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Taehyung's Pov
"I think I'm really falling for you... ", i said and stare at her, "Taehyung....I", she started and looks down, "Forget him, i promise I'll love you more.", i said but she stays quiet.

I am being honest right now, after the weeks I'm with her, the kindness she gave me was so different, i never met any other girls like her, she was different with Cassy, Saeyoon was just the perfect one, I'm sorry Cassy but i think my heart have found the girl i really love.

"I... I'll try.", she said and i smiles, "Now where were we?", i ask and smirks.

*Time skip: Parent's anniversary*

After that bath, me and Saeyoon gets ready, i was the first one to finish since i just wear my suit, and i didn't wear neck ties, some time later Saeyoon was in the living room standing in front of me, wearing a black long sleeve dress, with glittery design that reaches her knees, black medium heels with light make up, her hair down, "My wife is so beautiful.", i said and goes near her, "Let's go?", she ask and i nods.

We arrived at my parent's house at 5pm, just like what my mother said, as we enter, there were many guests already, mostly my parent's friends, some with their child, mostly old and young couple, oh great just like my mom says she prepares couple games.

My mom see us and approached us, "Glad you can make it! And oh! My Saeyoon is so beautiful!", mom said and they giggled, "Uhm, eomma, is my mom here?", Saeyoon ask and my mom frowns, "They can't make it here, they were on a business trip, didn't they told you?", mom said and Saeyoon shook her head.

"Hey mom is my hyungs here?", i ask and before she can answer, Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung shows up, "Of course!", Jin hyung said, "I thought you guys already left?", i ask again as we walk to the couch in a corner, "Mom ask us to stay for another week.", Namjoon hyung answer as two girls shows up, it was Jin hyung's wife and Namjoon hyung's girlfriend.

"Woah, Eunice noona, Jeongsoo noona! I didn't know you guys were here, since when?", i ask as i give them a side hug, "Hey Tae, I'm here since yesterday and your Eunice noona just arrive this morning, and we're sorry if we didn't make it to your wedding.", Jeongsoo noona said and i just smiles at her, "Well, is this beautiful girl your wife Taetae?", Eunice noona ask and i put my hand on Saeyoon's waist and smiles, "Yes noona.", i said as i look at her and she just smiles.

After some time of talking, mom said that the game will start now, "Ok everyone, i want every young couple to be on the center, to be exact i want at least 6 couples.", mom said and three couple walk there, "Hey, we only need three, that means my sons and their girls will join.", dad said and i look at Saeyoon and she nods.

Saeyoon's Pov
We headed on the center, some maid put six chairs there, "Ok i want all the guys to sit.", eomma said and so they all sit, "Girls go in front of your man.", eomma said and we do as told, i got a bad feeling for this game, i know that this is a little dirty game, i saw a smirk and Taehyung's face like he likes what's going to happen, "And maids, put syrup on the boys face, and as for the girls, you have to clean it, but by licking it, the first pair to finish will win and will get a price.", eomma finished and the maids put syrup on their faces, i told you it's a dirty game.

"I love this game!", Taehyung said and smirks, i glared at him telling him how much i hate this, "Go!", appa said and so i hesitantly lick his cheeks first, "Faster babe, i want the price!", he said and so i did, some syrup flow on his neck and so i rush and lick it, i finished licking and the only left one was on his side of lips, he hold my waist pulling me closer, "Come on.", he said and so i lick his lips and he pecks it, "I'm so turn on, should we continue at home?", he said sexily, i blushed so hard and move away from him.

"Done!", i shouted and everyone turns their attention to us, they cheers and the maids gave us each tissue, i wipes Taehyung's face cause of my saliva, "Congratulations! Everyone that's it for the games you may now start eating.", after appa said that we headed again to the couch in the corner.

As we sat down, i continued wiping Taehyung's face, "Aww Tae, your wife is so caring.", appa said as they joined us, after wiping him he show again his boxy smile, "Thanks babe.", he said and i blushes, "Ohh you guys must have some hot night huh, is our Taetae that aggressive? Look at your neck Saeyoon, did Tae said to put it on display?", Namjoon oppa teased and i remembered the hickeys!

"I uh, just forgot to uh cover it.", i said and lower my head, "Joonie, stop it your embarrassing her!", Jeongsoo unnie said as he slaps Namjoon oppa's arm, they just laughs and i smiles.

After sometime me and Taehyung head home, but before we leaves eomma gave us our price and it's a set of dress for baby, is she expecting us to give her grandchild? , it was already 9pm when we arrives home.

"Hey babe, you turned me on back there, should we create someone to use that.", he said pointing on the set of baby dress on my hands, "No.. ", i said and headed upstairs, i go to the bathroom to change, after me Taehyung change too, i go to our bed and put me covers, "Have you decided? Will you tell to him?", he ask me as he lay down besides me and hugs my waist, "Tomorrow, but if you ever lie to me, i will go back to him, I'll try... To love you.", i said and he moves closer, "I promise I'll be true.", he said and he sleeps.

I kept thinking about Hobi, his smiles... His sweetness, everything.

I'm sorry if we have to end up like this Hobi, I'll always love you, its just that, I'm married and my husband won't let me go, I'm sorry Hobi, you'll find your true love soon, even if it's hurts me that, that someone is not me, I'll accept it cause i know you'll accept it too, I'll always love you Hobi, but if this alien hurts me i hope you're always there to catch me.... I love you....

And that's when i decided to gave in and let myself to fall for this alien, I'll try to love him, which i guess will be easy in some way, but will be hard whenever I'll see my Hobi... Especially he's my PA.... I then falls asleep.

Taehyung's Pov
As i close my eyes i started thinking.

I'm sorry Cassy, this is not an act anymore for me, she was different from you, she's perfect, but in some part of me i still love you, but it was easy to forget you, you never act like Saeyoon did to me, she was special, and now i know for sure that i do love her, I'm sorry Cassy but, we have to stop our connection and all....i love my wife, and she'll only be my love.

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