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*Author's POV*

"I'm pregnant Tae. Your gonna be a father."

As these words left Saeyoon's mouth, Taehyung's mouth was left open. He was still digesting the words and his silence made saeyoon to think that he was not going to accept the child.

"Tae, don't you like that I'm pregnant?" She asked in the verge of tears but taehyung instead of giving a reply he started to jump and scream in excitement "Yayyyy!!! I'm going to be a dad! I can't wait for the kid to come to this world."

Seeing the excitement in Taehyung's face saeyoon burst out in tears. He went to her and hugged her "Thank You so much sae. You have made me complete. Thank you so much" he showered her face with kisses buy she did not stop crying.

"Aish my baby why are you crying? It's bad for you as well as the child" he wiped her tears. "I- I thought you did not want the baby" she said still sobbing.

"My baby how can I not want the baby. Afterall it's 'our' baby. It's the best gift in my life. Thank you so much", they shared a sweet yet passionate kiss.

Pulling apart he tucked her to bed and climbed the other side keeping her in his embrace he asked another question, "Baby, how did you know you were pregnant?"

She on the other hand was doodling on his chest "I was having the symptoms from the past month and I took the pregnancy test today. It said I'm pregnant but I could not believe a stick so I went to the clinic to Dr Lee and she did some tests and later she said that I'm 4 weeks pregnant." She ended it with a smile.

He grinned from ear to ear when she asked him a question "Tae, do you want our baby to be a girl or a boy?"

Taehyung, "I want a girl!"

"Why a girl and not a boy?" Saeyoon asked as she wanted the baby to be a boy.

"Because I want to take care of my little princess, give her a piggy back ride, go to picnic, spoil her very much and be her superhero! " He beamed with shining eyes and continued "But I will love it even if I have a boy. We will go to hiking, play football, spoil him a little and of course teach him how to find a girl like his mom" he winked at her in the last sentence.

She hit his chest lightly "I will keep my little prince with me so that you won't spoil him" he chuckled and hugged her again "I can't wait to give the news to others. They will be so excited! I can imagine my brothers and friends squealing"

"But tae, I'm scared that I can't be a good mother. What if I fa-" She was stopped in mid of her sentence with a kiss on her lips by taehyung. "Don't ever say that you cannot be a good mother, because I know you will be the best mother to our baby and don't worry I'm with you all the time. In This journey we will walk together."

She smiled at him mumbling a 'thank you' and they drifted to sleep.


The next morning saeyoon woke up earlier than taehyung as usual and got ready for the day. After few minutes taehyung woke up when he couldn't find saeyoom beside him.

He walked towards the kitchen and found her there. She was washing the vessels when taehyung stopped her with his loud voice,"BABY! What are you doing? Give me I'll do it. Your pregnant so you should rest, not work."

"Tae, I'm pregnant not paralyzed that I cannot do the work. Besides if I don't do anything I'm gonna die out of boredom" She reasoned.

"I'm not taking that as the reason. You will just sit, I will do all the work then we can go for a walk. You will feel fresh" he said making her sit on the kitchen counter.

He did all the works while telling her about how he was going to spend his time with his kids whereas she just sat there and watched him, listening to him.

But those voice faded slowly as she only focused on Taehyung's face. He looked very attractive. She couldn't believe for a moment that she was married to this godly handsome man and was going to be the mother of his kids.

'If the father is this handsome think of how the baby will look' she shook her head at that thought, but her thoughts were stopped with Taehyung's voice "I know I'm very handsome but there's no need of staring at me so long. If you want take a picture.You know right pictures can last longer" he winked at her.

"Why can't I stare at my handsome husband? Is it wrong to stare at my husband." She snapped at him.

He thought she will blush at his sentence but instead she snapped at him which took him off guard.

As he couldn't find an answer he kept quite continuing his work.

There was a comfortable silence but it was broken by the ringing of Saeyoon's phone. She saw the caller ID and it was jimin, she immediately picked the call and beamed excitedly to give him the happy news "Hello oppa! How are you?"

"I'm good, how's my little sis doing?" She could hear him chuckle.

"I'm doing good too oppa. I have something to say you oppa" She said glancing at taehyung who was still doing his work humming a random tune.

"Yes, what is it sae?" He asked.

"Oppa i- I'm pregnant" as soon as she said that she could hear squeals coming from the other side of the phone.

"What!! I'm going to be uncle. Sae I'm so happy for you guys! Can't wait for the baby. By the way is taehyung there?" He squealed so hard that she had to keep the phone away from her ear.

"Nae oppa, he's here" with that she passed the phone to taehyung who took it with questioning look.

"An-annyong hyung" he said stuttering as he's still a little scared of him because of the threat he gave him the last time he called.

"Taehyung, take care of them. If I ever see her crying or hurt you will be the first person I'll be looking for" he said in serious tone as the latter just gulped.

"I will take care of them hyung. They are my everything" with confidence taehyung replied and hearing that jimin nodded his head even though he couldn't see. After talking to him for few more seconds he cut the call and gave the phone back to saeyoon.

"What did oppa talk about?" She asked him. "Nothing much just he said to take care of you and our baby." He replied cutting the fruits for his wife.

As they said the news to their family, the young couples phone was busting with many phone calls and messages congratulating them and wishing them.

She wanted to give this news to hoseok but still he was not found. Afterall he's her bestfriend and when bestfriend is apart the other feels incomplete and sad without him or her. Afterall bestfriends are your other half in a way.

The young couple were very happy as It was a new experience that they were going to face. A little difficult, a little different but the most happy one.


Note from Co-Author: SugarShiro5
Heys guys! How's the story so far? Do comment and say what will be the gender of their baby ^_^ stay safe and healthy!

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