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*Author's POV*

The boy who was driving his car halted it when he came to the designated place. Coming put from the car he stood in front of the house contemplating whether to knock or not.

After a lot of thoughts he just knocked on the door and after a min or 2 the door opened revealing the male with sandwich in his hand meaning he was eating his dinner.

"Welcome AGAIN hyung" said the male with a sarcastic smile but with gritted teeth. The elder male just gave a sheepish grin before inviting himself inside.

Taking a seat on the living room where another male was sitting, he said a small 'hello' to him.

"Now what hyung? What's the reason she kicked you out of the house?" The younger asked the older who was hugging a pillow with a pout.

"Chocolate cakes" he gave a simple and short reply.

"Woah! So let me guess , she did not like the chocolate cake you bought instead she was craving for butterscotch?" Jungkook asked the older.

He nodded and started to recite what actually had happened to both the males present there.

"So actually what happened was....."


*Taehyung's Pov* ~Flashback~

I was working in the office not forgetting to check my phone for messages or calls from sae.

Finally after an hour which felt like an eternity I completed my work. Looking at the time in my watch that reads 7:30 pm and it was now my time to go home.

Oh! How much I miss snuggling close to her and hugging her!

Thinking of hugging her gave me more energy, so I quickly cleaned my table and grabbed my coat and briefcase, and walked towards the door.

On my way back I saw sae's favorite cake shop. Let me get her favorite cakes, she will be happy.

I bought 4 pieces for her and quickly drove towards our house.

Quickly punching the code i got in quietly making no noise so that I can give her a surprise. I kept my coat and bag on sofa and slowly Tip toed towards where she could be at the moment I walked towards the kitchen.

As expected she was cooking. I back hugged her and I could feel she jumped a little at my sudden appearance.

"Baby, I said you not to work. You are already 7 months pregnant and your carrying twins to specify. You will get tired. Now leave that and come with me" I picked her up in bridal way walking towards the living room.

"Tae! Leave me! I'm very heavy!" She said hitting my chest which literally hurts. "Ouch! Baby stop! It hurts" as soon as I said she stopped hitting.

"Are you okay? Did it hurt very badly? I'm such a bad wife! I'm sorry tae" She started to sob on my chest. Oh God, her mood swings are on the next level.

"Baby, it's nothing like that. You are not a bad wife. Your the best" I said placing her on the sofa and sat next to her.

"Now stop crying. Look what I bought for you" I wiped her tears and showed her the cakes with my boxy grin.

"You bought me Cakes! I was craving for those. Thanks tae! I love you!" She said with excitement and took the cake from my hand.

Her excited face turned into a frown making me confused. "Baby? What happen? You don't like them?"

"Tae I like butter scotch not chocolate cake."

"Baby but didn't you like chocolate cakes before?"

"Yeah but not anymore. My babies want to eat butter scotch not chocolate" She continued "Tae you forgot my favorite cakes" she said with a pout and teary eyes.

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