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Song Ji hyo POV

She is sitting at the living room after kwang Soo drop her off at the mansion . She is watching a movie exhausting from her endless thoughts . She feel like something ,there is something that connect hers and Jong kook's fate . Don't ask her why ?she just knows it . Suddenly her phone becomes light indicating there is a message for her . She unlock it and checked the message but this is an unknown number ,she remembered this number ...

'Went to your parents old bedroom and searched the closet where your mom's clothes were ...' she read the message...what the heck !!! Is this woman a stalker ,why did she knows about her mom and her parents' old bedroom ... It is strange , really strange ... Why did she need to check at her mom's closet .? Her father didn't sleep at the bedroom since her mom death ,it is just like the same before she died . She thought her father can't stand the pain of losing his wife so he moved his bedroom .

"Why are looking at your phone like it is your first time of seeing it ?" She heard his voice , she turned her head and there he is , she was so caught up with her thoughts so she didn't even heard the sound of his car . She ignored him and just keep watching the movie ,locking her phone in case he grabbed it from her . She heard the footsteps of his coming toward her .

"How is your feeling ? You ok ?" He asked but she can sense the hint of unsure in his voice . And why is he so talkative toward her ? It is the first of his trying to make a conversation with her . Is he hurt his head seriously !!! But I am the who was discharged from hospital...

"Um... fine " she cut her words short not wanting to make a long conversation .

"Um ... What are you watching ?" He said sitting beside her . She raise her eyebrows , ok is really weird . He turned his head toward the big screen ... He frown when he saw what she was watching ... I am watching 'all of us are dead ' Yep ,it is about the students who were trapped in the school with zombies .... She gave him the look like 'what !!! Haven't you seen zombie before ' . She saw a little curve on his lip ... OMG did he smile !!! Holy Cow !!! I must be dreaming. His small smile vanished as soon as he saw her seeing his lips . He clear his throat and her eyes moved to his small yet so cute eyes . Well he is not the only one weird here but she is also . Why the hell did she think she looks handsome and his eyes are cute !!!

"Um...I 'm hungry " he said . She shot him a glare . Finally his true self shows ,he damn want a fucking meal and that means that he want her to make a meal . She just get out from the damn hospital and he didn't even come to her . What a heartless jerk !!! She get up from the sofa and went to the kitchen . In the corner of her eyes ,she saw him follow her . She tired her body and tapped her foot with a look ... 'why do you act like a puppy who follows his master' he scoffed at her look and walked past her ...

"I just want to help " he said and opened the fridge bringing out some veggies . She sighed ,did he even Kim Jong kook she knows ?? What happened ? Why did he so nice to her ?? End why did she even enjoy it !!!!

"So what are you gonna make ? " He asked while holding a carrot .

"Just slice the carrot in your hands " she replied and he grinned like he conjured the world . What is wrong with this man !!! Then ,he took out a knife ... and start chopping like he murmured a person who stole all of his money. Oh , poor carrots ...

She boiled the water and start cutting the chicken ... And the man next to her didn't stop from murdering the poor carrots ... She put down the knife loudly and turned her head toward him ...

"I said to slice not to MURDER the carrots " she emphasize the words murder and glare at him . He shrugged it off and said ...

"It is just a carrot and I am not murdering these carrots ...I am just showing you my chopping skill " he said like a kid ...she rolled her eyes at his words ...they even can't use the carrots he chopped cause he changed it from slice to microscopic things ...

She start doing the meal and the man next to her start bubbling those annoying things like
' shouldn't add a lot of oil , it's not good for your health ...'
'Don't add too much salt , '
'don't add those cream '
'add more breast chicken ...'  finally she galre at him hard till he shut up his annoying mouth . He stopped intensely and gave his silly grinned . She tried not to raise the knife she was holding and try not to chop him with this ...

Although , she didn't admit it so loudly,she enjoyed it . She enjoyed the company she get from him , his silly annoying voice ,his silly acts... She wished they could spend more time like this ... like they are a happy couple ...she wished for that but noone can tell the future ...

Hello dear readers , here is another chapter and hope you all enjoy it.  Love you all and thank you for reading this story ♥️❤️

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