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*That night*


uthor's POV

As they sat in one of the compartment of the Ferris Wheel, it started to move. The ride will be for half n hour. Taehyung was feeling nervous as on the other hand Saeyoon was very excited since she was sitting on a Ferris Wheel after a long time.

Saeyoon was admiring the beauty of the night whereas taehyung was admiring Sae. He was looking at her with all his love and adoration. Time went by now they are on the top. 'Its time' taehyung thought and heaved a nervous sigh.
"Sae..." She turned looking at him "yes?" He pulled out a velvet box, opened it and sat on his left knee since the compartment was spacious. She was looking at her with visible tears that can break down anytime "Sae, I know you have been through a lot because of this relationship. We even spoke about divorce. I know you don't love me but I still want to make you happy and want to be with you till the end and till eternity. So Park Saeyoon... will you do me a favor by accepting my love for you and be my forever lover and soul mate?"
He was looking deep in her eyes and hoping for her to say 'yes' and accept her. He was still thinking if she will say yes. But since there was no reply he looked down and was closing the box "I'm sorry I shou-" he was cut off when she hugged him sitting on her knees too. "Yes Taehyung. I am willing to accept you as my forever soul mate and lover. I love you tae" She broke into tears.

Taehyung left the breath he didn't knew was holding. He hugged her tightly then pulled apart. He removed her wedding ring and slipped the ring he had bought for her. She looked at him when he removed her wedding ring "Tae why did you remove the ring?"

"I don't want you to keep the ring which was given by me without love." He held her by her waist "I love you Park Saeyoon" with that he pulled her in a kiss. It was just an innocent kiss. It was a gentle kiss. Taehyung did not want to scare her. It was the start of their love life. No disturbance or anything.

They say that if you kiss your lover sitting on a Ferris Wheel during a full moon night you will forever be with that person no matter even if destiny try to separate them they will again meet. If it's a myth or not we don't know but we believe in that.

Soon they pulled out of the kiss as they were out of breath. Their foreheads were still touching and both were panting hard. Taehyung was caressing her cheek with his right hand and looking deep in her soul with a genuine smile. "I'm happy that we can start again and I promise not to hurt you Sae. If I do, please do punish me" he said to her.

"Don't worry if you hurt me jiminie oppa will kick your ass and before that I will kick you ass so bad you will never forget that" she said smiling at him.

After few mins they were done with Ferris Wheel too. It was around 8pm and they were sitting on a bench near the lake admiring the moon that was shining alone in the dark sky. The stars were supporting the moon not letting it feel lonely.

Saeyoon kept her head on Taehyung's shoulder looking at the night sky. "Tae see, a shooting star. Let's make a wish" She pointed at the sky. "Okay" he replied then they both closed their eyes and started to wish.

"I hope she will stay with me forever and won't be away from me. I will make her happy and respect her with all my heart. I will try to be her happiness since she is mine. That smile will never disappear even if it takes my life. I promise" Taehyung wished.

"Even if something happens to me I hope nothing wrong happens with tae and he will forever be happy bear. Don't take his happiness away. I promise to make him Happy even if it costs all my life." Saeyoon wished.

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