door ...soon the door opened and revealed three men , one was dragged by two big men ...she looks at him closely and it hit her ...

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