I really missed you. (2)

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---Seth’s POV---

When she left with Leah, I couldn’t stop thinking to myself. She’s alive. She’s actually alive. You were wrong all alone Seth. She’s alive! She’s here and she’s staying here! Maybe she’ll give you another chance. Don’t blow it Seth. It’s fate giving you another chance. I stopped once everyone rushed into the kitchen when Emily called dinner. I went into the kitchen and made sure Emily saved food for Kaya, Leah, and the little boy.

--My POV--

We hugged each other, and I went outside to head back to Sam’s. We went inside and found everyone already eating. Thankfully, Emily saved some before the guys demolished it. We ate and I fed Koda his food. Quil, Paul, Jake, Collin, and Brady looked at me while I was feeding Koda. I entered their mind, and they all asked the same question, ‘IS THAT YOURS AND SETH’S SON?’ I rolled my eyes and nodded. They stopped eating and went towards Koda and introduced themselves. In their minds, they all said the same exact thing, everyone already said. ‘He looks just like Seth. What’s his name?’ I then said in their heads, Koda Harry, then mouthed Clearwater. They smirked and went back to their seat to finish eating. I finished feeding Koda and asked Emily to clean him up and change him.

When she took him, someone stood over me. ‘Uh, Kaya? Can we talk outside?’ I nodded and we walked outside. ‘So, what’s up Seth?’ I said. He then grabbed me and pulled me into a big hug. I hugged him back feeling safe in his arms. Oh how I missed his hugs. They were so magical and tight, I didn’t want to let go. But it kind of went on for a long time, to the point where I did want to let go.

Seth: why didn’t you tell me you moved to LA?

Me: I kind of didn’t want a lot of people to know. Cause then it’ll be a big fuss, and everyone would hate me because they might think I moved to run away from my problems.

Seth: oh. I didn’t know. But you’re moving back? For forever, right?

Me: mos’def Seth.

Seth: good, cause I really missed you Kaya. I really did.

Me: I missed you too. A lot of things sure did change since I left.

Seth: yeah. Oh, and that little boy you brought with you. Did you adopt him or something?

Me: you don’t rem.. Uh yeah. I adopted him, because you know how much I love kids.

Seth: that’s good. For some reason, he actually looks like you.

Me: really? That’s really strange.

Seth: Kai, I was wondering if we could start on a fresh, new note. I mean that’s if you want to.

Me: I’d like that Seth.

I smiled at him hoping things would be different. I looked into his chocolate eyes and I was so hypnotized. I heard Koda running next to me, and I lifted him up into my arms.

Koda: you the mister who gave me my toy back.

Seth: yes, yes I am. I’m Seth. What’s your name cutie?

Koda: I’m Koda.

Seth: Koda?

Me: uh, he came with the name?

Seth: sounds familiar. Oh well, nice to meet you Koda. Mind if I hold you in my arms?

Koda: I don’t know..

Me: don’t worry sweetie. He’s not going to hurt you. He just wants to be your friend.

Koda: okay. SETH. SETH. SETH.

Seth grabbed him and started to play with him, tickle him, make him laugh, and smile. I couldn’t help but smile at Seth trying to be a good friend or father. I blushed at how much he made Koda smile. As much as I think Seth is accepting Koda as a friend, I think he’s accepting Koda more as a son. That’s all I ever wanted when I decided to come back to La Push. We walked back into the house and everyone was staring at us. I knew what they were thinking. I shook my head no and they just frowned. Seth went into the living room with Koda and everyone asked why I didn’t tell him. ‘He forgot I was even pregnant.’ That’s all I could say to them.

I walked into the living room and sat next to Seth. I told the rest of the pack to unpack the car and put everything in my room and to set up the crib. They did was they were told and finished within 15 minutes. Seth was playing with Koda for a while until Koda started to fall asleep in his arms. I stood up so I can take Koda, but Seth insisted that he’d take him upstairs himself so he doesn’t wake up Koda. I nodded and we went upstairs. When we went upstairs, I told Seth to put Koda in his crib. While he did, I tried unpacking some stuff. I then came to a box that said, HIS things. I thought about what was in it for a second but forgot what I even put in it. When I opened it, there was all the stuff Seth gave me. I smiled then someone stood next to me.

Seth: you kept all of the stuff I gave you?

Me: yeah. I didn’t have the guts to throw them away. It’d hurt too much.

Seth: I kept all of your stuff too. Do you still have the necklace I gave you?

Me: of course. There’s never a day where I don’t wear it. You still have mines?

Seth: never leave my room without it. Kaya, I really am sorry. I really did miss you too.

Me: I know Seth. It’s okay. I really missed you too.

Seth: uh, I was wondering, if you would go out with me, again?

Me: uh,

Seth: you don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I just,

Me: I would love to Seth.

Seth: I under, what? You said yes?

Me: pretty sure I just implied that.

Seth: I’ll pick you up at 3. Don’t forget to bring Koda.

Me: you want to bring Koda?

Seth: yeah. If you love him as a son, I’ll love him as a son. I want to be his father Kaya. I’ll do all I can to make sure he feels like I’m his real father.

Me: yeah, real..

Seth: good night Qahla. I’ll see you in the morning tomorrow. I still love you.

Me: good night Seth. Thank you. See you tomorrow… And I love you too.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. He said he wouldn’t leave my room till I fell asleep. I got changed and went to go lay down on the bed. I told him he could leave now. He said he had 2 things to do before he left. He sat on my bed, tucked me in, and kissed the top of my head. Just like old times. He left and I immediately dozed off.

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