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●The next Day●

*Author's POV*

As usual Saeyoon woke up in Taehyung's embrace. She took her own time enjoying the view in front of her. Who wouldn't stare when there's a flawless handsome face in front of you and that too when that person is your husband.

She did not get up from her place instead just caressing his face with her palm. As it's Sunday, no work no tension, just enjoying.

Slowly taehyung also woke up from his slumber. "Did I wake you up?" Saeyoon asked her husband who was still trying to open the eyes properly due to the sunlight.

"Hmm" he just hummed in his deep husky voice and pulled her closer to him. She started to blush. And as soon as her face came in contact with his chest her heart beat started to thump harder. She still gets flustered whenever taehyung does these kind of things just to tease her as well as to show how much he loves her.

"Lemme go tae. I have to take shower. It's almost 11 am" She scolded.

But taehyung being taehyung, he did not let her go. After trying for a long time she finally wriggled out of his grasp. He just whined sitting on the bed.

After quite some time both are done with shower. Now they are sitting in the living room thinking what to do. They did not have their breakfast yet too. Both were in deep thought.

They looked at each other and taehyung said "Are you thinking the same what I'm thinking?" She nodded "I think yes"

"So how about-" taehyung was going to completebut instead both Screamed together in excitement "Shopping!!!"

It's almost gonna be a year since their marriage but still they never went to shopping together as a lovely couple.

Saeyoon took her purse and taehyung took his car keys. They came out and saeyoon locked the door properly before hopping into the passenger seat in Taehyung's car.

They reached the 'VT MALL' in about half n hour and started to stroll around looking here and there. "Tae how about we have breakfast first since we did not eat anything?" She pulled his sleeve. He nodded in response and went to the 3rd floor where there's restaurant.

They took their seats and a waiter came to take their order.


*Taehyung's Pov*

The waiter came to take the order "Are you ready to order sir and mam?"

I nodded "A hot chocolate and cheese grilled chicken sandwich for me and what about you Jagi?" I asked her.

"A Frappuccino and grilled chicken sandwich for me." She replied while putting the menu on the table. The waiter left saying our order will be there in few mins and I was just staring at her.

She was looking at her phone I think checking insta. She looked up to me and smiled "Is there anything on my face tae?"

"Aniyo. I was just admiring my wife's face." I replied with a cheeky grin. She just shook her head and went back to what she was doing.

Just then I got up. Can't ignore the nature's call you know. "Baby just wait here, I'll be back. Need to use the restroom" She nodded and I left the place searching for a restroom nearby.

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