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-Skip to Night Time-
Saeyoon's Pov
I arrive at home at 3pm and it's already 6pm, I'm already wearing my pajamas incase i feel lazy and fall asleep, Taehyung is still not here so i decided to cook dinner i just cook some rice, kimchi, fried meet and egg.

I finished at 7:30 and he was still not here, it will be rude if i ate first before him right? And so i decided to just wait for him, i open the tv and watch wrestling.

*Some time later*

It's already 9pm, when i hear a knock, ugh he can just go inside, as i open it, he was with his girlfriend, Cassy, they are not drunk but she was so clingy to him, "Oh you're back.", i said and he looks at me, they enters the house and i closed the door, "Wow Saeyoon thanks for the food.", he said and thet eat immediately, i did not interfere and just continued watching, well I'm just a maid afterall.

After they eat they headed upstairs, wow i thought he'll be nice even a little but i was wrong, guess he was just a pain in the ass, i headed to the kitchen and saw the dishes, i look and they left some food for me i guess.

I decided to just not eat and do the dishes.

After i was done, i heard that Cassy was leaving, i somehow felt relief hahaha i don't know why.

I decided to sit first at the table and think about things, cause I'm still not sleepy, and Taehyung came in the kitchen, "You don't plan to sleep?", he ask as he sat beside me, "Later.", i said and avoid his gaze, "I thought Cassy was staying over?", damn you Saeyoon why would you care?

"Nah she said that she have something to do at home.", he said and get up to get some soju, "Drinking huh? Don't you know you have work to do?", i said and he smirks as he gulp the drink, "Aww my wife cares for me.", he said and sat besides me again.

"Yeah and her husband doesn't even care if his wife have eaten already.", i mumbled but in my guess he hears, "You want me to care for you? I don't even love you or anything.", he said which somehow broke me.

"You're weird, this morning you're like a caring husband dropping off his wife, and now you only care for that bit--", i was cut off by a slap from him, "Never call her a bitch! I love her know your place!", he said and get up leaving me and his drink behind.

Wow! Ok now i need some drink, i get up and get four bottles of soju out, and drink all of it in ome gulp, since I'm a weak drinker, i get drunk and next thing happened i don't know what I'm doing.

Taehyung's Pov
Oh well i just slapped her, but i don't understand, i was really do feel caring for her but whenever Cassy shows up in front of me, i change, some time later i hear something on my door, i open it and being surprised by a drunk Saeyoon, "I *hiccup* hate you, idwiot!", she said while she was on my arm, i carry her and drop her on my bed, "Aish!", what is her problem?

Next thing she do was to pull me and roll us over so she was sitting on top of me, she moves closer to me, "I *hiccup* love you eyyyder, I love *hiccup* my wobi! But I'm *hiccup* twaying to atweast care fow you! *hiccup* and who knows i mwight fall fow you!", she said and i hold her shoulder so she won't fall to me, "Look you're drunk and you need rest.", i said trying to push her but she stops me "Wait!", she said and kisses me, my body is like having its own mind kisses her back.

Our kiss last long until i break it, "You're really drunk.", i said and next thing i knew she was sleeping, i put her properly on my bed and i lay down besides her but i put space of course, and that was when sleeps eats me.

*Next morning*
I wake up by the sun shining bright in my eyes, i look at thd clock and it's just 7 i go to work by 9,i felt a head on my chest and a arm hugging me, and i was also hugging the thing, i look down and of course it was Saeyoon... Wait! I put some space between us how did we end up, like this?

I stare at her face and she was so....pretty, not gonna lie, she started to move and i close my eyes pretending I'm still asleep, "Ahhh!!", she shouted and push me and she stands up, i open my eyes to see her staring at me with a shock face, "You're drunk and you enter my room and say some shits when i put you on my bed and then you sleep and we end like this.", i said and she nods slowly, "Sorry.", she said and i just head to the bathroom.

Of course i won't say that we kissed, it's just awkward.

Saeyoob's Pov
I'm glad i didn't do anything worst than that, i felt a headache taking over me but i fight it and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I was done with pancakes and i decided to just cook pancakes for i don't feel good, Taehyung came and sit down, "Nothing else?", he ask, "Sorry i don't feel good.", i said and he rolls his eyes, what is up with him? He is turning from soft to cold, then cold to soft, i don't understand this guy!

"By the way, Cassy is going to stay here for a week, cause she had a fight with her parents and need to cool off, and don't you dare hurt her!", he said and i just nod, like i care, someone knock on the door and i expect who it would be.

"It might be Cassy open the door for her.", he orders and i obey, i go towards the door and opens it and yeah it's the bitch, "Oh hi, you must be Saeyoon, my boyfriend's wife.", she said and smiles, bruh that smile is faker than my life, i just nods and returned the smile.

She go inside and Taehyung calls her, she just leave her bags in the living room oh great, well being the good girl i am, i brought it to Taehyung's room, and headed downstairs again, gosh this headache were killing me.

*Time skip*
After i tidy up the kitchen, Taehyung was about to leave, "Hey Saeyoon, take care of Cassy, and don't leave her without food.", he said and kisses her and leaves, yeah I'm so happy taking care of this bitch, please insert the sarcasm.

As soon as he leaves, Cassy turns from her fake good personality to her real bad personality.

"Hey, don't act so big like my boyfriend really loves you, he loves me ok?", she said, "Oh yeah? I don't love him either, plus i can't wait till we divorced! So don't remind me something i already know.", i said and headed upstairs.

Man! The headache! But i still need to go to my company for some opening, yeah i decided to open it, well just for the application of soms employees, ugh let's get this day started.

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