
318 5 1

Song Ji hyo

'am I die' , is the first words enter my head when I get my conscious back . I will never and ever forget this accident for my whole life . My head hurt like I was punched by professional boxer . I opened my eyes slowly afraid of one person . I am afraid that he will never leave me alone after this accident.  When my eyes fully open , I eyes betrayed my prayers ,cause the only one person I wanted to avoid was staring at me with his rage eyes.  This scene isn't differ from previous one , I am still in the same position , in the same room with the same person .

I wondered how long I fainted and how long is he staring at me intensely . For the very first time , I wanted to blame myself for not lacking conscious for a time long enough so I can make him go away and leave me alone . He slowly picked up the photos that  cluttered on the floor . He raised the photos and looked at me in the eyes .

"There are fifteen photos in total ... Go and make fifteen different dishes in two and half hour " my eyes windened 'if he out of his mind !! How can I manage to do all of 15 dishes in two and half hour ' . He let out a dry laugh and then walk toward me like I am some kind of prey . He squads to my level and yanks my chin roughly .

"Do what I said or else the result isn't quite so good " his whispers are so scary and I nodded my head intensely . I quickly get up from my place na went to the kitchen . Let say , through out the dishes , I burn my hands and I can't even wipe my sweat because I am afraid it would take my precious two and half hour . I mostly choose veggies cause I don't need much time to cook them .

Sometime , I wonder what is my life now ? Am I even own my life ? All my life I have this feeling being controlled by my dad cause let it be real ... I didn't even get the knowledge how it would be like in a prom . I can't go out for a long time , except kwangsoo I didn't have male friends cause my father bannned me from that . And when I got my first boyfriend he told me that my boyfriend will leave me if he knew about my fertilization . Althoght I don't want to admit it dad was right , my boyfriend left me at our 3 years anniversary after he learned about my condition that the girl he dated for thread years can't give him a heir . Sometime , I hate the life of a woman , they have to suffer after they became woman , they have to suffer from period pain , from heartbreak , from toxic society , from toxic men . And for me , I can't never escape from toxic men , first my father then my ex boyfriend and now my husband . But one day ... I will definitely leave all of my pain behind and live a new me .

After my cooking , I set the place on the dining table . The person who ordered me to cook sat in the head of the table all the time watching my every moves.  By the look of his I knew he didn't finish with me yet . I smiled at my successful work . My so called husband pick up a plate which is full of meals . I looks at his movements not understanding why he have to pick up the plate and suddenly ... He smack the plate on the floor .

My eyes windened , my sweaty palm on my mouth from shocking . He take another one and broke the plate into tiny pieces . Then another and another he didn't stop until there is nothing dishes on the table . I can't believe it , he destroy every dishe I made . It is like he tried to imply me that he will do with my life to the same way as those plates . ' shattered' . I look at him and saw those cold and cruel eyes staring at me .

"P.ick U.p T.he P.ieses" he command me with each words emphasizing.  I stare at him unbelievable . He want to make me pick up all of those shattering pieces . I swallowed hard and didn't argue with him instead I make a move to go grab the broom . But his voice stop me ...

"With bare hands !!" He yelled.  I know he is heartless and cruel but I never know he would be cruel to pick me up all those sharply shattering pieces with my bare hands.  I shook my head intensely , I will never pick up those pieces knowing it would cut my hands and I have to see blood . He yanked me and looked into my eyes .

"Do it or not I will make all those maids do instead of you and of course with bare hands . If you wanted to see others suffer because if you , you can deny my command" he threatened. I sobbed , hot tears running down from my eyes . My eyes blurry because of my uncontrollable tears .

'you will always make others suffer please do one thing for me , never get near to me cause you are the reason of everyone's pain' those words belong to her father after her brother's death . She tried her best not to be consumed by his words but ... all of these memories resurface when she married this man.  She shook her head vigorously , no she will never be the reason of someone's pain . I will not let it happen , slowly she started lower herself and picked up the pieces . She closed her eyes afraid of seeing blood.

She feel heavy pain not only form her chest but also from her hands and legs. Yeh pieces cut her hands so sharply  , she can feel liquid flowing from her hands . All this time , she closed her eyes not wanting to see her nightmares . But after a while she opened her eyes and saw blood all over her palm , she keep looking at her hands ignoring her surrounding .

'she must realse seatbelt and hug her daughter tight , so she hit her head seriously and she lost a lot of her blood . I am sorry , she can't make it' I remembered those words from doctor .I am the reason for my mother death .

'Min hyo yah , just play here for a while . Enoine go and grab your favorite doll , ok ' this is the last words from her to her brother.  She is the reason for her brother's death .

'it is all because of you , because of you I lost my wife , because of you I lost my son , you will always make others suffer , please do something for me , never get near to me cause you are the reason of everyone's pain' it is her father's words , she is the reason of her dad's pain .

I can't feel like  I am breathing anymore cause in a matter of second I tired to find her breath but I can't ... I start feeling dizzy and the world around my move like a spin drier . Soon she fall and feel pairs of strong hands wrapped around me.

"Hi dear readers , thank you for your support and hope you like this chapter too . Have a nice dream or a day 😘"

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