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Saeyoon's Pov
I'm at my company, as i enters my office, Hobi was there waiting for mw focused on some papers, "Hey.", i said and he looks up and goes towards me and hugs me, i hug him back tightly, i don't wanna let him go, "Hey, is something wrong?", he ask as he brokes the hug but his hands stays on my waist, tears falls from my eyes, he wipes it using his thumb, "Why is my sunshine crying?", he ask in a gentle voice, "Hobi... He doesn't want to divorce me, and he wanted me to love him but i love you.... He said to forget you but it's not easy... He said--", he put his index finger on my lips shutting me.

"I understand... You're married, but just so you know, if he ever hurt you i won't think twice and stole you from him, but if he will make you happy then I'll support you, I'll be your best friend, always be.", he said, his voice cracking until he can't hold it in and burst into tears, i was hurt seeing him like this, i kissed him and he kiss me back, we kiss as we cries, this must be our last kiss...

I broke the kiss and he connects our foreheads, "I'm sorry... ", i said and cries more, "Shhh.... Just tell me if he hurt you ok?", he said and cries more as i nods.

After the drama we spent the day laughing and doing our work for we will open my company tomorrow, my employees was so excited tho, and my script writers have some story line to present to me.

Taehyung's Pov
I'm in my office, just finished a meeting, how i wish i was the main leader to decide, but of course, dad was the one.

As i was sitting there, i remembers Cassy, i call her over so that i can tell her.

Some time later she arrives, "Babe!!!", she shouted and hugs me, i did not hug back, "What's the matter?", she ask as she brokes the hug, "I'm sorry... We're over, i realized i love my wife for reals... ", i said and she slaps me, "Useless asshole! I thought i can make my plan work! Guess i just waste my time to you!", she said and i was shock, "What the fuck? Whay do you mean?", i ask and she rolls her eyes, "I thought you love me, and that you'll give me all of your money, along with your wife's money, and that's all i wanted from you, your damn money! I never love you! I just use you! But it's like i just waste my time! Well go fuck off and goodbye jerk!", she said and leaves immediately.

All this fucking time!? I love her, but she only loves my damn money!? What a bitch, I'm sk right with my decision, but... I'm so hurt, she was just using me all this time.

A tear left my eyes, I'm so needing care, i can't wait to see my wife soon, maybe her voice can calm me?


Me: Hey yeobo...

My wife: Uhm hello, this is Hoseok, her PA, she's with her script writers having some chats, she left her phone in her office and I'm here so i answer it, i see you're her husband.

Me: Oh... Tell her that i call, thanks.


As i end the call, i was shock, that guy was her PA? Then moving on from him is a hard thing.

*Time Skip: Night, 8pm*
Saeyoon's Pov
I was home early as usual, I'm in pajamas and the table was set for dinner but i just cover the food to wait for Taehyung.

Soon enough he arrives, he approached me immediately and hugs me, "Hey what's wrong?", i ask and he looks at sitting down on the sofa with his head in my shoulder, "Cassy.... She was just using me all this time for my money... ", he said, woah rough one, i pity him, i move my hand on his shoulder side hugging him to comfort him.

I ask him to eat dinner so we can rest early.

As we are done, he go upstairs to change and i clean the dishes, after that i go to our room too, he was on the bed in his pajamas, looking blankly at the ceiling, "Tae... ", i calls and i shut my mouth realizing i just call him with his nickname, "What did you just calls me?", he ask and smiles, i go to the bed and lay besides him and face my back to him, "Hey... Don't ignore your husband... ", he said and i face him as he pouts, "I said... Tae.. ", i repeats and he smiles as he pecks my lips, "That made me happy! You're so cute!", he said and i blush as i avoided his gaze, he wrap his hands around my waist and move closer to me.

"I already told, Hobi, he said that if you ever hurt me, he won't think twice and steal me from you... ", i said and he notices my sad tone, "It's ok, you'll move on from him, just trust me ok?", he said and i just nods, i can't hold it in and cries, he moves me close to him as i buried my face to his chest and he kissed the top of my head hugging me close, "Shhh... It's ok....", he said comforting me as i falls asleep.

Taehyung's Pov
I thought she'll be the one to comfort me but turns out I'm the one to do it to her, she looks so hurt, she really does loves this Hobi or Hoseok guy, i don't want her to be like this, i want her happy and bubbly, but i guess it'll take time for her to forget her love, especially if that guy was so dear to her.

I promise you, i won't hurt you, no tears will left your eye cause of sadness, only happiness will be marked on your face, I'll wait till you forget this guy and focus on me, i love you Saeyoon.... I won't let Hoseok to steal you away from me....

And after that i kissed her head again and sleeps.

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