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*Hoseok's POV*

"Hyung what are you doing here?" Questioned jimin with a confused face (faceu lol). I just smiled awkwardly "Ah come on jiminie, I came and you just asked why I came instead of a hug. That's bad you know."

"Sorry hyung, I just got surprised by your sudden visit. Anyways how are you?" He came towards me and took a seat. "Me I'm all good you see how are You?" I said trying hard not to stutter in front of this lie detector.

He eyed me and arched his eyebrow "you sure you alright? Your face says something else." I laughed waving my hand at the front "Nah jiminie I'm good."

Please buy it jimin. Please. He nodded his head but still not convinced. "Anyways hyung why did you come here?" He asked.

What reason should I give, ugh it hard enough to lie in front of this man. Think of something hobi. Think. Got it. "I just came to meet you and I took a vacation here" it's not a complete lie though. I came here to take break from everything and clear my thoughts.

"Really? And for that you did not call me? I'm hurt hyung" he playfully kept his hand near his heart showing a hurtful face. "I just wanted to surprise you. Anyways you done with work?" I asked him.

He nodded "yep. By the way where are you going to stay?"

"In the hotel or somewhere" I shrugged getting up from my seat. "If you want you can stay with me. I have extra rooms too."

"Jimin really? You are an angel." I hugged him tightly "h-hyung I can't bre-eathe" I parted "sorry sorry".

He nodded "Anyways Come'on let's go to my house" grabbing his car keys we went to his car. "Wow jimin you never said me you have this beautiful car" I awed at the car.

Nevertheless I got in and sat on the passenger seat as he sat on the driver's seat putting his seatbelt. He started to drive out from the parking lot.

Both were silent. Only music from the FM could be heard. Deciding to break the ice of silence he started a conversation "hyung did you inform Sae about your arrival?"

"Umm... not really" I said.

"Hyung I know there's something wrong. Now come on spill the beans. What happened? It's related to sae and taehyung guy, am I right?" He asked still driving.

I sighed "Man, you seriously should stop reading me as an open book." He took a glance at me and then back at the road "Can't help it hobi hyung. Anyways say now, what's bothering you?"

I sighed looking out of the window "I still like sae and can't get her out of my head" and said him the whole story.


*Jimin's POV*

I heard each and every thing that he said. I can understand him. He's too hurt. But I can't go against my sister. She loves that taehyung guy now. I have to look after him well now so that he doesn't take any step towards self harm or anything.

"Hyung you can stay here for how much long you want to. I'll happy to help you" I smiled at him. "By the way hyung do you wa-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I took a look at the caller ID and glanced at hobi hyung before answering the call "Hello?"

"Hello hyung?" The other side spoke.

"Yes Taehyung why did you call?" I asked because it was not usual for him to call me. The last time I remember talking to him was on the day of sae's wedding.

"Hyung sae fainted out of nowhere and now she's in the hospital." I pressed the break and the car halted. I can hear horns of other vehicles saying me to move so I halted my car in the side of the road and spoke "what the hell happened taehyung? If something happens to her I swear to God you won't live for long." I said in extremely dark voice.

He again spoke "H-hyung we don't know why or how she fainted but she was in the airport, I guess to meet someone. She woke up but doctor said her to rest for some time more because she is weak. Sorry to Inform you late."

I looked at hobi hyung who was confused to what taehyung was saying about sae since he couldn't hear our conversation. I sighed "Take care of her taehyung if you don't want to die early and keep informing me if something happens again."

"Yes hyung. I'll take care of her." He replied and hummed cutting the call.

"What happened jimin?" Hobi hyung asked seeing me worried.

"Hyung sae is in hospital" as soon as those words left my mouth he Screamed "what? How?" And I said him the whole story.

He looks sad "I guess it's because of me jimin. She came to airport after seeing my message I believe. I'm so bad"

"No hyung it isn't because of you. Now she's alright so don't worry." I tried cheering him up but he wouldn't.

I sighed for the nth time today and drove to some restaurant to buy some food. And after that we drove to my house.


*Saeyoon's POV"

I woke up to the bright illuminating light hitting my face. I covered my eyes because of the light. As I adjusted to the surrounding I took a look around the room then it hit me that I was in the hospital.

I heard small snores and as I turned my head towards my left hand I saw tae sleeping. It must hurt him sleeping in that position. I brushed his hair from his forehead and thought about today.

He really did leave me. Was I that bad hobi. My thoughts were cut off when I heard soft groans coming from taehyung. He held my hand "Sae are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere? Should I call the doctor?"

"Yeah I'm hurt." I said. "What?! Where? I'll call the doctor wait he-" I cut his sentence "Tae I can't say the doctor that I'm hurt because of last night. You did not show mercy on me" I joked.

He caressed my cheeks "I'm happy that nothing happened to you. Your brother would have killed me if something happened." I laughed at the last part "Seriously? What did he say?"

"He said if I don't take care of you I won't be seeing the sun the next day" he said remembering.

"Anyways what were you doing in the airport?" He asked coming back from the Flashback. I sighed and looked at my hands that were on my lap "Hobi. He left. He really did leave. I- I was calling him b-but he did n-not" Tae hugged me "shush. Its okay. Cry it all out"

Later that day tae took me home and did not let me do any work. I repeat ANY WORK. This guy Seriously.


Note from Co-Author @SugarShiro5:

Heys guys! Little jihope moment. Hope you liked it. Do say me if there's some mistake here.  I'll correct it. Stay safe and happy :)

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