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*Next Morning*
Saeyoon's Pov
I woke up early as usual, it's just 6:34am, and i need to go to my company early for the opening, i remove Taehyung's arm that was wrap tightly on my waist, i guess that wokes him up, "Hmm...let's sleep for a bit longer.... ", he said in his sleepy husky voice,  so handsome.... Damn it! Why did i say that!?

"Oh come on, today is my company's opening, i need to get there early, and if you want to go get your ass up and get ready... ", i said still removing his arm, he move closer to me and i glares at him and he looks at me with his sleepy eyes, messy hair and with a pout, "Hmmm, ok... I'll tell dad I'm going with you.", he said as he sat up and yawns, gosh gotta admit that he's freaking cute! He stands up and go towards the bathroom.

While me still fighting my sleepiness, to be honest i still wanna sleep, and then i lay down again saying to my self that after Taehyung got out on the bathroom I'll stand up, and without me knowing i soon sleep again.

Taehyung's Pov
I've just been in the bathroom for like 15 minutes and when i go out i saw her, still sleeping!

"What the heck, oh come on woman!", i said to my self and go towards her to wake her up, "Hey, wake up honey, you said we need to be early.", i said as i shake her and she sat up lazily, "Who said I'm asleep?", she said and stand up heading to the bathroom and take a bath, and me getting my suit and wears it, as i was done, i planned to try and cook for her.

I was reading the recipe and guidelines book on how to make pancakes, when i heard someone giggling, "Seriously?", she said and goes towards me, she was wearing a white long sleeves blouse and a black skirt that reach her upper knees, "Haha.. Yeah i don't know how to cook... ", i said acting cute and she laughs, "Move aside mister, and sit down and watch.", she said and i do as told.

Saeyoon's Pov
He was so cute being so innocent with this simple things, i smile as i shake my head at the thought, he was staring at me the whole time, and i sometimes blush when i glance at him, to be honest, this relationship might not be bad to give a shot, though my mind still battles my heart telling me I'm Hoseok's, it's still him if i were to choose.

The giggly moments in me died down and I begun to have a serious aura around me as I finished cooking some pancakes, the overthinking came back. Was this really alright? Taehyung were seriouly starting to change and make our relationship develop, while here I am still unsure.

"All done, let's eat.", I said to distract my thoughts, today is a big day I shall have my attitude to the fullest. As I settle down with him in the dining table and started eating, Taehyung held my hand making me look up at him, "What's the matter?", he asks looking worried, so he did notice my change of mood.

Smiling to cover it up I response, "Just nervous I guess, today is a big day after all.", hoping he'll buy the excuse I gave his hand a squeeze as well, seeing him nod and continues eating ease my chest.

-Time skip-
Third Person Pov

It's the after party after the long day of the grand opening of Saeyoon's company, every guests and workers were at the lobby of the company enjoying the success of finally getting it open.

Teahyung were sat on a table, alone as his wife were with her PA moving around to thank their guest and investors that supported them to make this opening happen, "Somehow this irritates me.", he murmured to himself as he sip on his wine once more, eyes not lifting the movements of his wife.

Catching everything she does, what irritates him more were the hands that helf her waist, it was Hoseok supporting her back with his arms laid across her waist as they move from guest to guest thanking them and having some little chat, "Gotta wash those dirty scent away from her later.", he whispers with his husky low voice as he finished off his wine in one go, before he stood up to go get refill.

The evening was fill with the celebration and it was now time to head home, Taehyung and Saeyoon being on their car as they were driving home, "Congratulations on your success Sae.", Taehyung greeted as he reaches for her hand and kiss the back of it, eyes glancing from her and back on the road, "Thanks Tae.", she replies as she retrieves her hands back gently to grab her phone to check for notifications.

Using phone were the only thing Saeyoon know to do to distract herself, she does not want to have more conversation with Taehyung as it just makes her mind more complicated. Arriving the house, Saeyoon will go straight to their room to get change and ready for bed, but as they reaches the room, Taehyung held her arms and spun her around making her face him.

"Saeyoon, I know you are overthinking things but you can't distract yourself away from me like this forever, we agreed that we'll make this work.", he said eyes were piercingly dominating her as she looks away totally guilty for it, "Give me time... I'm trying..", she replies and the grip on her arms were release as the male sighs deeply, "I just hated it when you're with that Hoseok guy...", he said in a more soft and calm voice, hands travelling from her arm down to her wrist as they were lifted up to Taehyung's lips, she can feel the hot breath of him brushing against her delicate skin and soon there were a kiss planted on it, his eyes were seductively gazing at her orbs as he continues to plant kisses on her wrists.

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