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Saeyoon's Pov
I was in my 4th year of college, and I'll be graduating next week, and good thing it was friday, so that means the graduation will be next week Friday, it was dismissal time and i was in my locker, when i heard this familiar cute loud voice, "Saeyoon!!", it was my best friend, Jung Hoseok, "Oh hey Hobi", i said in a calm voice though I'm always excited to see him, "So uhm do you have something to do after this? Cause i wanna hung out i saw a new ice cream parlor, so how does it sound?", he ask still with the wide smile, i giggles, "Hobi, you know that my brother, Jimin is coming home today from Seoul and that he was going to pick me up, maybe next time.", i said and pat his shoulders he pouted and i swear that was so cute, "He was a year older than you and a year younger than me wait how possible?", he ask probably for the millionth time, he keeps on asking that since we were little.

"Hobi, how many times do we have to answer that? You go to school later than him.", i answered and he nods, gosh this guy is so cute, and imma be honest, i like him, "So let's just walk together to the parking lot maybe Jiminie is there already.", he said and a smile creep up to his face again, and i just nod smiling too.

As we reach the parking lot, there i saw my brother leaning against his car, playing with his phone, me and Hobi were walking close to him, he raised his head and smiled at us, "Hey Sae, hey hyung!", he said and we did a group hug, "Sae, mom and dad wants us home immediately, they said they'll be discussing something.", he said and i nodded, "So Hobi, I'll hung out with you next time, promise.", i said and Hobi pouted cutely, once again he snatched my heart, "Ok.", he replies and smiles, "So hyung, we'll be going, bye.", my brother said and we got in his car, i waved bye to Hobi and he did too.

-Time Skip-

We arrived at our house and headed to our living room, there sat our mom and dad, with unknown persons, me and Jiminie go towards them and bowed as we greets, "So this is our daughter Saeyoon, and our son Jimin.", our mom said as we just smiles at them, i noticed a boy i guess their son, showing no interest here, "So mom, what are we going to discuss?", i ask politely, "Mr and Mrs Kim are here with their son Kim Taehyung, cause we decided to arrange marriage you guys, so that our company can be saved.", she said with a smile while dad just nods.

"What?", i ask, "You're going to forced me to marry a guy i don't even know???", i ask again and the guy don't give a single care, "Saeyoon, please do this for us, we are expecting you guys to be a great couple, for the company, for us too.", dad say and i gave in, my brother give me a sad expression and patted my back, he knew that i like Hoseok, but knowing this saddens me and also my brother, "Ok.. I promise to be a good wife to him... ", i said and the guys glances at me, "Tae, you hear that? Be a good husband too!", Mrs. Kim said and the guy just nods, gosh i hate him this instant.

"Your wedding will be on after graduation, your graduation will be next week friday, so that means you have a week to prepare, starting tomorrow you will guys move in one house we bought for you guys, then next thing pick a wedding clothes, next ring, then we got the rest.", Mr. Kim said and we all nods, "Jimin, help your sister pack while me and your mom lead them to the front door.", dad said and Jiminie nods, we bowed and headed to my room.

"Jiminiiieee!", i shouted not too loud, "I know sis, you're sad, and you don't want to, but it's mom and dad, I'm sorry.", Jiminie said, "Don't be sorry bro, it's not your fault.", i said as we pack my clothes and other stuffs, "I'm sad cause my SaeHo ship won't be sailing anymore.", he said and just makes me sad more, "Yeah but that's fine.", i said as we move around packing, "But the Taehyung guy was handsome too, there's a chance you'll fall for him, but please sis, don't , i don't trust him yet, I'm still shipping SaeHo, ok?", he said and i laughs, "First i won't, second i won't, lastly i won't.", i said and we both laughs, after some time of packing we finally finished, "Sis, if that Taehyung guy hurts you call me or your Hobi.", he said and i blushes a bit with him saying 'my hobi', i just nods.

-Time skip-
I woke up by the sound of my alarm, i get up and do my morning routine, i go downstairs to grab my breakfast, there i saw my brother and dad eating while my mom was on phone, "Hey Jiminie, hey dad morning.", i greeted and they smiled at me, "Morning Sae.", Jiminie greeted back as i sat down to eat my pancakes, "Morning sweetie, be ready your fiancee will be picking you up at 9.", dad said and i just nods, i ate up my pancakes fast and i go upstairs i just got 30 minutes to prepare.

After a quick shower i wore my hoodie and ripped jeans, and partnered it with snickers, i don't put make up so yeah I'm done i just let down my wavy hair to bounce, i grabe my two luggage, and put it downstairs, i still have three boxes upstairs, "Jiminie!", i call out and saw him on the living room, "Help me, i still have three boxes upstairs.", i said and he nods, soon we heared a car honk outside, Jiminie helps me to put my things on Taehyung's car, "Bye mom, bye dad.", i said, sadness were noticeable in my face, "Bye sweetie.", they both said, i hug my brother knowing he'll be flying back to Tokyo after the wedding, gosh I'll be missing him again, "Bye Jiminie!!", i said and he hugs back, "Bye Saesae.", he said and lets me go i go inside the car, "Bye auntie and uncle, bye Jimin hyung.",Taehyung said and go in the car and drove off.

And here comes the awkward silence... It last until he breaks it....

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