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*In office*

Author's POV 

It was the time for Saeyoon's first meeting with the staff and she was quite excited for that. Hoseok saw the time and said "it's 8:55 am. Let's go" with that they entered the meeting room and everyone greeted Saeyoon and hoseok.

"So good morning everyone. Hope we become successful and keep growing. So let's start the meeting." Saeyoon started "So our first animation series is called as 'HOSPITAL BUDDIES' and in this there are 5 friends and they are doctors and also band mates. You can choose the names which you like and I'd like a draft picture of the five friends in a week so that we can move further with the next step. Any questions you want to ask?" 

One of the employees raised their hand "Mrs Kim, What are the genders here? All males or females?" Saeyoon shook her head as a 'NO' and said "It will be 4 males and a female" the ithers nodded as they understood. No one asked anymore questions and she said "So meeting ends here. If you need any help you can always ask me or hoseok. Thank you" and went back to her cabin.

The day went by as the staff and Saeyoon were making the draft image of the new series. It was 8:25pm and it was time for her to leave. When she came out after arranging her work place she was waiting for taehyung to pick her up. A car stopped in front of her and the glass came down revealing hoseok "Come sit, I'll give a ride."

She denied "Thanks hobi but tae is coming to pick me up" as she completed her sentence another car came in scene and it was Taehyung's. She bid hoseok a farewell and went to Taehyung's car.

He then drove off to a restaurant that was having a view of ocean. "Tae, this place looks beautiful. But what are we doing here?" She asked while watching the scenery but he just kept looking at her and replied for the 1st question ignoring the 2nd "indeed it is beautiful"

She then looked at him "Tae I'm saying the view in front of us is beautiful". He was still looking at her "Yes the view in front of me is very beautiful" and here she starts blushing for the nth time because of taehyung.

"Okay let's order. What do you want to eat?" he asked. "Umm.... I want jajjangmyeon and kimchi with meat balls." She replied while looking at the menu. He ordered the same for himself.

"You did not reply yet. What are we here for?" She again asked. "For a small dinner date" she was happy because of Taehyung's these tiny dates. After the food was served they even fed each other. She was literally appreciating Taehyung's effort for taking care of her.

Days are going by and Taehyung's wish to make Saeyoon love him was almost at its tip. Whereas hoseok was still heartbroken because his first love of life was gone. Not from the sight but from heart. Jimin was taking care of him as he was his friend and as well as of saeyoon as he was her brother. 


*Around 9:30 am*

Saeyoon's POV 

As usual I woke up in the embrace of Tae. Nowadays it feels so right to be with him. He never fails to make my heart flutter for him. "Good Morning jagiya" Tae said with a peck on my lip. It's like I'm used to his pecks and kisses.

"Good Morning Tae Tae" I replied with a peck on his cheek.

"It's Saturday today meaning no work. So shall we go on a date?" He beamed as a kid who wants to go for amusement park. I nodded as a reply and as I was going to the bathroom for shower he stopped me "Can I join too?" He asked with a husky voice while holding my wrist gently. I slapped his hand "Yah! Byuntae" with that I went to shower.

After showering Tae went next and I was getting ready for our date. I still feel bad for breaking hobi's heart but after being with tae my feelings for hobi has vanished. But I still love him as my one n only bestfriend. I asked jimin oppa to take care of him as he doesn't like to be honest with me about his feelings.

I wore a black off-shoulder jumpsuit with sneakers and Tae wore a black jeans and baby blue sweat shirt with sneakers same as mine. 

"Ready for the date?" I nodded and he interlocked our hands and said "let's go then". We drove towards our first destination that is the busy streets of Seoul for eating street foods. Nothing is better than eating food in the street.

We fed each other momo's and rice cakes. "Where are we going next?" I asked looking at him and our interlocked hands. "Umm..... A secret" he said and I rolled my eyes and pout. He just laughed -_-

As we were moving the sight was clear. It was "THE AMUSEMENT PARK!!!" I looked at him like this kid that is going to get its favorite candy. He nodded showing his boxy smile. 

"So which one first?" He asked. I pointed at the pirate ship and basically pulled him there. We took 2 tickets and sat at the end row. I love these rides. The ride started and "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" Screamed tae. But I was having the fun of my life. 

After 3 mins the ride stopped and tae's face became gloomy as he saw the next ride. It was "roller coaster?" He asked. Seeing his gloomy expression I was concerned "Tae there's no need of force. We will go to some other ride if you want hmm?" 

He shook his head and said "this ride is nothing. Let's go" we sat at the front this time. And again the ride started "woooo-hooooooo" we both Screamed  with both our hands raising up.

After 2 rounds it stopped and soon it was 4pm, time to eat lunch. We went to some shop in the carnival itself. After having we paid. I saw a store in which they have to shoot 5 balloons with arrows to win prizes. I pulled his sleeve and looked at him with puppy eyes "Can you get that tiger stuff toy for me?"

He smiled "Anything for you" and he took up the challenge. He shot all the 5 arrows. Seriously he is so talented in these. The stuff toy was so cute, just like tae. I even went in the carousel and tae was just watching me and taking my pictures as though he was my father and I'm his daughter. 

And last but not the least "The Ferris Wheel"

Note from Co-Author Miss SugarShiro5:
I apologize if you guys find it quite boring. I'm trying my best to keep up with my work.

Note from Author:
Pardon for updating a day late, i was planning to update yesterday but unfortunately my internet got cut off, this incident shall not be repeated in the future updates, once again i apologize for any inconvenience.

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