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Saeyoon's Pov
I then go upstairs.

Jeez, i hate him a lot, he was treating me like a maid, oh wait i am just a maid to him.

I change quickly before that monster eats me alive, i just wear my gray joggers and white shirt, i go downstairs to the living room to clean the bottles, as I arrive there i saw Taehyung asleep in the sofa, i move carefully so i won't make any noise.

After cleaning i let Taehyung sleep there and cook dinner for us, it's already 7pm when i finished setting the table, i decided to wake the monster up and tell him to eat, i headed to the living room where he was still sleeping, i sat beside him and tap his shoulder, but he is not waking up, "Taehyung.", i calls still no sign, i started to get bored and I'm hungry too, so i decided to jump on him where i landed on his lap, and him being shock, he sit up and i realized it was the worst decision i made, this position is awkward.

"Oh my soon to be wife wants to ride me huh?", he said half asleep with his husky voice, i blush and felt butterflies on my stomach, "I did this to wake you up!", i said and tries to stand up but he hold my waist tightly, "Where are you going?", he ask and look directly to me, aish he smells like shit, "I'm going to eat, let me go!", i said but he just laugh, "What if i want to just eat you?", he ask and smirk, i slap him lightly and he glared at me oh no.

"You bad girl, should i punish you for slapping my handsome face?", he ask and smirks at me, "N-no! Now stand up and let's eat.", i said and he did stand up carrying me, "Put me down!", i said, "Ok.", he said and let go of me, i headed to the kitchen and he did too.

As we are eating i stayed quiet and avoided his gaze, "You're drunk, so finish that soup, and take a shower, so your hungover will not be that bad, and plus you smell like shit.", i said and he just nods, "Why do you care so much?", he ask and eats his soup, he was swaying and i swear he eats worst than a one year old, "I take care of you cause i promise my mom that I'll be a good wife.", i said and he just scoffs.

"By the way, let's just talk tomorrow, I'm not in the mood tonight.", he said i just nods, a while later, we finished eating and he just stay seated in his chair, i don't mind him and just washed the dishes.

As I'm finished, i heard him snoring and asleep in the table, are you kidding me? I'm going to bring this monster upstairs to his room? All the way there? Man! I can't just leave him here, and so i decided to put his hand over my shoulder supporting him,"Hey i know you're awake, come on walk.", i said and he scoffs, after like million years we reached his room and i throw him on his bed, "You're just making my life hard! Aish!", i said and about to leave when he pulls me down, ending up beside him, and he hugs me immediately burying his head on yhe crook of my neck, he was totally drunk, well never mind, let's just sleep.

Taehyung's Pov
*Next Morning*
I woke up by the sunlight hitting my face, as i open my eyes, firsy thing i saw was, a neck, of a girl? Wait is Cassy here?, i look up to see who it was and in my surprise, it's Saeyoon, wait....

I remember! I pull her beside me and fall asleep, why did i do that, "Oh you're awake, please remove your arms now.", she said and i do as say, she stand up rubbing her eyes, "Don't be mad at me, you're the one who pulls me, and go shower I'll just *yawn*, cook breakfast.", she said and go out, what was that?

I did shower and change into pink short and white shirt, and headed downstairs, i still have a little hung over, as i reached the kitchen, i smell food and so i immediately sat on my usual chair, i saw pancakes, eggs and hotdogs, plus coffee, she will really make a good wife, "Hungry?", she said as she place plate for the both of us and sat besides me and we started eating, "So about the thing you wanna talk about? What is it?", she ask and i swallowed my pancake to clear my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, just some rules after we get married.", i said and she nods making me continue, "If you're going out tell me where you're going and with who, i should know if you are seeing boys, and just so you know, you are mine so you can't date any guys, oh lastly, we're going to divorce after 6 months or a year? In that time your company was saved and so that i can marry Cassy, oh wait, are you going to work? After graduating? Cause i am, I'm working in my Dad's company, just let me know, i should know everything about you.", i said and continue eating, "Fine i won't date guys, but after 6 months or a year i will, and yeah I'll gey a job, my brother will help me build my animation company, so i guess we both will always be at work and we won't see each other.", she said and smiles, "We'll still see each other at night.", i said and she just continued eating.

We're both in the living room, watching wrestling and she was so into it, what a badass girl, then i heard someone knocks and i know she won't bother get the door so i stand up and open it, and it's Jungkook, "Hi hyung! I'm bored at home and Yoongi hyung is asleep, can i hung out with you?", he said and i just nods, "With me or with her?", i ask as we sat down on the sofa Jungkook being so close to Saeyoon, last time i check he was afraid to every girl.

"Hi Saesae noona!", he said and i just rolled my eyes focusing on the tv, "Hey kookie.", she said and smiles, wow being comfortable immediately.

*Time skip: night time*
Jungkook left after he and Saeyoon have fun on talking and watching tv, "Hey Saeyoon, Cassy will stay here for the night, so go to your room now.", i said and she just go without any words.

Saeyoon's Pov
Such a jerk, treating his little bitch likr she's a princess, oh well never mind I'll be going to school tomorrow, another day with Hobi!

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