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*In the restaurant*

3rd Person's POV


fter leaving the rest room both of them made their way to their seats. While going there Saeyoon spotted something more like someone. She pulled Taehyung's sleeve "Tae wait for me. I'll be right back" and before he could reply she already left.

He just sighed and went back to their seat.
On the other hand Saeyoon went near a table where her bestfriend was sitting with some girl! "Hey hobi!" She chimed near hoseok but he got startled with a sudden voice.

"Oh hey Sae. What are you doing here?" Asked hoseok. She looked back at the girl and then at him "Excuse me. I'll borrow him for a while." She said to the girl and went a little away but stood in place where the girl could see them clearly.
"What happened sae?" He asked the hoping girl. "Hobi hobi who was that girl? Your girlfriend?" With that he choked on nothing.

He chuckled nervously "umm.. She is my.... friend?" The girl eyed her bestfriend "you sure she's your friend only? Oh C'mon hobi. Don't lie to me, I'm your bestfriend!" She whined.
"Okay okay I'll tell you. I'm thinking of asking her out. But I don't think she loves me" he pouted. She patted his shoulder "Aww don't worry I'm here to help you."

He did not understand what she was saying but he knew she was up to something. His thoughts were cut of when she hugged him and not knowing what happen but he still hugged her back. "What happen sae? What's with the sudden hug?"

She parted and hit his shoulder in a friendly manner "Aish c'mon. Can't I hug my bestfriend" She secretly eyed the girl who was filled with jealousy right now. And seems like her assumption was correct. The girl liked hoseok too!

"Now go and ask her out. I can say that she won't reject you. Afterall my bestfriend is handsome" She flashed him a smile and pushed him towards the girl lightly and whispered "Hwaiting! You can do it!"

He mentally cursed at saeyoon for why she have to push him in front of his crush. He cleared his throat and sat there "Who was she?" The curious plus jealous girl asked him. "Oh she? She is my bestfriend Saeyoon"

The other side taehyung was waiting impatiently. The waitress from earlier came to him for serving the food. "Sir your wife is cheating on you." She said him while serving a plate near him.

"What the hell are you speaking? And please just focus on your work." He said getting annoyed. She took her phone and showed him a picture of Saeyoon and hoseok hugging each other as well as another picture where she was laughing at him. He knew he shouldn't believe that but he was jealous to why she went near hobi and was hugging him.

"Listen here. There's no need for you to meddle in my personal life and she isn't cheating on me." With that he went to search for Saeyoon. The waitress thought she succeeded in putting petrol in the fuming fire. But Taehyung knew what the picture showed wasn't true. He wanted to trust her and his heart.

When he reached there he saw Saeyoon pushed hoseok and said "Hwaiting! You can do it". Taehyung slowly went behind Saeyoon and whispered near her ear "What are you doing here?"


Saeyoon's POV

I was looking at hobi when someone whispered "What are you doing here?" With husky and deep voice in my ear that sent shivers in my spine.

I turned back only to meet with tae "Aish you sacred me" She heaved a sigh of relief. Before Tae could say anything I shushed him and hid near the wall so that i can hear hobi's voice clearly as well as see them "be quiet and See there."

"Umm by the way I wanted to ask you something. Can I ask?" He said trying hard not to stutter. The girl nodded asking him to continue "So... I wanted to say that... I love you from the first day I met you. You are so cheerful and bubbly and I like it the way you are. You don't mind what others say but just do your own thing. So can you be my girlfriend?" He asked in one breath closing his eyes scared that if she would reject him.

I saw the girls face and she was shocked at the sudden confession. When hobi didn't hear any answer from her he opened his eyes and sighed "I'm sorry if I have taken things too fa-" he couldn't complete when the girl replied excited by the fact that she was not the only one who loved him but he did too "Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend hoseok. And I... I love you too!"
I did not waste any time and jumped near them and clapped my hands "Finally my bestfriend got a girlfriend. I'm happy for you" I pulled him in a hug then hugged the girl even though I don't know her "Tell me if he tries to break your heart. I'll break his bones then" the girl was taken back by my behavior.

I wasn't gonna pull apart but tae pulled me. "Sorry for her behavior. She just got excited." Tae said.

"Oh that's nothing. And I will say you for sure if he does anything" She replied.

"By the way I'm park-" tae cut my sentence "kim" then i again continued "Yeah Kim saeyoon and this my husband. I'm hobi's bestfriend" I said.

"Oh so your married? Nice to meet you Saeyoon. I'm Seo Hana" we shook put hands. "Anyways we'll leave now. Enjoy your date and we will continue ours" I winked at them before leaving the couple alone.

"Why were you hugging hobi?" Tae asked in his tiny voice "Oh C'mon you can't be jealous. I'm your wife and he is my bestie" I rolled my eyes and we sat. He pouted looking at tye food. I gave a peck on his lip and starred eating my food. Now he's smiling? Woah! His mood swings are worse than mine.

We had our food and went back to home. I went to take bath and soon I was done. When I came out I saw tae already on the bed. Guess he took bath in the other bathroom.

He opened his arms widely and I gladly hugged him. His hands snaked near my waist and my face was in his chest. I can hear his heart beat.

"Goodnight jagi" he kissed my forehead. I replied a good night and pecked his lips.
Listening to his heart beat I went into a deep slumber. Finally I had the peace. Hobi found the love of his life and moved on from me. And I found my love.

×No notes from Co-Author×

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