Evan. (39)

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--My POV-- 

I wiped away the smile and tried not to blush anymore as I walked into the kitchen. Everyone stared at me with one eyebrow raised. 

Me: hi?

Jared: where you been, Kaya?

Me: beach.

Paul: and with who?

Me: myself?

Quil: who was that guy that was carrying you here?

Me: a guy I met on the beach.

Kwoli: what’s his name?

Me: Evan

Kwoli: Dantes?

Me: that’s him

Kwoli: I approve.

Everyone but Seth and Koda: ditto

Me: ohhhhhhhhhk?

Seth: well, I don’t.

Kola: you don’t get a say in this.

Seth: why don’t I?

Jake: why do you care? You were the one killing her in the first place.

Embry: go run back to your Kayla.

Me: guys! Stop! Thank you guys for fighting my battles and being on my side, but no thanks. I want to fight my own battles, my way. Seth, I like Evan. You like Kayla. Just leave it at that. Everybody wins.

Koda: I don’t mama.

He runs into my arms and starts to cry. I carry him outside and sit on the porch

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