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*Author's POV*Days are going by and its already been a year since that day when hoseok left. Saeyoon's health is also getting worse. She's trying her best to search for hoseok but that guy has not left even a single trace of himself.

Taehyung? He is getting tensed seeing saeyoon behave like this, but what can he do? He's even trying to reach hoseok but can't find him too.

On the other hand hoseok has improved a lot in his mental health. He's doing way more better and now he's working as a model for many of the brands under the Bravo company. He's still getting an update on Saeyoon's health and because of that he's accusing himself for all that.

It was 7 in the morning and Taehyung woke up because of the rays of sunlight falling on his face. As he opened his eyes he was met with the pale looking figure of Saeyoon. She isn't eating well, talking to others nor talking to taehyung himself. And he's in depression because of that.


*Taehyung's Pov *As I woke up I saw sae's face, she looks so pale and skinny but still beautiful. It's our 2nd anniversary tomorrow and I should give her something best so that she can move on too. And for that I need to plan something. Luckily it's a damn saturday means she'll be at office for her new series making and I'll have a lot of time to do all the work. Yayyy *does a tiny dance*

Anyways back to story, she have become more silent and more precisely weak. I have to do something that she moves on from him.

That guy Seriously, I will bury him alive once I see him. Where the heck did he go that I too can't find him.

Anyways I kissed her forehead and whispered "Good Morning sae." But I still can't get up from the bed as she was hugging my waist and was snuggled to my chest.

Slowly she too woke up and gave a small smile "Good Morning Tae."

We woke up and started getting ready. She took shower first and as she got out wearing a bathrobe, I was pulled near her with an invisible string. I snuggled closer to her crook and hugged her waist from behind.

"Tae leave me. I need to prepare breakfast and I have to leave for office" She said as she was holding my arms that was hugging her waist.

"You know what sae, you are making me hard again. What should I do?" I said in a husky voice near her ear.

I heard a small gasp and she hit me on my hand lightly "Yah! Pervert go shower"
"Why not you come and shower with me once again?" I asked again but she declined "I already showered tae and even if I didn't shower, I wouldn't have showered with you pervert." She showed me her tongue.

"Bad sae sae. We will see that if you shower with me or not" I pouted and winked going to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and went out to my closet searching for today's clothes.

Umm as I don't have work today let me wear some sweat shirts and loose pants. I took out my clothes and went down the stairs to the kitchen. I was again pulled by the invisible string of the food.

"Smells so delicious" I inhaled the fragrance of the food and hugged sae by her waist again. Don't ask me why I'm hugging her so many times, I like her so I'm doing this.

"Can you take the food to the table, I'll be there with this coffee" She said.

"Yes your majesty" I dramatically bowed to her and took the food on my hands like a waiter and went towards the table. "Yah! Take it carefully" I heard her yell from the kitchen.

Soon she too came out and we started to eat. "Jagiya I'll drop you to work today and pick you up as I'm free you know" I said eating a bite of pasta.

She just nodded as she know me and my stubborn ass well. Proud of myself.

After we finished with our breakfast (breakie) She took the plates to wash as I helped her wiping the table. After washing and drying the plates ashe came with her purse whereas I took the keys and went towards our car.

I opened the door for her and bowed dramatically "Your majesty this way" and she got in saying "Thank you peasant"

I looked at her and said "Yah! I'm not peasant" she looked at me too "Then what are you?" I smiled cheekily "your prince charming" Anyways with that I went to my driver's seat.
I'm happy that she's coming to her normal self and compared to the last months today was the first time she has so many conversations with me or else it would just be 'Yes' or 'No'.
I turned the radio on and 'Ready to love' by seventeen started to play. It's sae's favorite kpop group. I started to vibe at that song and she too started vibing.

Soon we reached her office and as she was going to step out I stopped her by pulling her hand "what happened tae?" I nodded as 'nothing' but pulled her for a short kiss. She soon responded for the kiss. How much I missed kissing her and being close to her.

We parted and I smiled and said "Thanks for coming in my life sae. Have a great day at work, I love you." She smiled at me "Thanks for tolerating my behavior tae. I love you too" with that she went to her office whereas I drove to somewhere to be more precise to someone.

*Saeyoon's POV*
It's another day without knowing a single information about hobi. That little piece of shit, how dare he leave without giving any notice. I swear to God if I find him I'll be the first one to murder him.

I feel sorry for tae. I did not even talk to him properly these past months. I was giving him a silent service even though it wasn't his fault. So I decided just to move on.

Today was the first day of making the new web series 'The witch's nightmare' and it's for all the age group people. It has so many moral values and I hope it gets recognized. The first series went well and this is the 2nd one.

I started with my work and I did not even notice it was 8pm. I did not even eat my lunch. I wasn't even hungry anyways.

I cleaned my table and went out with my purse. I saw all of them leaving so I said "Thank you for your hardwork guys. Have a good night" And wished me back as we left the place whereas I was here waiting for tae.

Not even a minute passed and I heard the car honk. It was none other than tae. I took my seat and he started the car "How was your day sae?" I looked out of the window and then at him. I smiled "it went well thanks to you tae."

"Good to know that it went well. Anyways let's go have dinner in some restaurant. What do you say?" I hummed "Seems good. Let's go" and with that he changed the direction taking me to an old lady's shop.

"And here's our stop" saying that tae and I got out.

"Halmoni 2 jajjangmyeon and kimchi for us" he said and she replied with a smile on her wrinkled face.

Soon we were done eating and it was almost 9 when we went home.

I took a quick shower and laid on the bed whereas the next moment tae came laying next to me. He kissed me a 'goodnight' and I gave a quick peck on his lips mumbling a 'goodnight' too and with that i went to sleep because he said he had to do some work.


Note from Co-Author: 

Heys guys! Sorry for the boring chapter but do wait cuz spice is in next chapter. Anyways do say how was the chapter. Till then be safe and happy everyone bye!

Note from Author:

Pardon for this delay, this was supposed to be posted March 21, 2022 Monday as usual, but due to some schedule overlap, I forgot to post the chapter, but I will see to it that this delay or mistake won't happen in the future as respect to our lovely Co-Author as well, again my apologies. Hope you had enjoyed and comments and feedbacks are always appreciated, it is a great help for our Co-Author to learn and improved since she will be happy to do so. Have a nice week everyone.

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