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*Author's POV*

It was a pleasant morning of the young soon-to-be-parents. They did not even realize when the time has escalated so fast. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days and days became months. It's been 5 months since that day. Saeyoon was 6 months pregnant.

Saeyoon was standing in front of a mirror with only her bra and loose shorts.

Gazing at her now grown stomach she touched her tummy as though she was caressing her child "I look so fat now." she said pouting.

She was flinched by the sudden touch of her husband's warm hands which was around her grown stomach. "However you look, you will still look beautiful baby" he cooed at her while back hugging her.

"But see I have grown a little stretch marks here, my face has become chubby too" She said pouting as she showed him the strech marks for which he chuckled.

"No matter how you look, I love you the way you are. And who said you don't look good, in fact you look more ethereal and you know I can feel the motherly aura near you. You have even become more sexy." He turned her and pecked her lips.

"Now stop whining like a kid. I still can't believe my baby is carrying a baby. Now get ready Dr Lee must be waiting for us. Can't wait to know the health and gender of the baby!" He exclaimed joyfully like a kid who was finally going to get his candy.

"Yeah yeah Mr Grown kid" She said mimicking him but she got back to her serious posture and called him "Tae, can I ask something?" He looked at her and hummed as a reply.

Taking the sign she continued "Can we keep the gender of the baby a secret? I want to keep it a surprise."

He looked deep into her soul and then smiled at her "That would be amazing (AmaJIN haha) too. How come my sexy brain never thought of this?"

"Do you even have your last 2 braincells left with you?" She sassed at him. He understood that it was his cue to stay quiet because her mood swings are becoming more weirder day by day.

He silently got ready and went towards the living room as she got dressed in her maternity wear.

She slowly walked down the stairs as she kept her right hand on her stomach and left one on the railing. Seeing her walking taehyung ran towards her and held her hand for the support.

Saeyoon has seen the changes in him. Since the day they found out she was pregnant he had grown more responsible towards the child as well as towards the mother.

He would not let her do any work as she would get tired easily nowadays. Afterall she was carrying a little human within her.

They walked towards the car as he swiftly ran towards her side opening the door for her to which she replied as a 'thank you'.

Soon they reached the hospital and they went towards Dr Lee's cabin. They were waiting there for their name to be called. Saeyoon was calmly sitting on the chair reading a magazine and then there was taehyung who was biting on his nails and shaking his feet violently.

"Yah! Will you stop that. Am I the one carrying the child or you?" She scolded the poor being as he stopped whatever he was doing and pouted.

As if on cue Saeyoon's name was called as the couple went in.

"Good Day Dr Lee." They greeted as they entered.

"Good day to you too Mr and Mrs kim. How are you doing Mrs Kim?" She said warmly and asked the couple to take a seat.

"I'm doing well doctor. I wanted to know how is the baby doing?" She asked. As a response the doctor responded and asked her to lay on the bed for the ultrasound.

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