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*Night Time*
Saeyoon's Pov
I arrived home at 6pm, and yes i leave this bitch without food, i guess she just orders, as i walk in the living room, i was welcomed by a slap, guess who did it, it's Taehyung.

"What was that for?", i ask as i glare at him, while he glares at me more, "Why did you not cook her food before you leaves!?", he ask, "Oh sorry i need to go early, and plus can't she cook?", i ask and he was just about to give me another slap when Cassy stops him, "Babe no, it's fine, i eat the fruits you have here.", she said and pout at him, "But you are complaining about it.", he said and i can't stand the scene, i leaves going to my room.

Taehyung's Pov
I received a call from Cassy at around 5:30, i usually go home at 8 or 9 or late, she was complaining how hungry she was, i headed home immediately and saw her on the sofa, "Didn't Saeyoon cooks for you?", was the first thing i ask, "No she just leaves me.", she said maybe Saeyoon had some errands, "Why didn't you order food?", i ask and she pause for a second, "I don't have money.", she said and i sighed, "Don't worry I'll punish her later.", i said and change into my hoodie and sweat pants.

When she arrives i slap her, i was just mad at how can she leave my girl hungry?

And we talked, and was about to give her another slap but Cassy stops me, Saeyoon then leaves and go upstairs, Cassy looks at me and pull me to sit beside her.

"I have a plan babe.", she said, "What is it?", i ask and she giggles, "Why don't you act or pretend like you are soft to her and that you are slowly loving her, so you can get her trust and you know there's a chance that she'll give us money.", she said ok what is this?

"Cassy, i have money.",i said and she rolled her eyes, "Look here, you said you want your dad to fully give you the Kim Corp here in Seoul? But he won't let you for he said that you are not yet ready and you still doesn't have a family or a wife, well now you have a wife but he knows you don't love her, what if you act and let her fall for you and she'll tell your dad that you both are in good terms, then Kim Corp SK will be yours and she might even help you by giving you money and we will be more rich! Then divorce her.",she said and by hearing that finally I'll run the Kim Corp SK alone, makes me wanna do it, "Ok good one babe, well I'll ask you to leave so tha---", she cuts me off, "Shh, i know, I'll leave, i trust you ok?", she said and i nods.

She grab her things in my room and i accompany her to the door, "Go out Cassy! You're just making it worst with my wife! You that i don't feel good about us anymore so leave! This is over for us!", i shouted making sure Saeyoon will hear it, and i winked at Cassy, "Fine! But don't come back to me! Goodbye Taehyung!", she said and smiles and i kiss her goodbye.

Cassy's Pov
What a dumbass idiot, he'll just fall to my traps and soon I'll get all of their money and be rich, just like what i promised my parents I'll be!

Taehyung's Pov
I heard Saeyoon rush to the living room, "What the heck?", she said and i fake a sad face, "Saeyoon... I'm sorry for slapping you, i didn't mean it, i knew that Cassy just lied to me, she actually orders food, and eats, i was so mad at her, it's like she is not mature and serious, please forgive me.... Does it still hurt?", i said as i hold her hands and caress her cheecks, "Woah, and so now you guys were over?", she ask and i was smiling deep inside she actually falls for it, i nod as i look down, "Soo?", she continues and i look at her, "That means i can only focus on you...", i said and saw her blush, haha cute, wait what? No i didn't said that!

"This is a prank right? You don't love me right? You don't care for me right?", she ask oh no i have to lie, "Then I'll start to love and care for you, all you did was to care for me so I'll return it and be a real husband to you.", i said and i swear lying did feels bad inside, "But how about the divorce?", she ask oh shit, "I won't let it happen.", i said and she just nod and headed fast to the kitchen.

Saeyoon's Pov
Oh no no no no! My Hobi! Taehyung can't do this! What if i don't became careful and falls for him!? I'll hurt my Hobi! Oh no i can't do that!

I was thinking about it as i cook dinner, it was being interrupted by Taehyung back hugging me, he buried his head on the crook of my neck and kiss it, i flinch and he laughs, "Will you stop it?", i said trying to remove his hand but his bug gets more tighter, "No I'll stop if you give me a peck.", he said and i glances at him with my mad face and focus on my cooking again, "Oh please Taehyung, aren't you even broken hearted? Even just a little? You just broke up with Cassy.", i said and he giggles, "No cause this past week i realized i am starting to lose my affection to her and i am finding your care.", he said and i rolls my eyes, i only love my Hobi, don't dare change it.

"So give me a peck.", he insists, ugh can i just flush him in the toilet? So he'll be kissing his shits?, i look at him and peck his cheeks, "Happy? Now let me go.", i said but he doesn't move, i look at him and he was pouting, "Here.", he said and i stared at him, not gonna lie he's handsome and cute, i don't know why but i can't resist it, i give him a peck but he pulled me and it turns our to be a kiss.

I broke the kiss when i remember that i was cooking, he lets me go and laughs, i smile a bit and a picture of Hobi flash in my mind, he was my love, i need to see him and kiss him to clean my lips, darn it why did i gave in to this idiot.

Soon we ate dinner and i tidy up the kitchen with Taehyung just watching me from his sit, after some time i finished, he stands up and pulls me and he enter his room and he throw me to his bed and he follows, he put us covers and he hugs me so close as he put his face on the crook of my neck and he falls asleep, i sighed and think about Hobi, oh please i need to be careful and not fall for him.

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