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Taehyung's Pov
*next morning*
Last night, i don't know if i really mean what i say, but half of me means it, and the other half don't, why do i feel like I'm being true to her? Am I really falling for her? It can't be, i need to just act... But my heart says to be true..... Ugh!

I open my eyes and saw she's not besides me anymore, well of course breakfast, i look at my phone and it's 8am, i also have a message from mom.

Mom💕: Hey honey, you do know that today is mine and your dad's wedding anniversary, and there will be a celebration, you should be here at our house at 5pm, wear something formal ok? Obviously bring your wife cause i prepare some couple games! And your dad said to not work today cause he wants you and Saeyoon to have quality time, tell her also to not go to work today, love you honey.

After reading the message, i smiles, wow perfect time to make her fall for me, again Taehyung this is just an act, be careful not to fall for her cuteness and beauty, wait there you go again, told you she's ugly!!!

I facepalm when my hormones argue, i go done to tell her the news.

She's at the living room watching tv still on her sleepwear, "Good morning, mom says that--", she cuts me off, "Morning too, i know i know.", she said and i nods sitting besides her.

"Breakfast is on the table.", she said and i nods, "Have you eaten?", i ask and she shook her head, "Look sorry if--", she cuts me off again, "It's fine, i believe you, but do know that it's hard to do what you just told me, i love him, i don't wanna hurt him.", she said wow she's really mad, "He'll understand, you're married, and it's normal that your husband learns to love you and don't wanna let you go.", i said but i feel like i mean it, what the fuck is wrong with me!?

She looks at me, "What the hell is wrong with you? Taehyung, you're so weird! You know?", she said and yeah what the hell is wrong with me, "I don't know, just focus on me.", i said and she looks back at the tv, "I said i don't wanna hurt him.", she said, "Then lemme talk to him.", i said and she widened her eyes, "Fine! I'll explain just don't go near my sunshine.", she said.

I stand up to get my breakfast, i put some extra to share it with her, i need to show care to make her fall for me.

Saeyoon's Pov
Is he ill? Should i bring him to the doctor so he can be treated? He is just so fucking weird!

He came back with his breakfast, i thought he cares for me then why don't he brought me breakfast when i say i haven't eaten yet?

"Here, open your mouth.", i look at him while he hold the fork with pancake on it, "Huh?", i said and he rolls his eyes, i open my mouth and he feeds me, "I have hands you know?", i said and he smiles, his smiles looks like a box, rare, "I know but i wanna feed you.", he said and he shoved pancakes on his mouth, and then to me.

He suddenly cough non stop, "Wa.. *coughs* ter.... *coughs*.", he said and i rush to get water, i make him drink and rub his back, "Thanks.", he said and i nods, "It's because you ate like a pig.", i said and giggles, "Cute...", he mumbled but i heard it, i blushed, oh no get your self together!

After we ate he said that he'll wash the plates so i just sat there still watching the tv, when i got a call from Hobi.


My Hobi: Hey sunshine!

Me: Hey Hobi!!

My Hobi: Where are you? I just accompany Jimin to the airport and by now i guess he's on board.

*oh no! I totally forgot!*

Me: I forgot! I'll call him later, and Hobi i can't go there today my in law tell me so, can you cover me up? Oh and how's the party plan?

My Hobi: Yeah it's great going well, and it's fine, what's not fine is that i wanna see you.

Me: Me too! I miss yo--

*Taehyung snatched the phone from me*

Taehyung: Hey bro, sorry my wife can't talk now, just call her later or tomorrow, we have some business to do, bye.


He give me my phone again and i glared at him, "What's that for?", i ask, "We're having some quality time here, no other guys should bother.", he said and lay down putting his head on my lap, "Get off, your head feels like I'm having a 10 cars on my lap!", i said and he laughs, "Kiss me first.", he said, "Ew!", i said and looks at the tv, he turns his head, to my stomach's direction, and moves closer to it, "I wonder when this tummy will have a baby, should i put one inside?", he jokes and smirks at me, "Never!", i said and he smirks more, "We almost last night, i just hold back.", he said and i just ignored him.

*Time Skip*
It's already 3pm and I'm planning to take a bath, i go upstairs to our room to take a bath there, Taehyung was just laying on the bed with his joggers only, half naked in short, playing on his phone, "Taking a bath? Can i join?", he ask with a smirk, "No.", i said but he smiles, "Ok let's go.", he said and stands up dragging me to the bathroom, he was so strong that i can't fight back, he lock the door and removes his joggers leaving his boxers only, "What? You want me to remove this too?", he ask and i blush, "I... Uh.", i stutters and he removes his boxers so i look away, he turn on the water to fill the tub, "Come here.", he said still smirking.

I go close to him but he stops me, "Remove your clothes.", he said but i shook my head, "No!", i said and he rolls his eyes, "Ok fine, leave your underwears.", he said and i nod hesitating.

I remove my sleepwear leaving my self in my underwears only, he smirks as i join him to the tub, i look away cause he was completely naked, "You know it's fine if you can see my member, we're married anyways.", he said and i shook my head, "Fine, rub me.", he said and pass me the sponge, i put soap, "On your back?", i ask, "Yes, but first my front.", he said and i nods.

My hands were shaking as i started, i just can't stop myself, his toned body was just amazing, i was busy with my thoughts when he peck my lips, "You're so distracted.", he said and peck me again, "I can't control my hormones.", he said and peck my lips again, "You're just so pretty and sexy.", he finished and kissed me, i can't move, i don't want to stop him too, i kissed back, he broke the kiss and said.

"I think I'm really falling for you.... "

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