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Song Ji hyo POV

The woman who is standing infront of her , took a big step toward her . She can see her rage in her eyes and it is like she wanted to chope her and feed her head to her pet dog . She didn't have a time to prepare herself when her palm collide with her cheek . She feel sting on her cheek and her head went to another direction indicating how hard her slap was . She tried to stay clam but all of the humiliation she felt these days win over her calmness and she raise her hands and reciprocate her treatment toward her , however someone caught her hands and said ...

"Don't you dare think about it !!!" She faced to the man who was holding her hands from slapping his precious girlfriend . She shoot him a murderous glare . She gave him a dry laugh and wiped her tears .

"So what !! What do I think about slapping your precious girlfriend. I am so done about it ,you know ?? I am not your trophy wife , I get it , ok ??? But next time your precious girlfriend hurt me again and I will not stop to claw her face with my sharp nails .

" She pointed her index finger toward the girl who is now hidding behind her husband . The two of them looking at her like she was a creature from another planet . She harshly withdrawn her hands from Jong kook's grip and stormed from that place . She quicky went to their room and slam the door shut ,as soon as she closed the door , all of her energy drained from her and she fell on her keens . Why did all of this happen to her ?? Why ?? She asked noone but by herself . She wondered how she will endure this torture in the future but it is only two month left , just two months and then she will leave this house and she will never be never to him ,Never and ever . She doesn't know how long she passed out from her exhaustions , when she opened her eyes , the sky was getting dark . She stand up from her sitting position , she was suprised that she fall asleep on the floor while sitting . Now wondered , how her muscles are tensed now . She flexed her muscles and went to the bathroom to release her full bladder .

When she finished her business , she went to the kitchen to solve another problem , will to feed her stomach . She didn't see any trance of her husband and that homewrecker . Well , she didn't know she should addressed her like that but she is the one who married to her boyfriend ... Forget about it !!!

When she finished her meals , her phone rang . She answered the phone call and it was from unknown number .

"Hello , " she started but she didn't hear any reply . She frown , is it some prank ... She was about to hung up the phone ...

"Hello " she can hear a faint sound on the other side and it looks like it belonged to a woman ...

"Ah... Hello !! Who is this ?" She asked and she can hear the loud sigh from the other side...

"Ummmm.... Are you song Ji hyo "
the other side also gave her a question and she start feeling uneasy about it ... How do she know about my name ??

"Yes ... And you ?" She repeated the same question ... She didn't heard any replies for a second ,she even thought that the woman already hung up the phone ... But it is not ...

"I am ... Noone but I want to remind you something that ... Don't believe anyone including your husband and father ... Don't believe " with that the woman hung up the phone . She tried to understand what she have just talked about ... Don't believe anyone including my husband and my father ??? Then , a voice strung me

"What are you doing ?? " Jong kook asked while looking at her intensely ... I quicky hide my phone and said .

"Nothing " but he didn't stop his look and take a few step toward her till she can sense his man cologne in her nostril .

"Well... Kitten , firstly I wanted to remind you , that don't lie to me ... With my just snap of finger and I can change your life from good to worse and worse to worst ... Remembered that darling ... You are meant to be in my life for my torture and noone can change it " he said while putting her strand behind her ear

"What if ...I didn't obey you ?" She didn't know where she get her courage but she asked this question and he smirked at her ...

"Well then I need to show you ... How you will get your punishment of you didn't obey me " he whispered with dangerous yet sexy tone . Before she can utter a word , she feel his hungry kisses on her neck ... She tired to hit him but he was stronger than her ... She feel her eyes moisture ...she feel sad but at the same time ,it felt good ... Really good ...

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