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*Taehyung's Pov*

I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. Next to me I saw my sae sleeping peacefully while hugging me. After last night I bet she's tired. I took some good minutes to study her beautiful features.

'How in the world did this cute and responsible girl become my girl. I guess I protected the country in my previous life to get someone like her as my wife' I smiled to myself at this thought.

I took my phone to check the time and it's 6:30 am. It's still quite early to wake her up so I slowly got up from the bed coming out from her koala grip trying hard not to wake her up. Going to bathroom to freshen up I slipped into my fresh clothes.

'Guess I should visit hoseok. Even though I hate him but still he's my wife's friend and he looked actually broken yesterday.' I looked at sae "I'll be back before you wake up. I promise" I kissed her forehead and went to grab my car keys.

Soon I reached his house. Don't ask me how I know his house, I just know.

I rang the bell and after 2 mins he opened the door looking messy having puffy eyes like he cried for quite a long time.

"Oh taehyung? How can I help you?" He asked sniffing. "Ah I? I wanted to meet you" I said trying to ease myself.

He just nodded in confusion but let me in. I went in and sat on the single couch. "You want to drink coffee or tea?" He asked me trying to lessen the awkwardness between the both of us.

"How are you feeling now?"


*Hoseok's Pov*

"How are you feeling now?" Listening to this 5 words I couldn't hold my tears. I didn't want to cry in front of someone whom I don't know well but I just feel like telling him everything about my life, my happiness and my pain.

I was crying with my palms on my face when I felt someone hugging me. It was taehyung. I feel the brother bond with him even though we aren't in good terms he still came to check up on me.

"I just can't taehyung. I'm sorry for everything but I really love sae. I'm sorry for loving her. I know she's your wife but I still can't forget my feelings for her. I loved her ever since we were friends but I was afraid to confess my feelings for her. I'm trying so hard to forget my feelings but I just can't.i don't even know what to do now. I'm just hurting everyone around me. Even my ex cheated on me." I hugged him back, crying my heart out.

He was patting my back soothingly "I know. I know how much you are hurting. Cry it all out. I'm here for you." He whispered.

After some time when I stopped sobbing taehyung pulled apart and looked at him "Hoseok, I know how much you are going through and I think you should take a break from all these".

Being confused I asked "Break? But how?" He smiled a little "How about you go to some vacation and stay there for how much long you want and clear tour messed up brain. Then you come back and start with a fresh life? How does it sound?"

I thought about this for a while. 'He's right. Besides I don't want to burden Sae anymore with my problems so why not just go somewhere?'

After a long silence I opened my mouth to speak "Okay then. I'll do that. But why are you helping me taehyung?"

I was actually not able to understand to why was he helping me? I'm not even his friend or something. He put his hand scratching his non itchy head "Ah well.... I too don't know why. But I felt that I have to help you. Maybe because you are sae's bestfriend?" I nodded understanding.

I got up ready to pack my bag when he called me "By the way hoseok, can we be... I mean be friends?" I smiled and nodded and he jumped from his seat pulling me in a bone crushing hug "Thank you hyung!!!"

I frowned "Why are you calling me hyung?" He pulled apart smiling sheepishly "Ah well since... you are elder to me and you also give me sibling vibes. If you don't want I will not-" I cut his sentence "Ah I have no issues. You can call me by that."

"Hyung, I'll be leaving now. Sae might get worried if she doesn't see me" he said getting up. I nodded "Okay then... and tae? Please take good care of sae. She's my bestfriend, don't forget. If something happens to her you will be the first one to die by hands"

He shook his head in haste "I swear I won't hurt her. I will never." I again nodded "Good good. Then bye tae. We  will meet soon and I promise I'll be better by then" I hugged him one last time and he drove back as I entered my room to continue packing.

I booked the 1st flight to the other country.

After packing I took my luggage and locked my house. I took one last glance at my house "I'll be back soon." And I left towards the company.

As it's still early sae wont be here. I quickly wrote a short note for her and left the office before anyone comes.

Reaching the airport I checked in and took my boarding pass.

Soon it was my time to leave. I sat on the flight putting on my seat belt looking out of the window "I'll miss you Seoul and sae" and soon the flight took off to a new place where I'll be starting my new life.....


*Saeyoon's POV* [I see 👀 3 pov's in a single chapter. Did not expect right?]

I woke up and saw tae sitting next to me scrolling through his phone. "Good Morning tae~" I yawned stretching my arms.

"Good Morning jagiya~" he pecked my lips. "Hey! You can't just kiss me whenever you want. And I did not even brush my teeth" I pouted.

"Aww Com'on. I can kiss you whenever I want to. And don't forget about last night. I have seen ev-" I cut him by placing my palms on his mouth getting flustered remembering last night.

"Stop tae" I said feeling the hear rising on my face. He just laughed "Okay okay I won't tease you anymore by talking about last night to how sexy you were" I  huffed in anger "I hate you tae."

He cooed as if he was seeing a cute being getting angry "aww you don't sweetheart" I mumbled a short whatever and tried to get by but my legs failed to give me support.

"Aish! So annoying. It's all your fault tae. I can't walk because of you" I complained. He picked me in bridal style and took me to the bathroom "But weren't you the one who was enjoying the previous night" he smirked.

"How much I wish to wipe that annoying smirk of yours." I mumbled.

I felt him placing me in the tub "Should I help you take bath?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows.

"Get out byuntae!" I threw the Towel on him. He went out laughing.

I took shower and got out after getting ready for office. I went downstairs and saw tae cooking and I got an evil idea.

'You will pay for teasing me Kim taehyung' I smiled evily and tip toed towards him. With the count of 1...2...3... "BOOOOOO!!!!!!" "AHHHHHH!!!!" He jumped being startled.

"HAHAHAHAH I- I CAN'T STOP- HAHAHA the great Kim taehyung got scared by the childish act of mine"i teased him.

"Aish whatever" he said and continued to prepare the breakfast. We ate and he drove me to the office.

As I entered I was greeted by my co-workers. I mirrored the act and entered my cabin. I sat on the chair after keeping my purse the other side.

"He sure had a lot of strength last night. I still feel dizziness to walk. What did he eat to have so much strength" I said to myself when my eyes landed on a paper kept on my table.

I picked it up to read and right after reading the paper fell from my hand.

Note from Co-Author Miss SugarShiro5:
Hey guys! Sorry if you found it boring. Do say how the chapter was by commenting so I might know your opinion as well. Stay safe, happy and healthy.

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