Time to walk away. (10)

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---Seth's POV--- 
Sam: is someone else here?

Emily: no, everyone who lives in this house is here,


I ran into her room and saw her unconscious on the floor. I ran to her and went down on my knees and tried shaking her awake. Everyone soon filled in the room wondering what might have happened. Tears were running down my eyes as I kept calling her name. Koda ran next to me and started crying. I let go of her and held Koda in my arms. He didn’t fuss or fight or push away, he just started crying into my chest. The same way Kaya would cry when I hold her. Kwoli carried her, with tears running down his face, and ran to the Cullen’s. Everyone followed either by phasing or driving. 

As for me and Koda, we stayed a little behind, and waited till we stopped crying. We finally stopped and I ran to the Cullen’s house, with Koda in my arms, as fast as I could. He held on tight, and mumbled in my shoulder, ‘Never let me and mama go, dada.’ I responded quickly, ‘NEVER.’ We finally reached the Cullen’s house and Koda did not like the smell. He scrunched his nose when I went inside. Rosalie and Emmett showed me where they were.

She was laying there, motionless and lifeless. Everyone was sitting down, heads in their hands, and quietly sobbing. Koda jumped out of my arms and ran towards Kaya and held her hands. ‘Mama, it’s Koda. Please be okay. I love you mama. Don’t leave me and dada. Please mama, please!’ No response of any kind, no sound, no signal, and no movement. Carlisle did all he could to revive her, but nothing was working. ‘I don’t hear a pulse in her.’ He immediately said. I dropped to my knees and my face dropped. Emily grabbed Koda and everyone left the room, leaving my last moments. I started talking, as tears were rolling down my face. 

Me: I’m sorry Kaya, for everything. I didn’t mean anything. I was just trying to protect us. I didn’t let you go before, and I never will. I’ll take care of Koda. I’ll make sure he knows that you love him every day. I’ll make sure he gets the best of the best. I’ll make sure I’ll be the best daddy I can be, I promise. We promised each other so much. I’m sorry Kaya, I know you are going to say, I know. But you don’t. You don’t know how sorry I am. If I could turn back time and changed the way I acted, then I would. I need you here with me now, but you are gone now. I’m sorry I didn’t keep my promise of being the best boyfriend in the world. But you were the best girlfriend anyone can ever ask for. I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way we planned before. I’m sorry I never got the chance to tell you, I love you, one last time. How do you look at the girl you love, and tell yourself it’s time to walk away? 

(cheezy,. got the last line from a movie, THE VOW. such a cute movie. one of my favorite lines from it. so i thought i'd use it here. hehehehehe. )

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