Very Peculiar. (17)

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--My POV--
We finally arrived at the Cullen’s house and saw the whole family waiting for us. Carlisle greeted and introduced himself and his family. Angelo introduced himself and his siblings. We went inside so they could explain what happened. After Angelo and the rest were done explaining, everyone was in total shock.

Carlisle: that is very peculiar. Awinita and Awan are too young to even survive the venom. They must be special for them to survive. What are you guys feeding on?

Angelo: humans. That’s what you guys feed on, right?

Carlisle: We are actually vegetarians. We only feed off animals. That is why our eyes are golden and not red. We will help you through all of this. So don’t worry about it.

Angelo: you’re going to help us?

Edward: we are here to help anyone. Welcome to the family, that’s if you guys accept.

They all nodded and went upstairs to the bedrooms with Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Alice and Jasper.

Carlisle: how did you find them?

Me: well,

Kwoli: we kind of went into town looking for them. Kaya sniffed them out, and we convinced them to come here,

Kiona: so you can help them.

Carlisle: I feel as if,

Me: Awinita and Ash are going to be hard to control.

Carlisle: correct.

Kole: but they haven’t been eating humans lately. That’s good right?

Carlisle: not exactly. The reason why they haven’t been feeding on the humans their brothers have been feeing on, is because they are all older humans. They want some around their age. Just, like

Me: Koda.

Carlisle: and,

Me: there’s no one else that can slip my mind as old as, wait. Kola and Kiona? 

Carlisle: correct.

Me: so, what are we going to do about them?

Carlisle: we are going to have to teach them how to hunt. I want them to meet the pack first, so they know not to feed on them and cross the treaty line. We also need Awinita and Awan to know now to feed on humans their age, especially Koda, Kiona, and Kola. Bring everyone here tomorrow around 3.

We nodded and headed back to Sam’s house.

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