What do I do now? (33)

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---Seth's POV--- 

I nodded and we headed back. The only thing on my mind was Kaya hearing every single word. I shrugged it off, and continued walking with Kayla. When we reached Sam’s, everyone was in the kitchen, silently staring at something. Kayla said enthusiastically, ‘hey guys! What’s up?’ Everyone turned his or her heads to us. Kole, Alana, Kwoli, Kola, and Koda bolted up, and walked passed us, hitting my shoulder or growling at me on their way out.

Kayla: what was that about?

I just shrugged my shoulders and stared at everyone else. Everyone else gave me the death glare. I told Kayla I’d see her later, and she left.

Me: okay, tell me what’s going on.

Embry: what?

Me: why did they just storm out of the house, and why is everyone giving me the death glare?

Paul: why do you want to know?

Me: because it involves me!

Jake: we would tell you, but you wouldn’t care.

Me: why wouldn’t I care? I’m asking you guys, right?

Emily: because it’s about Kaya.

Me: what,

Sam: You don’t care about her, right? So then, you don’t care about what’s going on.

Me: when did everyone turn on me?

Jared: once you started to turn on Kaya.

Everyone, but Leah, stood up and walked out of the kitchen. I sat next to Leah, and sighed.

Me: I don’t understand what’s going on.

Leah: she told us Seth. She told us everything you said about her. She’s just some girl you are a friend with, that she means nothing to you, that you don’t care about her, that you don’t want anything to do with her, and that you don’t love her.

Me: I just,

Leah: what?! You are just trying to convince yourself and Kayla that you don’t love Kaya ANYMORE.

Me: I don’t,

Leah: that’s some bullshit! We all know damn well that you love Kaya. Stop telling yourself that you don’t love her anymore.

Me: well, what should I do now?

Leah: you started this problem, and now, you have to solve it yourself. Kayla is a nice girl, and you’re just playing with her emotions. You know you are just trying to find another Kaya, but there’s only one Kaya.

Me: I know, where is she?

Leah: no one knows.

She stood up and went outside into the forest.

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