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Saeyoon's Pov
"Hey you, whatever your name is, i just want you to know that I'm not interested in you, and that i have a girlfriend, and she'll sometimes sleep at our house, and we don't have a maid so you'll be doing all of the chores, and the house has 3 bedrooms and 1 guestroom, sleep in one of the bedrooms, I'll take the biggest one, I'll be saying the rest when we got there.", he said not even glancing at me, "Saeyoon, Park Saeyoon that's my name, you are who again?", i ask totally ignoring whatever he says, but i get it, and I'll be freaking obeying it cause i promise to my mom that I'll be a good wife, "Taehyung, Kim Taehyung.", he said with a cold expression, gosh I'm really hating him a lot.

We reach the house and jeez it's big, i get my stuffs, first my 2 luggage, he doesn't even help me, i guess his stuffs were already here, i go straight to a room next to the biggest one which is his, and put my luggage inside, there already has a queen size bed, and all the things i need in a room, a walkin closet and a bathroom, i go downstairs again to get my 3 boxes at once, i was struggling to go upstairs but i manage to go up and put it in my room, why the heck is he so cruel not helping a cute girl like me.

-Time Skip-
After putting my stuffs all around my room, i finally finished designing it, I'm still wearing my hoodie and jeans and it was so hot, so i decided to change into a black shirt and shorts, still wearing my snickers, I'm starting to feel bored as i flop in my bed, i then remember Hobi, my Hobi, and so i decidedto call him, and he answers immediately.

(On Phone, My Hobi is Hoseok's nickname on your phone)

My Hobi: Oh hey Sae, wassup?

Me: Nothing, I have to discuss you something, so i guess we can hang out today.

My Hobi: Yeah yeah I'll be meeting you at the park we always go to chill, be there in 10.

Me: Ok ok haha.

I then end the call with a smile on my face, since it will be cold outside, i wear my black jeans, i just keep wearing my black shirt, and just partnered it with my denim jacket, and still wearing my snickers, plus i wear a black cap, i then grab my phone a wallet.

I headed downstairs, i straight to the kitchen to grab a drink, i saw Taehyung drinking water as well, i get a glass and pour it with water, after drinking, i was about to go but he suddenly speaks.

"Where are you going?", he asks coldly, why di he even care?, "Just hanging out with my best friend, why?", i ask and he smirks, "Don't be home late.", he said and jeez your not my mom, "Why?", i ask again and he looks at me still with his nasty smirk, "You still have to cook dinner.", he said and it makes me glare at him, "Cook for yourself or order something.", i said and turn back, he grab my wrist and twist me around, "Obey me, or you'll regret it, we'll talk at dinner, just follow my orders and your life will just be fine.", he said which scares me, "O-ok, let me g-go.", i stutters and he lets me go, i headed to the front door and go to the park quickly i want to see Hobi real quick.

I reached the park and i go find him, once i spotted him i run towarrs him and hugs him, he was a bit shock but he hugs me back, "Woah, miss me alot? We just met yesterday at school.", he said and giggles, i break the hug and giggles too, "Yeah.", i said and he blushed, that was so cute, "So about the ice cream parlor I've been telling you yesterday, wanna go hang out there?", he ask and i nod excitedly.

We reach the ice cream parlor, we spotted a place to sit, it eas near the window on a corner, "So Sae, it's my treat, I'll get a vanilla flavor, and your perhaps a (fave flavor)?", he said and i nods giggling, "Stalker much huh.", i said and he just shows me his cute heart shaped smile, he then go orders our ice cream, i was thinking about how my life will be if I'm not going to be married to that jerk, will i end up with Hoseok?

After a few minutes he came back with our orders, "Woah Hobi, this looks delicious.", i said and started eating up, "I know right.", he said and i smiled, "So about the thing you wanna discuss, what is it?", he ask and i look at him, "Well uhm... Hobi, after graduation, I'll be getting married.", i said and he choked on his ice cream, "Married!?", he ask and i nods, "It's forced marriage, Hobi, i don't like the guy, i just met him yesterday, and we'll still stay friends, he got a girlfriend though.", i said and he gave a sad expression, "Well I will always be by your side, if you need me.", he said and smiles a bit.

We have fun at the rest of the day, and it was 5 already, i have to go home, "Hobi, I have to go home, I'll see you again, bye.", i said and he hugs me, "Bye.", he said and we waved at each other.

I reached home and as i enters i was surprised to see 2 other guys with Taehyung, i guess it was his friends, they all looked at me, "Hyung, is he the girl you're getting married with?", the guy with bunny teeth but cute says, and Taehyung just nod, "She's pretty and hot, if i were you I'll breaking up with that annoying, bitchy, and high pitched voice, girlfriend of yours which is Cassy, and imma keeping that girl.", he adds and Taehyung just glares at him, "Stop with the nonsense, she'll be just a maid to me.", he said which makes me mad, "Woah hyung, if you're not getting serious with this girl here imma getting her.", the bunny guy said, "Then go.", Taehyung said and the bunny guy go straight to me.

"Hi cutie.", he said and i blushes, "H-hi.", i stutters, "How cute, I'm Jeon Jungkook, but please call me Kookie, I'm 21, and you're?", he said and smiles, i guess he drinks a bit of soju he smells like it but he was not that drunk, "I'm Park Saeyoon, I'm 22.", i said and he giggles, "I'll call you Saesae noona, ok?", he said and i blush more, i just nod with it, Kookie was about to tell something but Taehyung cut him off, "Go home already, drop Yoongi hyung at his house.", he said and Kookie pouted cutely but not as cute as My Hobi, and obeys Taehyung.

As soon as they got out, Taehyung looks at me in the eye, "Change upstairs, then clean those bottles in the living room, then cook dinner, be fast we still have to talk.", he said and i just nod obeying him.

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