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Taehyung's Pov
I woke up alone in bed, maybe she was making breakfast, i look at the clock saying it's already 8am, and so i get up and get ready for work.

As i was done, i headed to the kitchen to see her putting plates in thd table, "Good morning.", i said and she looks at me with a frown, "What?", i look down at my suit and noticed that my necktie was a messed, this is why i wore casual suit, but we have a meeting today so yeah need to be formal, "Come here.", she said and i walk closer to her.

She removes my necktie and put it around her neck and do the thing, i was just staring at her the whole time, after she was done, she was giving me the tie but i just look at it, "Here.", she said and i smirks, "Put it on me.", i said and she rolls her eyes, she put it on my neck and tightens it, that's when i sneaked my hands to her waist, "What are you doing?", she ask, acting duh, "Nothing just wanna have some morning kiss.", i said and she blushes, that's right fall for it, she once again rolls her eyes and remove my hands, "You're dumb to think I'll do it, now go and eat.", shesaid and i just do as told.

I was really enjoying acting up on her but at some point it doesn't affect her, maybe i need to be more intense? Haha get ready for tonight.

*Time Skip*
Saeyoon's Pov
He was very weird, his mood swings was worst than mine when i have my period, and it's also weird that he is not affected by he and Cassy being over, is he planning something? Well i need to be careful.

He once again insisted on dropping me off, as soon as we arrived i quickly hop out, "Don't pick me up I'll be home early.", i said and walk away and saw him drove off, well haha if he was acting well I'll just enjoy it cause i actually like this side of him but still need to be careful and focus with your Hobi ok Saeyoon? I talk to myself.

As i entered my finished up and decorated company with alk the things my employees will need the animation room, voice recording room, script writing room, the meeting room, the break room, and offices.

We only need some more employees, actually, i have like 25 animators, and 15 voice actors, and 12 script writer and some janitors, all i need is more people so if we got our first story line everything will run by smoothly, but this people around me is enough to open my company, also I'm the producer and all, but i hope when my company is popular more talented people will join mine, as i head to my office i saw my brother and...Hobi!?

"Hobi!!!!", i shouted and rush to him and hugs him, "You do know I'm here too.", my brother said and we giggled as we group hug, "What are you doing here Hobi?", i ask while smiling, "Gonna be your PA?", he said and my eyes brights and smiles widely, "Yay!!!! Your dad agrees?!", i ask in disbelief as we broke the hug, well his dad wanted him to be the owner of their business soon and he was training him, "Yeah, plus i explain to him the whole thing, like you being arranged and about us, but in one condition ...whenever he needs me i should go without excuses even I'm in work with you.", he said as he smiles at me so bright that it can get me blind.

"Deal! As long as we are together!",i said and hugs him again as we go back on planning the opening party, "Sae, I'll be going back to tokyo tomorrow so i think i can't be with you in your grand opening, sorry some errands we have a new story line.", my brother said and i felt sad, I'll miss him again, "Ok oppa, just always give us a call, ok?", i said and he nods smiling and go back on planning again.

*Time skip: Nighttime*
I got home early as always, it's already 6:30pm when i decided to cook dinner for us, as I'm done i cover the food in the table and headed to the living room, waiting for the weird monster to come.

Shockingly he arrives early like 7pm, he usually gets home late, i just glance at him and continue with watching tv, he sat beside me, close that our bodies touched, i have no room to move I'm on the end of the sofa, "Being rude huh? Not even greeting her husband.", he said and sneaked his hands on my waist, moving me closer to him, "Look will you stop?", i said as i tries to get out of his grip, "Ok, but move your things to my room.",he said and removes his hands, "Why?", i ask and he rolls his eyes, "Just do it, we'll sleep together you know?", he said and get up going upstairs to change.

He is an asshole! I swear i could kill him! And i decided to prepare the table.

Taehyung's Pov
Even tho i don't like my idea i still need to do this for Cassy and for the Kim Corp SK to be mine, she's cute tho... Wait! No she's ugly! Focus on your plan Tae!

As i was done changing into my pajamas, i headed downstairs and to the kitchen, i sat down and she did too.

*Time Skip: cause I'm lazy*
After she clean up the kitchen, she obey me and put her things in my room, well our room, after that i sat down on our bed and she was just staring at me, "What? Am i thst handsome for you to keep staring at me?", i ask with a smirk, "No, i was just wondering, where do i sleep?", she ask, is she dumb? On the bed duh!

"Here, with me, isn't that what married people do?", i ask gosh i hate this, but i don't know some part of me like this tho, "Ok.", she said and lay down on the bed and maybe she decided to sleep. Really obedient Saeyoon.

I stand up to turn off the lights, and lay down besides her, and i was hesitating to do what is on my mind but maybe this will change her mind.

I then sneaked my arms on her waist and buried my face on her neck, well back of her neck, she was facing her back to me, i kiss the back of her neck and she flinched, i continued giving her wet kisses, and as i do this i can't control myself anymore, she faces me with confusion, "Stop it.", she said but i can't stop myself i want more, i hovered on top of her and hold her both arms on the side of her head and i hungrily smashed my lips with her, she didn't kiss back, i broke the kiss, "Taehyung, stop.", she said again trying to get out of my grip but i tightens it.

I kiss her again and this time she kissed back.

Saeyoon's Pov
He kissed me again and i can't resist it so i kissed back, he bites my lower lip making me gasp and he enters my mouth with his tongue exploring every corner, he let go and move down to my jaw, and to my neck, he sucked it and found my sweet spot, i moaned and so he continues to suck it there, and i moaned again, he stops and smirks at me, "I don't know why but your moans turns me on.", he said and flop down besides me, i won't lie, it turns me on too, his kiss.

Oh no! Hickeys! Hobi will be mad, oh no what have i done! I can't fall for this jerk!

I'm just staring at the ceiling and he was hugging me on my waist, "Taehyung.. Why are you doing this? Why do you suddenly became soft and acting like you loves me?", i ask and he moves closer, "Cause i love you.", he said and my heart beats faster, do he mean it? Do he? Or this is just a trap?

"Don't lie.", i said and he shook his head, "Not lying.", he said and i started believing him, but sorry i love Hoseok, i can't fall for you, "And i know you like this Hoseok guy, but i promised you'll fall for me, and you're mine and mine only.", he said and i just stays quiet, what is happening?

"You know what babe? Forget about him, and just focus on me.", he said and sleeps. I can't do that to him, i love Hobi a lot....

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