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*Author's POV*The moment saeyoon read the letter she felt like her world is crashed. The letter read 'Hey Sae, this is hobi. I'm sorry for all the things I have done yesterday. I wasn't in my right mind. I have a lot of jumbled thoughts within my head and to clear it up I'm leaving Korea at the moment. Don't worry about me I'll be alright. Just take care of yourself and be happy with taehyung. He's a good guy. Now I'll take my leave. Take care sae.Your Bestie, Hobi ☆

Without a second thought she grabbed her car keys, entered the car and started the ignition. She drove with the highest speed she could to reach the airport. She called for hoseok too many times but he didn't pick it up. On the way she even called taehyung but he couldn't pick up as he was in an important meeting.

Saeyoon was a crying mess. She isn't thinking about the world right now, instead she's thinking about hoseok. She couldn't accept the fact that hoseok left her. Seems like fate isn't her side as well. On the middle of the road her front tire busted. She came out of her car and tried to search for a taxi. So many taxi's passed by but none of them gave her the lift. She finally found one and said her destination.

"Ajussi palli!!" The driver took his car in full speed but had to stop as there was a huge traffic there. She saw her watch "it will take approximately 7 mins to reach airport" saying that she exited the taxi and paid the taxi driver. She started to run in her heels but what said is said fate doesn't want her to meet hoseok. Her heels broke too.

Removing her heels she ran in her bare feet. Not caring about the world she ran inside the airport but they did not allow her to enter the checking area. 2 to 3 police officers were catching her tightly so she doesn't escape but who are you speaking about. She saw the glimpse of hoseok boarding the plane so she Screamed his name louder "HOBI! HOSEOK!! JUNG HOSEOK!! LISTEN HERE!! YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS BACK HOSEOK!!PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!" He couldn't hear her. He took his boarding pass and entered the flight leaving saeyoon.

She lost all her power, the energy to get up. She fainted there mumbling 'Please don't leave me hobi'.The officers who were clutching her tightly removed the grip as she fell. Seeing the first contact on her phone they called. Soon after 3 rings the other person picked it up._____________________________

*Taehyung's Pov*I just came out of the meeting room heading to my office. I sat on the chair tired because of the long ass meeting. But it was an important one so I couldn't help but attend the meeting. I picked my phone and saw 10 missed calls from sae.

Why did she call so many times. As I was about to call her another call beat me. Seeing the caller ID of sae I quickly hit the answer button. "Hello" I spoke but instead of hearing Sae's voice I heard another female's voice "Hello Sir. I'm speaking from the airport. The owner of this phone have fainted here and we are taking her to the nearest hospital. I called you as your name was on the top list of the contacts." Wait! Like what was she doing in the airport "Thank You. I'll come there right now" with that I cut the call and took my car keys and blazer.

I ran to the car driving in full speed. I soon reached the mentioned hospital and went to the receptionist "How may I help you sir" the lady asked. "Kim Saeyoon" She nodded and typed something on her computer "Room 104 sir. It's in the 2nd floor to the right from the elevator. I mumbled a thank you and fled towards the lift.

Impatiently clicking on the button I entered the lift. As the door closed I pressed, no no basically punched the 2nd floor button. The lift made a ding sound indicating that i have arrived the floor. Getting out of the door I searched for the room. 104 where are you?Found ya.

I opened the door and the doctor was coming out from her room. Without giving him chance to speak I started, "Doctor how is my wife? Is she alright? Nothing happened to her right? Why are you not speaking Doctor?"

"Calm down boy. She's alright nothing happened to her. She fainted because of exhaustion and extreme shock. You can take her home once she wakes up. Take good care of her and let her rest. Now I'll take my leave." He patted my shoulder and left.

I entered the room and saw her sleeping on the white sheets looking pale with dry tears on her face. Fluids and drips attached to her hands with oxygen mask on her face. I carefully took her hands on mine "What happen sae? Why are crying? Please don't be hurt. It hurts me too" I slept in that position itself while waiting for her to wake up.

[Time skip cuz why not? She's sleeping anyways *shrugs*]I felt some movement. Someone was caressing my hair. As I opened my eyes I met with the other pair of eyes. "Are you alright now?" She nodded with a smile. ____________________________

On the Other side*Hoseok's Pov*Putting on my sunglasses I called for a taxi. "Where to sir?" The driver asked. "To xxxxx Manga studio" he nodded and started to drive.

After a long drive of 45 mins I reached there. I paid the driver and got out with mu stuff. "Huff! I don't know what he's gonna say me, but all thr best hobi. Try not to anger him" and with that I entered the building.

"How may I help you sir?" One of the lady from the reception asked me. "May I know where Park Jimin is?" She nodded "1 min sir" and started to type something on the monitor. She looked up from the monitor "He's In the recording studio right now but he will be done in few mins. If you want, you can wait in his office. It's on the 6th floor" I replied a small thank you went towards the lift. Pressing the 6th floor button I got in.

Making a ding sound I got out and searched for his room. Soon I found a door with 'PARK JIMIN' Written on it.

Looking around his office I took my seat and played games in it. After some half an hour the door clicked open and entered an exhausted man."Hyung what are you doing here?"


Note from Co-Author Miss SugarShiro5:

Heys guys! Do comment and vote for this book and do say how was the chapter. Thank you.

Note from Author:

Hey our lovely readers, just a reminder that this book is updated every Monday if there is no emergency delays, hope you all are enjoying so far and please do support Miss Sugar as a lone author and read her books, she has been doing great with helping me with this book so supporting her is a really great appreciation. Have a great week everyone!

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