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Same night*

Taehyung's pov

As I was giving faint kisses on her wrists and neck sae stopped me and said "Taehyung it's enough" and that's when I realized I was making her uncomfortable. 

"Sae I'm so sorry. I- I just got carried away with my emotions. I even made you feel uncomfortable. I am really sorry. Let's just go and sleep" I went towards the bedroom with my head hanging low. 

But I stopped on my track when someone hugged me. " No need to apologize tae. I'm sorry. It's just I'm not used to that yet. I promise I'll try to love you" hearing that I felt so relieved. She just said she will love me. Yessss. This is what I want, a chance to prove myself.

"Thank you, thank you so much sae. I'll prove you that how much I love you" with that we both went to the bedroom.

I went and washed myself and next sae went to the bathroom for a wash. After some time she came out. I was on the bed watching YouTube and when I noticed her I kept my phone aside and patted the place next to me.

She came and laid next to me. I pulled her in a hug "Let's sleep like this only". I kissed her forehead and said "Good night Saesae" and we slept.


*The next day*

Saeyoon's POV

My alarm went off and I opened my eyes. I was trying to get up but was held by two strong arms. Yeah how can I forget that I'm married and that too with this muscle man. 

"Tae leave me. I have a lot of work to do." Instead of leaving me I heard a groan "ah 5 more minutes mom please."

"Listen son, if you don't want to be late for work and get your butt cheeks ripped it will be better if you wake up now" I said. "Okay okay I'm up" he said while rubbing his eyes and sitting. 

I went inside the bathroom and started washing my face and brushing my teeth while thinking about my life.

I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. Is it ok to believe in taehyung? Or is it another plan to hurt me? Anyways we will see later. For now let's just get ready and go for work.

After 15 mins I'm done with the shower so I put my bathrobe and went out and sat near the mirror drying my hair with the dryer. 

Tae came from behind and back hugged me but I still did not give him attention and continued to dry my hair. He kept his face so near to my neck that I felt his breath on neck. To be honest I was flustered with him acting so lovey-dovey with me. I'm still not used to that.

"Tae please go and shower" I said trying to get him away from me because I swear my face was red as it was in the oven. He whined "Ah wae??!" I shook my head and pinched his nose bridge "cuz You stink tae".

He sniffed himself "Okay okay you won" and with a defeated sigh he went to the bathroom and I wore my clothes to go for work. It's the first day. I went towards the kitchen to make breakfast for us. 

I am going to make pancakes so I started doing the batter for it. I made 6 pieces and put 4 on one plate for tae and 2 on the other for me. I was putting the syrup on the top but got startled when someone kissed my cheek. I turned and saw, it was none other than tae.

"Good Morning jagiya~" he sang and until I process everything he gave a quick peck on my lip? I'm for sure looking as red as a ripe tomato. "Breakfast is ready come and have" I hung my head low so that he doesn't see my face and just bought our food to the table and started to eat.

We ate our food and he said "Thank you for the food, it was delicious" with a genuine smile. It was the smile I always wanted to see. It was not the one I saw when he was with cassy or the one when we were newly weds and he hated me. It was pure. I like it. Maybe I should really try giving him what he want, it's love.

"Lemme drop you to your office jagi" he said smiling sheepishly. I'm not used to him calling me 'jagi'. I nodded "Okay wait let me clear this mess first" and started to wash the dishes. He volunteered and helped me even though I did nor ask him to. I like this tae very much. Hope he doesn't change and stays like this forever.

After I was done we went near his car but before I could open the door he opened it for me. I thanked him and sat there. He closed the door and jogged to the other side and sat in. We buckled our seat belts. He drove me to my office and after few mins we reached there. I was going to open the door but he pulled my hand gently and asked "When will you be done jagi?"

"Umm around 8:30pm, why?" I replied. He shook his head "Nothing, I will pick you" I nodded and gave him a gentle smile. As I was going to open the door I stopped as I thought 'I am giving a chance to this relationship so why not I too make a move? Afterall he's my husband and he's not bad' I gave him a quick peck on his cheek and quickly ran inside my office cuz You know I can't face him. It's the 3rd time I'm blushing hard today.

I was trying to calm myself from blushing but I could not and next thing was I head hobi's voice. He teasingly said "omg I see someone blush. What is it I wanna know, I wanna know too". I said "hobi please not here" While showing my puppy eyes.

I entered my office and everyone stood and greeted me with a smile. I returned the gesture and headed to my cabin. I sat on the chair and thought 'So this is the start to this company and I hope it will be successful' just then the door opened revealing hobi. He came in with an iPad in his hand and said "Good Morning CEO Kim" with a sunshine smile. 

"Good Morning hobi and for you I'm just your bestfriend sae not the CEO kim" I replied and gestured him to take a seat.

"Yeah fine. Anyways let's start with our work. You have a meeting with your employees at 9am and next you are free cuz it's just the first day" he said after taking a seat.

"Thanks hobi. So.....how are you?" I asked timidly. "Oh me? I'm all good as you can see" he replied showing his heart shaped smile just to hide his feelings. Guilt was eating me up "hobi you know that you can't hide your feeling from me. I'm sorry that I am unable fo love you back. Im so sorry for hurting you hobi. I'm a bad friend. I'm really sorry" I said with guilt in my voice as I was starting to tear up.

He held my hand that was on the desk and said "Sae look here" I looked at him with tears rolling down the cheeks. "Don't cry. It isn't your fault sae. You are a married women now. You belong to someone else. If I was a little faster in conveying my feelings this wouldn't have been this way. I'm sorry too for not being faster. And sae you have to love your husband and not some other man. I understand you. Please don't cry." I shook my head "what about you?"

"Don't worry about me. I will move on eventually. I know it will be difficult but I won't know until I try right? So please sae promise me you will be happy with taehyung and I promise that I will be happy too" he tried to put on a smile on his face but ended up tearing too. I just couldn't see him like this.

Note from the Co-Author:
Thank You for reading this part.

Note from SonOfVhope7:
This chapter marks the beginning of my co-writing sequence of this book with Miss SugarShiro5. Please do follow her as she is doing a great work with me, read her book as well if you can! Hope you welcome our Co-Author warmly and do support her as well, as much as you do support me. Next update will be on monday too, Mondays will be our weekly update, rest assured, this book won't be on cliffhanger anymore and it shall be finished soon! Thank you for being patience as always!♡

PS: If you notice a change of writing style, pardon it for Miss Sugar has a different style from me and i barely edit those parts, hope for your understanding!♡

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